
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Astral Path

From the basic information that he found he learned that Astral Power is a type of energy that floats all around people in the world no matter where they were and that if you absorb it you can bring in into your body and start with the very first step which is the Pre-stage which is also known by many as the Awakening Stage.

This stage allows you to absorb the energy in the air in a concentrated state and slowly bring that energy inside and around your body. it also gives you a significant boost in power to things like strength and stamina and can be used slightly outside of the body. Compared it to any other stages though and it becomes an actual very little increase comparatively.

Next the Body Fortification method is when people strengthen everything in the body to make them physically stronger unlike Astral Power that uses the energy in you and around you as a source of attacking.

Of course this was just very limited information that he could learn from the book he found. Any other information he wanted to find he would have to go other places or ask other people but it wouldn't be as easy as that.

Finding other information would probably involve going to another town or area and he couldn't possibly do that at his age and situation with the negative strength he had at the moment. If he did something stupid he would die to Astral Beasts before he even gets there or potentially even die to other people if he ended up unlucky. Giving away his life for absolutely nothing was something he didn't want to do.

But at least he could make use of the information he had now even if it was extremely limited it still had some stuff. Afterwards he could think of other ways to learn more. But he'd cross that road when he gets there.

Though unfortunately he didn't even figure out how to use Body Fortification methods seeing as the book had zero information on anything related to it besides what it was. He was only able to learn how to sense Astral energy and start gaining some energy so he could use it.

"with this I can finally begin to grow, change and explore...finally something I can do."

Unconsciously tears started to gather at his eyes at the thoughts and feelings he was experiencing but he didn't mind it too much as he was happy.

As soon as he learned how to sense Astral power the first thing he did was rush back home as soon as possible so he could start moving forward. His room at the time was still located in the clan even if it was basically run down and abandoned. It was still something he could call home and somewhere where he knew he wouldn't be disturbed at least for now he hoped.

"I must try this as soon as possible but first I need to calm down even slightly or else it wont work."

"really hope I have some talent to even start down this road or that would truly be the death of me."

A small laugh escaped his mouth as these thoughts swirled through his head. He kept on contemplating how he would sense the energy around him. From what he learned from the book it was quite a difficult thing to do at first for most people.

In fact some even struggled with it to the point where they could never sense it which lead them to never being able to to even enter the Awakening Stage and for him that was a terrifying fact because if he couldn't sense it he wouldn't be able to grow stronger even if he could still practice Body Fortification methods because he didn't know where to begin with thatnew can of worms.

Still slowly he started to calm down because at the very least even if he couldn't sense Astral energy in the atmosphere he had to try his hardest to even see if he could or not.

But doing that though required an immense amount of concentration at the start so he couldn't let himself get distracted.

"Huu Hooo"

Breathing in and out, he slowly started to relax his mind and body so he could focus. Any mistake or disturbance in his concentration could be costly to himself now and for his future and he didn't want to see that happening. So even if it killed him he was gonna concentrate himself to death so he could do this. After some time he started trying to extend his consciousness outside of himself and into the world to sense and gather energy that was around him.

At first he spectacularly failed his first attempt which was to be expected since he didn't properly understand all that he had to do. He also knew it wasn't just going to be a walk in the park for him to do this. Since he knew from the beginning he didn't let it discourage him too much.

Second attempt fail...

Third attempt fail....

Fourth attempt fail....

All the way up till his 30th try which spanned across the time from afternoon to evening. Until he finally sensed something in the air around him and started to slowly make progress bit by bit by bit.

It was a slow process at first which definitely wasn't easy especially seeing as how much time it took him to even get to this point and how many attempts he failed down the road that slightly discouraged him every time. But finally reaching a break through to some extent Brought him back to reality.

Sensing the Astral energy around him excited him so much he nearly broke his own focus and almost even ruined his own chance of starting the awakening stage when he first sensed it but he was able to slowly calm himself down once again.

Getting back on track he continued sensing the energy around him to slowly make more and more progress in gathering energy and absorbing it.

When finally late into the night he was eventually able to fully sense the energy all around him and he could even start trying to execute the absorption into his body as part of the training.

The thought of that got him so excited that this time he broke his concentration. But he didn't mind it too much at the point because he knew he needed a break. Seeing how dark it was outside at this point and hearing his stomach growl with sleepiness coursing through his body he decided to stop for the day seeing as how he already made such great progress in his opinion.


Another small laugh escaped him at the thought and excitement of what was to come in his life.

"Truly exciting."

Even if he didn't know the standards for sensing energy or how good he was at it or how bad he was he didn't mind. He was excited and proud of the fact that he could even do it in the first place. All that mattered to him was that he took his first step onto the Astral Path and of gaining strength for himself to finally change and that made him ridiculously happy that even an unconscious smile crept onto his cold face.

When that rare smile fully formed he truly looked like a gentle boy that could awe struck thousands of people unlike his normal looks.

Unfortunately no one was there to see it this time around.

But in the future that would change.

If possible what are your thoughts on structure or perspective. Doesn't mean it'll change but its nice to know.

Also This Mc doesn't have a name yet on purpose and will change at some point and i tend to post on evening times if your curious.


Thank you for reading...

NoNamesLeftcreators' thoughts