
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Meeting Once More

Catching Xilo just before he fell, Xelfia made sure he was okay. His body was shaking and he had lost some body heat, making him a tad bit cold to the touch. "He lost..." Now that Keltal was dying before their eyes all of them had realised how much they relied on Keltal to win. Without him, a sense of defeat was starting to creep it's way into their hearts. Pinning itself there, Xilo did his best to stand on his own as he watched Keltal. This was the man who had watched over him and his Clan for years. Their relationship wasn't exactly friendly but to see him die like this still stung way more then Xilo thought it would. Smashing his hand into his knee Xilo felt like beating himself up as he glanced at the Queen. "All for your stupid wants, you'll cause so many others pain." Taking a step forward Xilo tried to shake off this relentless feeling of nausea as he ignored Felli.

"Are you really happy with all this!?!"

Shouting that out loud Xilo had enough of it all. The Queen didn't even bother acknowledging his outburst though. Pulling her sword out of Keltal's body the Queen watched as blood dripped off into the ground as she noticed another presence joining this place. Most of her underlings were running around outside keeping order in the city or stopping people from entering the Castle. So there shouldn't have been any extra people interrupting them. "An Anomaly has joined us." Looking up from her sword she wondered who could have possibly joined them. Gazing upon a man who stood at her entrance, his clothing was still covered in his own blood. He seemed to be injured from the way he was standing. Slightly hunched over along with some visible injuries that looked untreated.

"Why..why in the world would you decide to show up, what could you possibly do in that condition? Did you come here just to make things harder on me or is it something else?"

Her voice started off frail and weak as she looked at the man who joined however that soon transformed into power and anger.


"Answer ME Aeon! Don't you dare stay quiet!. I told you to leave and what did you do? You showed up here like an absolute idiot...Why...why....just why, leave me alone...."

Faced with such a violent response, Aeon felt the words he wanted to say get stuck in this throat. Giving up on staying hidden he showed himself to the world as he looked around the room. "Telan, Xilo.." Telan and quite a few others had been knocked unconscious in this fight with only a few left standing. It was probably by the girl he didn't recognize or by the Queen he didn't know, either way they had to be quite powerful so to see Xilo and his friends here fighting still was surprising. "Or maybe it was on purpose." A couple of ideas floated around inside his head as he locked onto the Queen. Clearing his throats he was ready to accept all the hate, all the burden. Everything that Katrin would throw at him, even if she really did kill him this time. She had all the reasons to be angry and even more.

"I'm here to help...whether or not you want me to. I'm here to save you."


Overcome with anger and rage the Queen couldn't stop herself from hurling her entire body at Aeon. Swinging her sword she aimed right for his neck with all of her strength. She was absolutely pissed off to hear those words come out of Aeon's mouth. He had zero right to say such things to her and she had already warned him about what would happen if he appeared before her again. There were no more second chances or third, this was the final line that had been crossed. "I hate you Aeon...so much." Her sword slashed across his neck aiming to separate his head from his body. Watching Katrin come for his life Aeon didn't quietly accept it this time around.

"Hate me all you want Katrin, You won't stop me. Not this time!"

Even with all of his injuries he still managed to slip back just in time to dodge her attack. Pain attacked his body from such sudden movements however he didn't care in the slightest. Even if his body fell apart piece by piece. Decaying with the rotting of time, he would save Katrin. He had made a promise to himself that he couldn't break. "Even if it means going against her." Gritting his teeth he took out a sword of his own as he swooped back in for a counter attack. Aiming for her sword arm he tried to disable her from using it anymore but missed. His body was too injured for his reactions to be fast enough. "This will be tough as hell." He knew that and yet that calm smile he always had was sneaking back onto his face.

"Don't laugh at me, don't get cocky either!"

Seeing that stupid grin Katrin couldn't control herself as she attacked again. All of her previous bravado had disappeared completely with Aeon here now. The wall she had put her emotions behind was crumbing to dust with each second that passed and nothing could stop her now. Not even her own Mother would be enough. "Screw her and screw you Aeon." Slash after slash of anger came out with each attack Katrin attempted but they all missed just the same. Even with Aeon's current condition she still couldn't hit him. Even if each attack seemed like they were going to hit, it managed to miss at the last second. "Arrrgghhhh." Frustration was building up more and more with each moment they fought while Felli felt a small void of memories open up.

"Aeon....where have I heard that name before?"

She didn't know who he was or where she heard that name but she felt like she recognized it from somewhere, she just couldn't put her finger on it.


Thank you for reading...

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