
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs


As Xilo got closer to Landel he could feel the darkness inside of him beginning to stir. It began to travel along his body looking for some kind of escape. It was a howling beast fueled by pure rage alone and wanted destruction. "So, is that your true nature?" Feeling it crawl against his skin Xilo was starting to understand more about himself and the power inside of him. "I can't let you this time, I refuse to use you." So many times Xilo had felt himself get dragged under the mud, covered in it until there was nothing left of himself. He would try and claw at any escape route just to be able to breathe for a moment.

"She was definitely right about this power, It has a mind of its own and it's addictive."

It got closer to his mind as it tried to take control once more. Unfortunately for the Darkness Xilo was far more angry then at the moment. The rage inside of his own soul was all focused on one human being, Landel. Xilo's eyes were locked onto his body with each step he took. Swallowing back the darkness Xilo willed Icebreaker to appear in his hands. Since he knew he couldn't deal with all of the Darkness on his own he would give it Icebreaker. It was an Astral weapon that required Astral Energy to work typically. Well his darkness wasn't Astral Energy Xilo was curious if Icebreaker could still use it as a source of power.

"Let's find out."

Giving it the escape it craved before it could overwhelm him Xilo pumped all of his Darkness into Icebreaker. At first nothing happened as Xilo's body began to change and morph into blades. "No good?" With the changes happening Xilo tried to figure out another way to divert the energy quickly. Before anything could come to mind Xilo felt Icebreaker begin to shake in his hands. "Oh?" Then all of the Darkness inside of his body was pulled towards the sword like a vortex. "It...worked?...No, that's not the case." For Xilo it seemed more like the Darkness was changing Icebreaker rather than the other way around.

The Darkness was shaping the sword for proper use, almost like it was accepting Xilo's wish and giving him a compromise instead. "Does it want to work together?" Now that was something that Xilo was okay with. Gripping the hilt tightly, Xilo let Icebreaker morph into an entirely new sword. It lost a decent chunk of it's girth but in return almost doubled in length. Its blue icy hue turned into a more charcoal black with mixed hints of Cobalt blue near the handle. The hilt had also changed to better match the grip of his hand. The sword had transformed into what felt like its peak form.

"Together then, we'll rip him to shreds Let our carnage run rampant."

The Darkness left inside of his body retreated back and laid still, waiting.

"You know Landel, when lexia asked us to help her out she secretly told me that she didn't want to kill you. Even after all you had done to her, so much suffering and pain she still wanted to spare your life. She hated you so much and still does, yet. She still loves you as well. She just wanted to help you, to save you from yourself and at first I respected those thoughts and feelings. Now though, I don't think I can anymore. Even if you surrendered right now, I'd still cut you down."

Landel's eyes fluttered hearing that Lexia still loved her even after all he had done.

"Are you saying you don't care about her feelings anymore? Where's that sense of camaraderie or doing the right thing now that she's dead. Don't you want to respect her dying wish?"

"I do however, I'm just as selfish as you and I'm going to tear you into PIECES."

Dashing straight at Landel's body, Xilo swung Icebreaker with far greater ease than he had ever before. The black blade tore through the wind humming in enjoyment at the fresh blood it would taste. Ripping the wind apart, Xilo closed the gap between him and Landel as his blade reached skin. Upon touching Landel's arm it stopped at Landel's flesh, refusing to go any further for a moment. Almost laughing at how weak Xilo was after all of that talk Landel felt himself grow lighter all of a sudden. Looking down at where the blade had been previously he noticed a clean cut straight through his arm.

"My...my arm."

Laying on the ground in a pool of blood was his arm cleanly cut off.

"One piece down Landel, now for the rest."

Hearing the devil's voice next to his ear, Landel jumped back in a rush. "How, how can someone so weak hurt me?" Stomping his foot, Landel didn't understand what had just happened. He should have been able to deflect his attack without a scratch. Then he could kill the boy and move on to the rest of the Astral Beasts. "HER." Catching Lexia's body out of the corner of his eye, Landel knew it was the injury she had caused that was responsible for this. "Even in death you mock me?" Grabbing his head with his last arm he felt himself going crazy. "Fine, then I'll kill everyone here." If that was how Lexia wanted to play it, then he would do the same.

"It's time for everyone to die."

The rage inside of Landel overtook the feeling of pain in his body from missing arm.

"Come here."

Disappearing in an instant he ran straight for Xilo and grabbed at his body, He refused to let Lexia cause him this much trouble ever after she had died.

"Like a ghost just constantly haunting me for the fun of it eh?"

Xilo put his sword in the way of Landel's arm in an attempt to block his attack.

"Close one."


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