
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

Failure Or Success

With Xilo behind her Xelfia faced the Statue trying to get its attention with a quick feint before backing off to the side to get it away from Xilo well also giving him an angle and thankfully it worked. "Well that's step one. Now to keep it as still as possible for Xilo to get a look." If the Statue had some semblance of intelligence neither of them could pull off this plan but like the others before they seemed to have little to none.

Xilo still had some worries about letting Xelfia do this but it was already too late once she had already started. "I just need to end this fight faster then." With a smile he began to concentrate on the Statues back now that he could get a good look at it once again. It's back was golden with tons of white scratches left throughout it's back by himself but he could still see it relatively well and with Xelfia doing a good job he had a lot of the time to look.

"Now where's the spot I saw before...."

Studying his eyes went upwards near its shoulder on the left side where he saw something last time that threw him off a little bit but who knows he could have been imagining it at the time but now was the time to find out. "Now what's that?" Inching forward a little bit he tried to get a slightly better look at what he saw. Looking at the place he saw before a small glow of purple seemed to be surfacing through the Statue's skin and well it was faint Xilo could tell it was there and from the looks of it that area of its body seemed to thinner from the rest but he had no idea what was there.

"Well That should be the weak spot at least so that confirms what I saw before now it's just time to start my plan though I do wonder what that thing is."

If it wasn't so purple Xilo might not have spotted it but thankfully he didn't miss it or this fight might have been a lot harder then he would have liked. "All I have to do now is switch places with Xelfia and wait for it to begin its pattern again. If it's works the way I want this fight should be over." Maybe he was getting a little ahead of himself but he could already feel his body losing some of the tension it had at the start but maybe that was also his body getting too tired to keep it up.

"We should hurry, Hey Xelfia switch with me!"

Shouting towards Xelfa well she continued to do her best to dodge and keep the Statue distracted he tried to get her attention.

"Huh? Oh right alright. Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Yeah I found it now I just need you to wait for my signal."

Barely dodging another blade when Xilo spoke she panicked for a second but she was able to dodge it regardless even with pain coursing through her body constantly but now that Xilo seemed to have found what he was looking for the hard part was over for her. "That was a lot tougher than I thought." Every time she moved her body during that time she felt like she was being stabbed repeatedly and while she was slowly healing it wasn't something easy to handle but she did it. "So close...." Thinking that she jumped back before moving back to Xilo to swap. Arriving beside him she slightly stumbled but thankfully XIlo didn't seem to notice as he went forward to fight now.

"My job is to create more vines now." Settling her own breathing she winced at the pain but began to fully focus on creating vines to use to hold down the Statue and wait for Xilo's signal. "I wonder If I did good in his eyes...." Asking something obvious even to herself Xelfia shook her head at the thought because a part of her still thought she didn't but that wasn't smart thinking at all. "Nor is Xilo that kind of person..." Stopping herself from falling into that endless cycle of thinking Xelfia just praised herself instead for once well concentrating again. "Sometimes you don't have to overthink things."Smiling relief filled her body.

Jumping straight in Xilo could finally stop running away as he charged the Statue. His goal was simple now all he had to do was force it to charge at him and make it land into another pillar once again before the flames separated them. "One shot at this now." If this failed they would probably be too tired to continue once again so Xilo had to make sure they succeeded this time or who knows what might happen after that. Slashing the Statue's arm he ran his blade against its arm.He didn't know the exact trigger to make it go towards himself in a wild frenzy but he had seen it happen twice now so there had to be some sort of movement or attack that made the Statue do it. All he had to do was figure that out or get lucky now at this point. Smiling he attacked again as he dagger fell off the first arm before Xilo glided his body between its arms before making his way to the other arm then dodged as the it's blades followed after him attacking.


Smiling he continued exchanging blows as he felt his energy depleting but Xilo didn't care as he continued to use any method he could to try and get the Statue to charge him. Thankfully it didn't take too long as Xilo just finished dodging another attack before he saw signs of the same pattern again and watched as the Statue began to turn sporadic and attack him endlessly without stopping again.

"This is our chance."

Now They just needed to pull it off


Thank you for reading...

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