
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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Looking at the words one more time in his head only one thing came to mind.

"This is....useless."

He wasn't even surprised by the fact that the book had combined now he was just left slightly speechless. "Not even a hint or two." Complaining in his head he felt the book leave his hand but he didn't care at the moment, he was too busy grumbling about the stupidity of that to focus. "What's the point of these books if they don't do anything...wait. Books, books....." Snapping back to focus he looked down at Tearia but before more words could leave his mouth as the idea formed in his mind, she already began to speak.

"Xilo, you know there's more here right?"


Putting himself beside Tearia he peered over her shoulder to see what she was talking about. "I might be blind." Looking at her finger pointing at the other page of the book he saw a small sentence there that wasn't there before. "In Total there's twenty different books that are similar and all must be found. If they aren't-" Getting to there it got cut off as the writing faded into the background of the book no longer able to be read. "So there's twenty of these things, then what about the paper that came with it, is it useless or does it have a purpose as well?" Looking through his bag quickly he tried to find the paper he found before. "Nope still here." Grasping a piece he didn't know what to think about this as Felli finally spoke up.

"So it seems like these books might have a purpose after all from the looks of it however I assume by now they've been found by everyone that roams these halls so they could be anywhere now."

He agreed fully with her on that. "We've found two so far which means there's eighteen left or so assuming no one else has figured out the trick behind these or their purpose. If they have it might spell more trouble for us." These books held some kind of secret that was for sure and if more things got revealed as you collected more than some people were bound to be hunting the books down if they could. "Which just means more enemies." He could just hand it over to them and be done with it but this had piqued his interest as well. He loved reading and this book had latched onto that so if he could he wanted to complete it and see what secrets it was hiding. "There's no way this thing is as simple as it appears." He knew a lot more about Astral Zones then most in some areas and this was screaming at him.

"Yeah, I think we should look for the rest too if possible."

"What? Why? If someone has already left this Castle with one of those books you'll never find them all. It's a waste of time and just asking for more people to fight."

"Eh maybe but we both know this could lead to something big and I want to follow it. If you disagree with me, Tearia can hand the book over to me and I can leave. I don't really care either way."

Adding some ice to his voice near the end Xilo made his stance firm on the matter as he locked eyes with Felli even if they were hidden behind her hair but before they could continue any further Tearia's voice broke their stare down.

"Hey Felli, I found something else here it seems. Something about a stone that powered this place back in the day."

"What is it?"

Taking the book from Tearia she ignored Xilo as she looked at the page Tearia was talking about. "In a moving Castle that travelled the world there was one thing that was used to power this place and it's abilities to do so. A Giant Elemental Stone." However with not much else written there she couldn't get anything else out of it except for the fact that it had been here. "A giant Elemental stone that power's this place as it moves around the world...Could mother have really been telling the truth then?" Staring intensely at those words she thought back to the prediction her mother had heard about this place that even made her come here in the first place.

"This Astral Zone will change our fates forever..." Her mother had apparently met a man before that told her a fortune using his Astral Ability which was why Felli even knew anything about this place but at first she didn't believe it like her mother but now that she'd explored this place more she was starting to believe she was right. "However she never said how it would change our fate...." This was a test for her from her mother but it also seemed like it was a lot deeper then she really knew. "How much more are you hiding from me?" Stopping herself from dwelling on her mother Felli broke out of her trance to be met with Xilo's cocky smirk as his eyes danced in flames that pierced straight through her boundaries before she shoved the book in his hands giving up.

"Find something that you like?"

"Fine...We'll find the rest of these books."

"Alright, I'm glad you agree with me."

Seeing the two of them stop fighting Tearia silently praised herself pleased that she had continued to look through the pages. "I also found some other things that maybe I can use to help me." Remembering some of the other writing she had found in the book she tucked it into the back of her head as Xilo started to lead the way again. Unfortunately all of them were too unfocused to notice that quiet steps of humans approaching them.

"I can sense some people up ahead."

"You think it's them?"

"Well we'll find out."

"Then let's hurry up alright you two?


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