

'What the hell! Why is bane here?'

Jin thought, trying to piece this puzzle together.

'This makes no sense. Why all the way out in such a random remote area? Especially at us!?'

'Capturing random kids isn't what bane does... This is a type of evil he isn't shown/known to be capable of in my knowledge, especially to such young children.

I need to move. He knows I am here.'

'So my aim now was getting rid of the fodders, that was a must to have a better chance.

There were only three guards, very close to each other. I could jump from the left and tag the furthest one, knocking him out, and tag both. Leaving me with Bane.'



The notifications popped off, with my mind feeling warm for a split second. Helping me re-think my initial strategy. I somehow felt that It could be better, more efficient and that's what I needed right now.


'With going over what I just planned, I could tag the one to the far right. Bane didn't focus over to him. Then I could dash and swat the other two that's left.

With that, I initiated my plan.

Jumping from the perch I was on, I dashed to the guard to the right, not alerting Bane as yet. Knocking him out instantly with a strike to the jaw, shattering it. By time Bane heard the fall of the Guard.

I quickly dashed to the other side. Though not unnoticed. Bane saw him, but before he could register what happened, the two guards were downed instantly by me. One got a strike to the jaw and the other with a strike to the liver.

Bane eyed the situation carefully, injecting miniscule amounts of venom into his system.

"Impressive" He said.

"You manged to do all of this kid? Hmph... the journey here might not be totally worthless after all..."

He said. I said nothing in response.

"You have a nice eyes kid... reminds me of myself..."

I said nothing, carefully eyeing him, analysing how he breathed and looked, even down to his very stance.

"The silent type..."


He screamed, charging me with speeds no man his size should have. He threw a thunderous blow at me, barely missing due to my reflexes. I felt the breeze pass my face, and he wasn't even totally bulked, meaning he was still wasn't going all out on me.

'Shit!' I thought.

'He was still this strong while not even going all out?'

Yet this was his mistake, this was telling me that he didn't want to kill me... rather to keep me alive. At the moment, was probably feeling me out. Testing my capabilities.

"Your a slippery one kid... I'll give you that..."

With my Abilities, it was next to impossible to beat him, He was stronger, better trained and not as dumb as he was normally, he clearly has intellect. I could tell... he was plotting something other than testing me.

"You're strong, way too strong for a simple child, are you a monster? If so, this'll make this more-FUN!!"

He said, striking me with a bit of his strength, launching me into the nearby trees, destroying two before my fall was broken. Bulking up even further in the process, becoming a foot larger, and now dawning a reddish skin tone.


I vomited my own blood, my regeneration keeping me alive. Barely. The blood loss from that blow was hefty, not even accounting for my damaged organs. That strike alone took down a little bit more than 2/3 of my HP.


'Is it really going to end like this? Am I really going to let this monster take everything I have dear to me?'

"Imagine! I can't believe you actually survived that child. What are you?"

"It's clear you aren't human, how old are you even, around 5? 6 at most? Yet this powerful?" He said, actually curious as to what I was, before visibly losing interest quickly.

"Well... it doesn't matter. I don't want to kill you though, that would be a waste of untapped potential... So how about this, since you keep glaring at me..."

He said, with a semi-mocking tone, with a voice more deep and hoarse due to the venom.

Picking me up by the head, carrying and turning my body to see the kids and mother...




He continued. "I let you live. I take the other pesky brats to do some... tinkering."

Laughing at me, condescendingly.

"Pl-please... just... leave us alone."

"Leave you alone!?"

He said, throwing me towards mother and the rest of the unconscious kids.

"You know, I don't need that many of you brats, I can finish my tests with 3 less of you."

Hearing that, I was terrified, my body was barely regenerating. I could do nothing, but watch what he was doing...

"just like THIS!"

He said, putting his feat above one of the children's head, trying to crush it.

Then continuing.

"Oh... I might make use of the woman too kid, you know, the birds and the bees? Hahaha!" He said, with a crazed laugh.

"STOP!!!!" I said, trying my best to stop him in any way I could. A rage slowly filling my mind.

"Or what!?" He said, crushing the child's head more, this time drawing blood. And that's when it happened... My mind, went blank.









[Host's awakening has been triggered...]





[Host's emotions are out of control...]




[Temporary solution... has been calculated...]




['Player' instincts will now be head of control]





[...Z̶̛͍͈̉́̅̓Ȩ̵̓T̶̖͈̗̐ has awakened...]







Sparks of electricity came off of Jin's body. The ground beneath him was cracking, shockwaves emanating from his body as it slowly lifted off into the air.

"What the!?" Bane said.

Removing his feet from the child's head. Wondering what was transpiring before him.

He was witnessing the transformation the boy was undergoing, now even shielding his face from the sheer pressure it exuded. His body alerting him. Telling him that this was /what he was looking at was the epitome of danger...

"He bulked up to his maximum, Just in case of anything was going south.

As he did so, he witnessed multiple sharp protrusions coming from the child's head, his body now glowing, then slowly turning paler and paler.

His hair spiking up to abnormal degrees, as if it's trying to form horns its own horns...







"It Looks like this kid was a monster... no... a demon..."