
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

Flint's Disappearance

With the sheer amount of people that were there they couldn't help everyone. There were hundreds of tents filled with at least thirty people each, sometimes more. It was quite a disastrous sight and Xilo was sure it was worse before. He had heard a little from Relda about the situation here and the thousands that have died already. There were just too many people in this city for them to handle and take care of which is why he and the other girls took the time to go around helping where they could. "That should do it." Giving someone a small crystal of Astral Energy he made sure they were alright as he left the tent.

"One last tent then I should probably head back."

Walking into the tent that he remembered Flint was in, he brushed aside the fabric blocking the entrance and saw a smaller group of people then he was used to. "Only fifteen here." He hadn't noticed it before since he never saw the other tents but this one was holding fewer people. "I wonder why?" Seeing Flint a little ways away he strolled up to him as he said hello. This time he was already awake, since he came so late. "Looks better, kinda." Some of the exhaustion had faded along with his injuries yet he still seemed pretty weak.

"Hey Flint, how are you feeling?"

Hearing a familiar voice Flint tried to smile.

"Hia, Xilo. Been a little bit since we last talked and I see you didn't bring your friend this time."

Usually Relia came with Xilo whenever they talked so it was a bit strange to just see him. Though Flint was just happy to have someone to talk to. Ever since he had been running he barely ever had any time to talk to people so it was a little lonely. "I made my choice." It was also around the time he should be leaving here too, he was just waiting to say goodbye to Xilo and Relia. They hadn't talked a whole lot however it was enough for him compared to his past month. "I should be able to walk again now." As long as he could move, it was good enough for him.

"Yeah, right now she's helping out other people and busy. So you just have to deal with boring old me alone."

"When did you become old?"

"That's what you question?

Shrugging his shoulders Flint didn't know what to say. Laughing a little, Xilo waved his hand as he moved on catching up a bit. The two of them talked for a little bit with Xilo avoiding what had happened as best as he could. Checking over the condition of Flint's body Xilo wondered once more whether or not they could help with his parasite. "I should at least have Tearia take a look." That thought flew through his head as they continued to talk for a little bit. Once they came to a stand still in their conversation Xilo decided to just ask Flint.

"Hey flint, I've got another friend that's pretty good with medicine and stuff. Do you mind if she takes a look at the parasite in your body?"

It was a worth a shot to ask.


"That a no?"

Flint was a little shocked Xilo wanted to help him so much. "It won't work but...." At the very least it wouldn't hurt to humour him a little bit. The worst that would happen is him getting what he already knew reaffirmed once more. "I guess I can." It would also give Xilo some hint of how serious the parasite attached to his heart was. He didn't want to scare Xilo however he wanted him to know not just anything would fix it. So with a bit of hesitation Flint agreed, after he would leave.

"Fine, fine. I'll give it a try, it won't hurt. Let's go."

Standing up, Flint tried to move his body for the first time in a couple of days. Standing tall, he felt himself falter a bit but he stayed standing. Panicking a bit, Xilo watched from the side as Flint tried to take a step forward. With a couple of steps he seemed fine for the most part, it wasn't until he had left the tent that Flint finally tripped up. Watching him fall down, Xilo quickly grabbed his body and stopped his fall. "Close one." Steadying Flint, he let him lean on his body as they walked back to Relda's tent.

"Just a little more."

He could see the light from the tent as they rounded the corner to the entrance. Stepping inside the sun was starting to set now and the day was coming to an end. "Wonder if they all made it back." Once he was inside he was met with each of the girls' faces smiling at him once they noticed his presence. "Good." Seeing them all their Xilo brough Flint to the table with him as he set up a chair and sat him down. Introducing Flint to his group he looked at Tearia who was still working hard. "I hate to interrupt her...." This was a situation where he felt it was best he did though.

"Hey, Tearia. I'm sorry to interrupt but I wanted to ask you something."

Watching her put her stuff down, he pointed at Flint as he explained the situation to them all. Once he was done, he waited for Tearia's response. Looking at Xilo, Tearia rolled her eyes a bit as she sighed and walked over to Xilo. Taking a look at flint she grabbed his arm as she sent a bit of energy through his body. She didn't want to waste any more time then she had to but since Xilo asked she had to. "Let's see what's wrong with this one." Her energy travelled to his chest before Tearia instantly pulled back out of fear.

"What the hell is that....."

Taking a deep breath, Tearia tried to steady her breathing as Xilo looked her over in a rush.

Sorry this is late, seems rough weeks turned into longer then that lol..


Thank you for reading...

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