
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

An Endless Sea Of.........

Trapped in darkness Xelfia tried to force her way out but the wall would no longer bring her back to the other side. "Are you kidding me..." It looks like she was stuck here for the time being. "Well this sucks." She was fine for the most part besides being taken by surprise at first but other than that she was worried Xilo might not think the same as her and end up doing something he might regret. Alas she could only hope he didn't do anything and wait for her to come back.

"Though I don't even know when that will be myself."

With no other choice she was forced to go ahead on her own. Slowly she began treading the path laid out for her in silence until eventually making it to the other end. "It's a lot creepier in here alone." Trapped in darkness her thoughts were starting to get to her before she saw the exit up ahead a little coming into view with a faint glow. Relieved she picked up her pace a bit as she made it to the exit and put her hand on it again. "There's no way it'll trap me in here....Right?" Though the other side could also be a test waiting for her but she didn't have a choice so along with those lingering thoughts she pushed like every other time and quickly appeared on the other side slightly blinded by the light but she was prepared to fight if need be.


After her eyes had adjusted a little bit and nothing attacked her right away she was able to look at the area she was currently in. A vast endless cavern as high as she could see surrounded her as lights dangled from the rooftops shining down on the area below. Trees filled the area here and there along with hundreds of caves that seemed to go on forever. Paths were stepped on from every area but they hadn't Seemed to have been walked on for a long time from what she could see but from the giant footprints she could make out here and there whatever lived here wasn't a small creature. Yet the weirdest thing of all was it didn't seem like a place that no one lived in instead it was kept clean with the trees and grass not over growing cluttering up the place almost like someone had been taking care of it.

"What is this place?"

Taking a step forward she kept her guard up going towards a cave. She didn't know if anything was still alive and living in this place but she didn't want to find out and not be prepared. Walking along the paths she stared down at the large footprints as she walked towards the closest cave to her. "They seem familiar." There was this itchy feeling in the back of her head every time she saw a new one but Xelfia couldn't quite place her finger on it as to why. "Well whatever." Giving up thinking about it she arrived in front of the first cave and cautiously poked her head inside after checking with her Astral Energy but she couldn't detect anything.

Taking that as a sign she was mostly okay she stepped forward after not seeing anything with her eyes either and entered. Yet what she saw was completely different to the outside of this place. The whole cave was dusty and in a mess as she walked further inside it. It hadn't been cleaned and lived in for years from what she could tell. "the ends just up ahead." With a couple steps she could finally see the end of the cave she was in where a giant pit was with a bit of depth.

Walking up to it she got a closer look as she noticed another mark beside it just as deep. From her guess it seemed that the two creatures had been sleeping here for years on end with how deep and imprinted it was. "Almost like a home." Getting up she tried to look for anything else inside the cave but besides that area nothing else was different. Seeing there was nothing left in this cave she walked back out and went to the next cave to see it but only found similar results though this cave had four imprints at the end. Repeating that she went from cave to cave but only ever saw the same sight inside and nothing else.

"Does nothing live here anymore?"

With so many caves now behind her she had given up being ready for a fight as she began to think nothing was even in this place anymore. Giving up looking in caves she went forward in hopes of finding an exit. "Since this place isn't a test how the heck am I supposed to even get out of here." She was only able to continue going forward as hundreds of caves entered her vision leaving her slightly hopeless until eventually in the distance things started to change. She couldn't quite tell what it was yet but it was something different from the monotone sight of lifeless caves. Running she passed trees and hundreds of caves along the way until the sight eventually got closer.

"Are those more stones?"

Seeing even more stones disappointment welled up inside her as she began to slow down again a little as she went towards it. "Why are giant stones out there?" Still it was something she had to check out at least. Who knows it could be a way out after all.

"How long have I been in here so far?"

She really hoped it wasn't too long but she couldn't tell still. All she could do was hope Xilo was still waiting for her as she explored this area. Sighing at the thought something caught her eye as she just about passing another cave. Stopping she backed up a bit and looked again and noticed a dry white rock in the corner of the entrance to the cave. "Weird no others were like this." Every other cave she checked was empty of everything yet this one broke that rule. Crouching down as she approached it she reached down and grabbed it bringing it up to her face to take a closer look.

"A fang?"

From what she could tell it was either a fang of whatever lived here or a claw she couldn't quite tell with how old and decayed it was but she kept it with her regardless as she shoved it in her pocket and approached the stones in the distance again. After a little more time had passed she had arrived in front of the stones and was finally able to see what they really were.

"No way...."

In front of her an endless sea of stones that filled her eyes in every inch and corner they could fill up with some writing on each stone along with other things scattered around the ground.

"A Graveyard."

Laid in front of her thousands upon thousands of stones stood with names written on each and every single one, well objects or possessions laid in the dirt before them. This whole place was one giant graveyard. Slightly baffled she stared at it in silence as she felt the weight of the fang in her pocket getting heavier with each passing second while Xelfia herself started to feel sad seeing such a sight as well.


"I see you've finally arrived."


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