
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

The One To lose After All

"Who's there!"

Wiping her head around at the unfamiliar voice she looked behind her first before checking everywhere else as she spread her Astral Energy everywhere she could trying to find the source of the voice yet she found nothing. Raising her guard she stayed alert as she waited to see if anything else would happen.

"Settle down familiar one, I'm not your enemy."

"if that's true then show yourself instead of hiding in the darkness."

"I'm afraid that's the one thing I can't do for you. Do allow me to apologize for scaring you though, that wasn't my intention."

Even with some extra time and constantly hearing the voice she still couldn't find where it was coming from no matter how hard she looked. The only thing that kept her from being panicked was remembering when Xilo mentioned something about being called a familiar one by the snake he met.

"No matter how hard you look you won't find me."


"Well at least you seem to be doing much better this time then before I assume you've adapted well then?"

Hearing that confirmed Xelfia's thoughts as she turned around and stared at the graves again in silence letting her guard down. She didn't know what the snake was talking about but that didn't matter to her though maybe it would be the hint to get out of this place finally.

"What are you doing here anyway? I thought Xilo said you were in the beginning only."

"What that man said wasn't wrong but it wasn't the full truth either. As you can see before you this is my home or what's left of it at least and I take care of it whenever I can though not so much anymore."

"is that so."

Looking at all the graves in front of her and seeing the sheer number of them a small thought came to her mind that tugged at the core of her soul. She didn't quite know why but this place helped her feel at ease along with the snake's voice surprisingly. Reaching down into her pocket she grabbed the fang she had taken from one of the caves as they both sat in silence. No one spoke any words while Xelfia stared at the sea of graves until the question quietly escaped her.

"Did you do all this?"

"Yes they are my family after all and my only home. It's the least I could do."

Imagining a lone person burying all these bodies by himself day after day while taking care of the place Xelfia's heart ached as she looked at the sea of graves. The mental strength, courage and love one would have to have to do such a thing was unfathomable for her almost. "If I was ever in the same position for Xilo could I do that as well?" No she would probably be consumed by all of her emotions if that day ever happened yet this snake was able to do it for thousands of people he thought of as family. Now that was something to be remembered by. Thinking that a couple tears started to form in her eyes as she silently turned around again facing the air and slightly bowed.

"Thank you."

"Thank you? Ha there's no need for that. It was my selfishness that wanted to do such a thing anyway."


"I see you're just as stubborn as that man. I wonder if you gave it to him or it was the other way around."

After that silence ensued again however one question lingered in the back of her mind as she stood straight again. How did all of these creatures die down here? She remembered Xilo mentioning they were trapped down here with no escape but if that were true how were Xilo and herself supposed to get out of here.

"You told Xilo there was an escape to this place right, so how did you all get trapped down here?"

"Oh...that... well it was quite an oversight really."


"simply put yes there is an escape. Multiple ones in fact yet when the place was buried underground all of them were blocked off to us but one."

"And that is?"

"The one you and the man are aiming for but that's the unfortunate part of the situation. When the creator of this place was building it he never dreamed in a million years it would be underground at some point so when creating all the tests for this place all of our people that were currently alive were not allowed to enter them since it was pointless for us but newborns could. though they are very rare so while a few did escape into the outside world of today who knows how many are still alive."

"Then how were you in that room before and why did I get in here and not Xilo?"

"I have some special permissions to enter those two rooms and also slightly control the other tests areas so I allowed you to enter here. Sorry if i scared you but I wanted to talk to you alone for a bit."

"Will I be able to leave after you're done talking then?"

"Yes just go back the way you came but for now come with me. There's something I'd like to show you."

Happy she could leave this place she didn't even realize she was in front of a different set of graves until she looked forwards again. Two graves sat slightly out of place in the sea of others but she was most surprised at being teleported here so suddenly.

"Is this what you wanted to show me? It's just two more graves."

"Yes but one of them is empty unfortunately. They had escaped one day long ago into the upper world leaving everything else behind."

"So why is this so important then and what's the second grave for."

"Because the one who escaped has died and turned into a spirit dragon while the second grave is that dragon's husband that was left behind. He wasn't a newborn like her unfortunately."

"Spirit dragon...Kinda like the one in the Astral Zone above right?"

"Not just like that one she is that one. Unfortunately I couldn't stop her the day she had left and now she's left to run rampage in the above world suffering as she slowly fades away and that's why I wanted to talk to you. I ask you in the plea of an old man's last wish to help me lay her to rest when you eventually escape from this place."

"This snak-no Dragon seriously wants me to fight another dragon? Wouldn't that be suicide?" Thinking that she was just about to refuse before her voice got cut off by the now presumably dragon.

"I know you're worried about its potential strength but don't worry it has greatly decayed over the years and is probably near the same strength as you now. It shouldn't be impossible to handle."

Xelfia could almost see the old dragon bowing to her now as she stood there contemplating what to do. Yet the attachment she felt to this place and the calming voice of the dragon made it hard for her to outright deny it. "Dammit." Cursing the feelings she had at the moment she breathed a frustrated sigh as she spoke her answer.

"Fine if I get a chance I'll try even if Xilo says no. Is that alright with you."

"That's perfect thank you."

"Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?""

"Yes you are free to go. That man is impatiently waiting for you it seems."

Turning around with a bit of relief hearing that she started her walk back towards the exit. She did want to ask if she could be moved there to be faster but she figured since the dragon hadn't done it already he wouldn't though there was still one question she had to ask before she left. Stopping in place without turning around she struggled internally for a couple of seconds before finally asking the one thing she wanted to know.

"Hey, Would you mind telling me your name?"

Staring at Xelfia's fading back the dragon stared at her as he sighed.

"You two really are too similar you know that?.....My name you say well...you can call me Azurin."

"Azurin..I see."

Walking forward she firmly remembered that name in her mind as she made her way back to Xilo while Azurin silently floated watching her until eventually fading away himself and disappearing from this world forever leaving behind the last words he would ever speak.

"I see you succeeded after all with what you set out to do. It seems I lost after all. I'm sorry I lied to you a little….Xelfia. A beautiful name….."


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