
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Calming Down

Feeling the weight of Landel's entire body come down on him, Xilo tried his best to push him back. "It looks like those injuries are affecting me a lot." Xilo figured he would have just been sent flying like Lexia however he was able to block him. "This is winnable." Pushing Icebreaker back Xilo tried to dig the edge into Landel's skin. Once Landel felt a sliver of pain he jumped back, afraid to lose another arm. The blade Xilo was carrying wasn't a normal type of sword. "Looks like it wasn't a fluke." With that in mind it seemed like Landel would have to play this fight at a distance. Letting Xilo get close could mean the end for him if he wasn't careful.

"So be it."

Landel quickly stopped the bleeding from his arm as Astral Energy went around his body. "I'm reaching my limit." Ignoring his shaking vision Landel created a cloud of energy in his palm. Bright Sky blue water swirled around in his hands that was the complete opposite of Lexia's Element. "We were never meant to mix anyway." Spreading it across his fingers he created a web of water. Stretching it as far as possible, Landel let it grow until it reached the size of a person. Then chucked it straight at Xilo's body. Like a bug caught in a trap Xilo raised his arm to try and shield himself as best as he could.

"Got you."

Shrinking the web of water, Landel made it collapse around Xilo's arm in place. Feeling the web wrap around his arm, Xilo tried to shake it off. "So tough." After a bit more shaking with no luck, Xilo tried to rip it off his arm with his free hand only for that to be pointless as well. "It's stuck to my arm." Another web was forming in Landel's hand while Xilo was figuring out how much danger he was really in. "It should be starting to constrict now." A sadistic smile was the only thing keeping Landel going. After a few more moments the web on Xilo's arm starts to grow tighter and dig into his skin.

"Not good."

"Indeed, it may be slow but eventually that thing will cut your arm off just like you did to mine. Unlike you, I've decided to stretch it out as long as possible. I want you to feel your skin tear apart while your bones get crushed by it, because where is the fun otherwise."

Ignoring Landel's useless comments, Xilo kept trying to tear the web off. "No use, this thing is way too tough." Xilo thought about using an Icebreaker to cut it, however that wasn't safe. They might have been working together but Xilo could feel the lust for blood inside of Icebreaker. If he wasn't careful there was a chance it could just rip off his arm along with the web entirely. "Losing an arm isn't a big deal but." It would take a lot of energy to fight like that. Swapping Icebreaker to his right hand that was free, Xilo gave up trying to break it. He could already feel the pain getting worse and knew he was on limited time before it mangled itself.

"Don't get hit by any more webs, got it."

Right as he said that another one came his way, instead of blocking he ducked to the side as he went in close to Landel. With only one arm he couldn't take time to create any sort of ranged attack. So he had to completely focus on close range. A wall of Water erupted in front of Xilo causing his path to be stopped. Afraid of touching any more of Landel's Attacks Xilo stepped around it only to see Landel had already backed up again. "Dammit." Getting close to him wasn't going to be easy. "Ow." Blood started to leak out of his arm as the web ripped his skin open, creating small scratches.

Tearia sat by Lexia's side as she continued to cry on top of her. "I'm useless." Smashing the ground with her fist, small sparks flew out as she let out all of her emotions. Xelfia and Felli were watching from afar as they snapped out of their daze. Lexia being dead wasn't something they could comprehend right away. They didn't know how to feel in the slightest, to them killing someone that they had feelings for at one point wasn't possible. "Lexia.." Xelfia pushed the hair that got in her eyes out of the way as the sounds of Xilo's battle came into her ears. Staring at the ground she knew she should be helping him fight Landel.

"We need to help Xelfia."

Felli finally spoke up as she broke past her stun.

"I know, I know we do Felli. It just feels so....unreal. Lexia was our friend and we just..."

"Xelfia....For now we need to do everything we can to help. We can be sad later, we need to stop Xilo and take Landel down ourselves. If we don't, Xilo will just end up killing Landel without a second thought. As much as that would make us feel good, we know Lexia didn't want that."

"Lexia doesn't...but I do and I can't escape from the urge to let him die as well."

Hearing Xelfia talk like this Felli couldn't say she didn't understand it. What Landel had done was horrible and would be more than deserved if he died here. "We can't though."

As much as it hurt her she had to be the voice of calmness during this time. She had to make sure they beat Landel senseless but not kill him. "I swear we'll make him pay you three." Gripping her hand tighter she grabbed Xelfia's hand as she let out all of her anger. More anger was the last thing This situation needed. A warm smile blossomed on her face as she looked Xelfia in the eyes.

"We'll make him pay and let Lexia's soul be happy. Maybe it's not the solution you want but it's what she wanted. If we want to get so angry with her then let's also try and respect her wishes as well."


"Come on, we can't let Xilo fight alone as well, let's join in together."


Xelfia couldn't turn Felli down when she put it like that, it just wasn't fair.


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