
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

A Different Choice

Walking along Xilo was able to eventually find what he was looking for as they found a small stream with some animals along the way. Once they found all that the three of them spent some time regaining their energy before being able to move again. Looking at the two women in front of him Xilo finally felt more like himself now. "We were in that place for too long...but at least we've escaped it...kind of." They were still a little lost but thankfully it shouldn't take them too long to find the exit and figure out where they were.

"At most it might be one more day, not too bad." But he could worry about that later, right now his biggest concern was at least getting the name out of the girl that was following along with them and since she seemed like she wasn't as dead as before now might be the best time to try to get it out of her. "After all it feels weird to not call her something...." Though if it failed still he could call her a nickname until she was ready to speak up but he didn't want it to come to that.

"So how did you end up here?"

Speaking up as he leaned his back against a tree trunk he tried to get her attention and learn a little more about her. Yesterday he was so exhausted and uncomfortable around her that it didn't go in the direction he wanted so he wanted to try again. "Her condition isn't something very normal after all." Looking at all the cuts and bruises it made his skin crawl just thinking about it as she played with the water underneath her a little bit. Looking at her eyes he also noticed they stopped fluctuating finally as she stared at him intently before she began to move her lips.

".....I ran."

"Well That wasn't exactly what I was expecting..." But it was still something and from her condition he could guess what she meant.

"So you ran away then? do you know where you ran from or how long?"

"...I ran from the people who....but I don't know how long I ran."

She didn't say who she ran from specifically but Xilo knew it wasn't something easy to talk about or to think about probably so he left it alone as he tried to continue the conversation.

"Any guess?"


"How did you escape then?"

"Old friend...sorry."

Slightly surprised hearing the sudden difference in her tone Xilo stared at her as her eyes began to fluctuate again before calming down. "So she isn't just the quiet girl I thought she was." Hearing such a fierce and loud voice coming from her almost spooked him a bit. "At least she has some life left in her it seems." Someone who had given up on life completely wouldn't speak like that so he was a little relieved.

"Well it's good that you escaped then with their help. I hope they're okay as well."

".....I don't..."

"Don't worry I'm sure if they helped you escape they could save themselves as well."

But all he got in return was silence from her after saying that. However he had to ask his true question now.

"Well I know this might be a little hard to ask of you but would you mind telling us your name?"

Staring at her with Xelfia also listening by the side he didn't receive a reply for a long time as the girl continued to stare at him. Soon seconds passed and turned into minutes as their staring contest continued on with nothing being said. "Looks like that's a no." Giving up Xilo sighed as a sorrowful quiet voice that no longer had any scratches or tiredness behind it entered his ears that he hadn't heard before.

Staring at Xilo she contemplated in her head for a couple minutes whether she wanted to tell the truth or not. "Maybe I should…" But she hadn't told anyone her real name in so long that it felt a little weird whenever she recalled it. As two voices fought in her head for control she eventually sighed inwardly as she announced her name. "It has been so long…." But she finally came to her decision as more thoughts came to her head while she never broke eye contact with Xilo.


Flinching for a second hearing that he looked towards the girl who had her head hung down again as she poked at the water below her while Xilo and even Xelfia were left a little stunned. "This girl is full of surprises." She didn't even sound like the same person even if he counted her earlier outburst. "She sure is a little different but...That's fine." It's not like the two of them were any better.

"Well Relia, Let's find a way to get out of this place together."


"I guess she still won't be a much of a talker." Turning to Xelfia, Xilo sat up from his tree trying to see what she thought about the whole thing but all he got was silence from her as well. "Really....why do I have to think about everything.." But he knew exactly what she was doing so he gave up trying to ask. "I have to think for myself as well after all and now is the time to get out of this place and find a nearby town or something so we can hopefully figure out where we are." Thinking about a plan on his head Xilo began to absent mindedly walk in a random direction with the two girls behind him,

Relia followed behind a little further back then Xilo and Xelfia as the voices in her head constantly fought with her. "Dammit, Why now...." As a wicked headache came crashing onto her she tried her best to keep up while trying to make sure nothing seemed off about her. "Just shut up....please." But her one lone voice was drowned out between all the others with nothing she could do to stop them.


Thank you for reading...

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