
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Can't Be Found

Walking over the flattened metal that were once those Metal knights Xilo tried to hide his slight surprise as they continued their little journey. "Getting stronger eh, doesn't really sound like me If i think about it but maybe that is what I want." Replaying Felli's words he watched as a couple more rooms passed him by, that he decided to check out before continuing with the girls but besides dust they didn't find anything in them, not even any more books or paper that he had been finding before. "I found those things non stop before but now they've stopped appearing, wonder why?" He had around twenty or so pages in his bag alone along with the book so seeing them disappear suddenly was a bit odd.


"What is it Xilo?"

Hearing Xilo slightly groan as he scratched his cheek Tearia was a little curious what was bothering him but she didn't get a reply as he dug around in his bag before pulling out a book that seemed slightly familiar to her. "What's that?" Sneaking towards him a little more she walked behind his back and peaked around his shoulder due to not being tall enough to peak over as they walked.

"This looks...."

Watching him flip through mostly blank pages with blurred writing here and there a thought came to her as she grabbed a book out of her necklace storage and compared the two of them. "These seem really similar don't they?" Besides the colour of the pages they seemed to be the same thing.


Noticing Tearia trying to get closer to him, he turned his head back slightly as he saw her take out a book from thin air that was awfully similar to his. "Where did that come from, wait no, more importantly where did she get that." Stopping dead in his tracks he let Tearia bump into his stomach to stop her as he stared into her eyes after waking her up from her little walk. Looking up as Xilo stared intently at her she felt her body get a little hot as it continued but before she could let her thoughts run wild his voice pierced her fantasies waking up her.

"Where did you find that book?"

"Uhm...we found it back in the room at the beginning of this place though it didn't seem to be anything special."

"She's right you know, I think I overheard quite a few people finding something similar to that book at the time."

Jumping into the conversation Felli was a little interested to know why Xilo seemed to want to know about that book himself.

"I see, Would you mind handing it to me then? I want to take a look at it."

"Sure I don't have a problem with that."

As far as Tearia was concerned everything that was her's was already Xilo's so he didn't even need to ask if he wanted something, she would just give it to him. Handing over the book she watched as Xilo took it with a smile on her face as Felli's curiosity grew even bigger. "What's he up to?" Looking down at the two books he was holding he flipped through the pages of Tearia's as similar results to his own book showed up but that wasn't what he was concerned with completely. "Where is it..." Getting near the end Xilo finally found the page he was looking for as a small jolt ran through him. "here it is." Looking down at the writing that was no longer faded like the rest Xilo flipped through his own book to compare.

"They seem the same except...this one says to find the missing pieces and this one doesn't say anything like that. Weird..."

Trying to think about why they were like this he felt an itch of impatience attack him. "Two books that are the same but a sentence of different writing." One wanted to find the other missing pieces and the other says it never wants to be found. "What to do with this..." Thoughts flew through his mind of what if's as he lost some concentration to his surroundings while he thought forgetting the world around him.

"What's weird Xilo?"

Watching Xilo space out, Tearia looked up at him as he focused, unable to grab his attention with nothing working anymore. "Ha..he's always like this whenever he focuses too hard." Contemplating what to do to snap him out of it an idea came to her mind that was slightly devious as Astral Energy began to spark to life on her hands. "A little payback." Inching her fingers closer to his hand she kept telling herself this was the only way as she sent a little spark through his hand. "Whoa." Feeling a literal shock hit him he activated his Astral Energy in a panic as Tearia came into his vision with a smile on her face and no other danger around.



Before he could say anything he heard a slight rustling sound coming from his hands as he looked down and watched as the two books in his hands pages turned on their own without him doing anything. "What's happening." Not knowing what to do he watched the books begin to go crazy as the pages they had left flapped back and forth with a power he didn't think was possible. "What's happening...." However before he could do anything else a bright light shined in his eyes blocking his vision for a quick second and by the time he could see again there was only one book in his hands now.

"""What just happened?"""

Were the words that left all their mouths as soon as they could see again. Looking down at the one book in his hands Xilo forgot about scolding Tearia as he slowly opened up the pages of the book with the girls huddling over him to see what had happened. Flipping to the page from before Xilo looked at the new words written there as he repeated them out loud.

"Find the Missing pieces but be warned, some things might not want to be found regardless of how hard you search."


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