
Reaching The Heavens By Evolving

The Quar is a unique being with the ability to control bodies from a distance. The story follows a specific Quar, who has lost their sense of self and identity. They do not remember their name and refer to themselves as Quar, which is the name of their race. This Quar known as Quaren has an unconventional idea: instead of using their own body as compensation for controlling another, they decide to take a risky path and send their original body to the host body's location. They have no knowledge about humans or their ways of living, so their goal is to simply survive and adapt to their new surroundings. As Quar navigates the challenges and ethical dilemmas that arise from their actions, they begin to realize the true consequences of their actions. They had to learn to live with the new body, feeling the physical sensations and emotions that it had. They also had to learn to interact with others and society. They had to learn to respect the autonomy of the body they possess and to understand the impact of their actions on the people around them. Quar's journey as only "he" may decide to form new connections and relationships, or to keep to himself, as he may find a way to return to their original form or to find a new one, the story is open to different possibilities. Please note that the story suggests body possession and control which are not acceptable and may be harmful to the readers. It is recommended to avoid such content that may include the gruesome, vulgar or evil side of humanity.

Rockayy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Urgh... The hell happened?

That was the first question in my mind.

Why does it hurt all over my body?

Wait, what?

What is the body?

〣Body? That´s the thing that we always use, right? 〣

I don´t even know...

〣So you don´t want to own one? 〣

How do i want something when I don´t know what I want...

〣And do you want me to explain to you what the body is? 〣


〣The body is a thing that allows you to interact with the "Other" and when you are body-less and without reserve body you will be gone. 〣

So I ended up here?

〣No, you are special. 〣


〣Normal Quar is born with a body as a device for his interaction with the "Other" and to maintain our connection with "body" we have to use ourselves. 〣


〣 Yes... 〣

And how am i "special"?

〣As I said earlier you are special because you don´t have the body and you even don´t know what body is so I categorized you as special. And in your case as special you are not Quar but you are Quaren that is not to be forgotten. 〣


〣 Because you have a choice. 〣

What choice?

〣That´s up to you. 〣

┊So he said that I have a choice so what can I choose? Can I wish something? Wait! Why do I have to use myself to operate "body" why can´t I be "body"? ┊

I have a question.

〣What question? 〣

Can I use my choice as a wish?

〣That´s up to you 〣

So can I be the body?

〣 ... 〣

〣Hahahaha! That was the funniest thing I ever heard. Hahahahaha!〣

So it is not possible?

〣It is! Of course, it is. Because you just used your choice!〣


〣So what body is that you want?〣

Can you suggest one for me?

〣I can suggest one for you but the final choice is up to you, Young Quaren.〣


What did you do?

Why do I have all kind of bodies in my mind?

It hurts!



〣Select type of your body 〣

Eh? Eh??!

Special... this is?

〣So you selected special... type of body.〣

Arg! No! Not again! Aargh!

It is a sunny day in the morning of the Fal Kingdom's Purple Town.

As always everything is quiet, because this town is a town without children due to an unknown curse, so the town is slowly but surely disappearing.

Suddenly this quiet atmosphere is broken by the sound of the thunder.

"Oh, Lord please have mercy! We did nothing wrong. We pray to you mighty Gratz,

the Commander of Thunder to extinguish this curse that is ravaging us."

An old priest prayed. And while he was praying our Quaren experienced shocking scene.

This is? Me?

Quaren started looking around with his special... body.

He confirmed that his new body was somehow created and he was laying on something weird.

Wait! Why I can't sense a thing but see everything so clear?

What is this?

Quaren was very shocked and even shocked by his shock. He started to get used to the feelings that he was experiencing for the first time of his existence.

So this is now the new me? Quaren started to look at himself. He figured out that he is in a body of ant... yes... just a little brownish ant.

This is my new body? It looks so special! I think I should do something for it but what is that?

Suddenly a wasp lying nearby entered his field of view.

A wasp, how do I know it's a name? Maybe it's because of my body? If I have this sort of hidden information inside myself can there be more? Let's try it.

After a while of searching in his head, he came to know about a few things.

So, I must feed this body of mine? Ugh, why did I not choose myself back then this is so troublesome...

As he was finishing his newly acquired food he noticed that his body was feeling weird.

So he tried some of the things he wasn't sure of... As he was playing with his body he found out that he was tired or that was it called. So he decided to dig a hole to sleep in.

It's a new day and the first rays of sun started to warm the air. Quaren was still sleeping in his hole.

But during the night something happened! Quaren woke up and found out that his body underwent a change. His color changed to yellow with a glimmer of golden color.

What should I do today? Should I go and visit my nest? Will they found out? Rather not...

Just as he was thinking about what to do he saw a big brown thing.

This is...? Bear? A crazy idea popped out of his mind: How does a bear taste like? Does he have tender flesh?

After some time passed he decided to sneakily attack that bear. To his surprise he realized that the bear was sleeping.

Should I really do it? But why not, even if he wants to find me he can't because he is so big and I'm so small. After a while of hesitation our brave ant soldier was near bear's leg.

Let's do this. He's gone through the fur to his fatty flesh.



Nothing so far happened in the forest and to the bear. After while Quaren started to think that his body is a bottomless pit, that can absorb everything he ate be it some old skin of the bear or some of it's fur. As he was eating fur he decided to finally taste the real meat. Chomping around for a bit he managed to bite of a small chunk for himself. From god knows where a serious tiredness appeared and knocked Quaren unconscious.

After he came back to himself it was a deep night. Quaren felt like he was a little off so he looked at his body. To his dismay something totally wrong happened. The small ant was nowhere to be seen and what replaced it was a wasp. Quaren was totally out of his mind.


15.4.2019 Uploaded corrected version of this chapter.

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