

The content was simple "Just checking on you, how have you been"

and I replied "cool, I'm holding up"

I would say it was weird that we were sending such texts through emails and not direct messages.

The first few weeks were actually kind of nippy, I keep smiling anytime I read the messages he sent. None of them was top-notch, just the normal ones you'd receive from your mate. But the fact that he was even checking up on me or the fact that I keep checking my emails a hundred times a day is something to take note of. That's when I realized I liked messages, I liked talking to people without seeing their expressions and even when they decided to share their emotion by words, I read it in my tone, and it made me understand them, I mean him more. I figured though he preferred to do things physically.

Soon enough we started online classes and started seeing ourselves virtually. I always smile internally, I missed all of them so much; I missed seeing them, teasing them, getting them angry... the whole package, you just couldn't do it online. I didn't even think of chatting them up privately during classes, the way you'd normally do in school once you have the memory of those things. The idea of actually typing them killed those thoughts, I'd rather listen in class than chat my friends up on some side talks during class.

One other headache I once faced was... homework, yeah assignments😖. Don't get me wrong I valued doing homework but not online😣. Once I was called by my mum for dinner and was just about to submit a project, one that I used an hour plus to prepare. As soon as I clicked the submit button... the page reloaded🤣. At first, I giggled, I was very mad at the moment so the first thing I did was laugh, I thought it would cool me down but I ended up crying. I put so much effort into that thing and just one click. Just one click was all it took to wipe out my effort and hard work, what about my time? I could have finished about 10 difficult levels of candy crush during that time and still have plenty of time for a beauty nap.

Once in a while, Yash and I would interact but we never truly met each other online so they weren't long messages. Until one day, in the evening, that was the first time we were online together. He was just about to leave when I hopped on board, but he told me he could spare a few more minutes.

We started by asking each other about school stuff and all but soon enough I began to talk about my whole day, how much time I used to do something or any special event or anything for that matter. I'd talk about the food we ate and how we decided on the food. My family was never the time-table kind.😅

Yash was just there, listening, he's such a good listener. Unfortunately, he forgets the kinds of stuff I want him to remember and remember the ones I don't.

Before he left I was quick to ask him when next he would be online so we would stop missing each other. This he replied to and I was very happy about it.

At that moment I didn't think much of it, I just enjoyed the moments we shared. They were exceptional.

One evening, while we chatted, he told me his mum wanted him and Kara to message each other. Why?

Well, Kara told her mum she wanted to talk to him and her mum knew just the exact words to use.

Sincerely speaking I never liked Yash's mum, she acted partially sometimes, or if I must, most times. I wasn't happy to hear this news and whatever thing I thought was unique about Yash and I talking were soon gone, there was nothing special, it was high time I remembered we are just friends checking up on each other😑no string attached. I replied to Yash saying;

"Sure, why not, chat her up, I mean why are you even telling me, it's good and none of my business"

Quiet harsh but I think he understood because he didn't press me on, which I appreciate by the way.

I had my suspicions about Kara having a soft spot for Yash, but now that it was obvious, I mean wasn't it? why else would you want to chat with him PRIVATELY?🙄 Or maybe I was just reading too much into it, "aish😤 never mind, it's probably the headaches. Gosh, I need to take care of myself more," I said, speaking to myself.

Soon enough I began having these inspirational thoughts whenever I just sat down to close my eyes, they never came before, they were always about this girl who learns to do things on her own, anything for that matter and happens to fall in love, but there was a catch, I couldn't bring myself to allow them to kiss. I felt like I was betraying someone if I made them do that. I knew it was all n my head and so I decided why not write it down.

I began to write my first online book, this one was about a girl who got lost while going camping. She was meant to be murdered but found a way to escape to a mysterious land, where she was meant to blend in and learn their ways. The question is what is mere lock or does fate have something planned out for her?

I had this beautiful picture going on in my head, where she happens to meet a guy that helps he in her journey, which she is meant to fall in love with. I mean eventually but I don't think this was enough to write a book.

I had no idea who she was, how they met, her history, you know, like a catch; something that could hook the readers. So I decided to search for help and that was where I met my grandpa😅

See ya,

Love ya.

Hehe, it's actually not her grandpa, guess you actually knew that, no more spoilers, see you next chap.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

FancyBaecreators' thoughts