
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

Let loose Just This Once For Me, Please?

Watching almost a hundred Astral Beasts simultaneously turn in his direction and look in his direction he didn't really know what to think or even do for that matter. "Whatever you do, don't freak out and run." Telling that to himself repeatedly he watched as they began to move towards him looking for whatever they sensed. "Can I escape?" Trying to see any gaps in the circle they had formed he needed a way out and fast. "None, of course." He was completely trapped in a ring of Astral Beasts and despair was slowly taking over.

"Will I really need to fight?"

He had some practice before but he was almost positive once he started fighting it'd be him against the world and yet that thought didn't completely scare him, instead it fueled that urge to move forward. "I'm running out of time to decide." He wanted so badly to follow that instinct but a small part of him screamed at how stupid that was. "You can't escape, so follow your instincts for once. It'll be fun I promise." However that lure of temptation was too strong and for once he didn't feel like holding it back especially without Xelfia around anymore. Thinking that slowly multiple ice blades started to form in his hands without him knowing as they were corrupted with smaller pieces of darkness different from his own usual one. This one was much more sinister and lustrous compared to his calming darkness that would silently grab anyone's attention.

"Do I really need to?"

Looking down in his hands he watched as his Ring's dagger appeared as well. "You do." "I do?" "Aren't you angry? Upset? Frustrated? You saw what happened to Xelfia better than anyone, Even Relia left you." "That was my choice and that doesn't mean she's dead either." "Then what about that other girl? Tearia was her name right...You can't have possibly forgiven her have you?" "No of course not." "Then I'm sure you feel frustrated, why not just let it out for once?" "But...." Listening to that soft woman's voice in his head Xilo didn't even have time to question what was happening as hate started to travel through his head.

"Yes, just like that, You're allowed to be angry, emotions are just human nature remember that and don't disappoint me boy. Grow stronger and tear asunder this world, You've always hated this place after all, though maybe you've slowly forgotten that. It has been a long time since back then after all and you always were good at running.."

Feeling a hand gentle glide across his cheek he felt his sense of reason slip as one the Astral Beasts that were close to him with high instincts pounced towards him no longer giving him a choice in the matter. "Fine." Taking one of his ice blades he slashed at it in mid air with speed that wasn't normal to him and watched as it fell apart into two pieces. If all the Beasts around him weren't aware of his presence before then they were now when they saw one of their own kind killed out of nowhere. Seeing as even more turned towards him, Xilo gave up hiding himself as he began to throw out ice daggers in all directions that pierced any beasts that came in contact while he let loose.

Slowly his red hair grew more prominent amongst the silver as it spread bit by bit while the roars of hundreds of beasts echoed through the entire place while they all started to rush towards him regardless of what their strength was. Slashing through another one he recalled his Ring Dagger he threw earlier before swifting turning around and slashing one of the Keltals that snuck up behind him and quickly cut one of its arms off before watching it's head fall to the ground afterwards. Watching it die so easily brought him a small bit of satisfaction however even with the speed he was killing things he couldn't keep up with the sheer amount that were surrounding him.

"Time to give this a try."

Generating Astral Ice in his body he charged it up as he killed another couple Beasts before letting it discharge from his body. Within seconds Ice covered the whole area around four meters around him as it caused all the Astral Beasts to freeze completely solid before being trampled over by their companions and dying. "That worked nicely." Smiling he started to build up Astral Ice to do the same thing again while he continued to make daggers to use. In that moment everything he was doing felt so much easier and more fluid than ever before as he slowly got lost in the flow of the fight as more blood splattered everywhere around him while he grew stronger as time went on.

At this point he already killed over a hundred Astral Beasts and Xilo had to admit it, it felt good. "Just die." Causing another Ice field slowly new ideas on how to use it filled his mind that he never thought of before that might have been too difficult to pull off but now he was confident and each kill he got just increased that confidence further. Bursting a layer of ice once more he quickly turned around and spawned a wall of ice, instantly blocking an attack from another Keltal that thought it was sneaky while a Kefin got crushed into pieces by his bare hands as ice daggers flew through the air. "Call for your damn friends, I want them all." Taking the kefin he grabbed he ripped a piece of its body off with his mouth and consumed it's icy flesh.


Yet he felt his Astral Energy quickly coming back as his power ran rampant while growing. "I should do this more." Thinking that he eyed all of the different species that were currently around him as his eyes lit up in joy. "So many, It's been so long." A feast was before his eyes and he wasn't going to pass it up. "I need more energy after all." Each attack he did may have killed tens of Astral Beasts yet they all took its toll on him slowly and there were still so many Beasts before him so this was perfect for a little quick recharge. If not he would eventually be overrun.


Thank you for reading...

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