Marcus James died, with his death leading to an unknown yet powerful entity. He has wishes, goals and dreams. Can he fulfill them? Or will he suffer in his second chance at life? Follow him along his journey to becoming the ultimate ZET-MAN! Warning! None of the characters and universes are owned by me or are my ideas. I only use them as a tool for entertainment for myself and others.
Star-fire dragged Raven to a room so both could speak privately. Leaving the rest of the girls to themselves.
"What is with you? What's the deal with dragging me here alone?" Raven questioned, slightly agitated.
"Who were you with for so long that you would leave us for an entire week?" Star-fire started, not beating around the bush.
Raven was caught off guard, and she was apprehensive. "I don't know what you're talking about... I am old enough to go out on my own for however long I want." Raven rebutted calmly.
Star-fire simply gave a raised eyebrow. Giving her the 'be for real' face.
Raven knew the look all too well... although Star may be clueless at times, when she is suspicious of something, she's always on point...
"...How do you know that I've been with anyone?" Raven stated. Curious.
Star crossed her arms. "Because you have 'that' smell coming from your 'privates'... Most wouldn't pick it up, but my senses are sharper than many times over than normal humans." Star-fire responded.
Raven listened to her reasoning with an embarrassed face and decided to tell the truth. She couldn't lie to a long-time friend and, star knew without a shadow of a doubt, too...
Raven sighed heavily. Stressed a bit because of the situation...
"...Remember the person who saved us a couple of weeks ago? The masked man?" Raven asked.
Star nodded her head, but never really understood why Raven brought him up. But then it clicked...
"...Don't tell me... it's him! You've done the deed with 'him'! Out of all people..." Star responded, a bit speechless. A little envious too.
Raven nodded. "His name is Jin, but don't tell anyone. Seriously." Raven stated.
"My lips are sealed... but that still doesn't explain why you've been gone for an entire week without alarming anyone of your presence. Rather, your disappearance." Star stated.
"That's... a bit complicated." Raven stated, blushing.
"Why? It's not like you've both been having sex for an entire week, right?" Star-fire mused, expecting her friend to laugh at the Jab.
However, Raven's face turned into a dark crimson color with the mention of Star-fire's statement...
"Raven... it couldn't be 'that'... could it?..." Star-fire asked, a little worried...
Raven slowly nodded, keeping her head down...
"How is that possible!? Is he even a man? Are you ok?" Star-fire asked, genuinely concerned.
"I'm fine... It was great, actually." Raven responded with an unknown smile, gracing her features...
Star-fire looked unbelievably at her partner/friend. Rarely did a smile appear on Raven's face. She could count on her fingers the amount of times she's ever even grinned...
However, Star was curious about something else...
She knew it would be a bit improper, but she was curious about a week of straight 'birds and the bees.' "...May I ask... what the experience was like?" Star questioned...
Raven looked at her puzzled and embarrassed, but inevitably went with it since they were already this far in. She thought, why not tell her about how the experience was?
"...Well... It was breathtaking, literally... he was massive, too. Around... maybe... 10 inches long, thick and veiny. In fact. His testicles were huge, too... and he was hard... really hard... when he penetrated me for the first time. I think I lost consciousness from the sheer pleasure alone... and he's a great kisser, too..." Raven stated, her eyes a little flushed... She was clearly lost in her own little world, her faced unknowingly, transformed between her evil state and her regular state, smiling sadistically...
Star was no better. Instinctually, her hand moved towards her nether regions... rubbing it softly without raven noticing while she...
"A-and how did h-he look..." Star stuttered a bit. She was surprised that he was whooping, 3 inches larger than Richard, and probably thicker, too... Star was a little backed up lately because she and Richard weren't really on good terms, and it didn't help that her kind had naturally high libidos... This little story had awakened something terrible inside her... and she knew it...
"W-what... did he look like under the mask?" Star asked again...
"...Honestly... he was extremely handsome... far different from the last time we've all seen him... his eyes were beautiful too, and his body was so... muscular, yet lean..." Raven stopped herself as she became bit moist... Still feeling the phantom pleasures within her body as she reminisced...
Star, on the other hand, was worried. Raven would never act like this, not in a trillion years. For someone to affect her that much from a week of straight sex alone, told her something...
Star felt her hands having a moist feel to them...
She mentally sighed. 'I'm got wet too, fuck... I need to clean this up quickly...' Star thought. Even she was surprised at how bad of a state she was in.
Star knew that she shouldn't be thinking of another man when she had hers, but she knew the relationship with Richard was basically going nowhere, since he 100% was in love was Barbara. She was basically sailing a sinking ship...
Still, both Star and Raven became highly impressionable after Jin saved them... A man who has raw power rivaling superman himself, and a figure that strikes on as being dependable, and most importantly, he was an enigma... Well, not anymore for Star...
Both women gathered themselves in the room, cleaning where necessary...
Jin cleaned up his place and fixed what he could. He would need to make a new custom bed from stronger materials in the near future...
However, that was the least of his problems... Right now, he had Lex to call, and he knew how the bald bastard could act, since he's so entitled to god knows what...
"I need to get this over with..." Jin stated, picking up his phone, dialing Lex's number...
And immediately he got an answer.
"Jin, how nice it is to see you now... Care to explain how you are 1 week and 2 hours late for, work? I don't think I need to ask anything else." Lex answered instantly, with a sarcastic and angered tone...
Jin thought about this for a while... but, he didn't need lex. He had more than enough cash to live off with, and he could build his own company/organization anytime he wanted... The only reason why he wanted to work under him was to maintain a guise of normalcy in this life... But not any more...
"You know Lex. I'm quitting. I'll see you tomorrow with the papers. BYE!!!~" Jin stated, hanging up, not giving a rat's ass on what Lex wanted to do. He was quitting. He would have more free time, anyway, to train... and, other things...
With that said. Jin would be taking his training to the next level. He walked towards his sub-space, entering it...
"Nova... it's time. Simulate the sun's gravity on my body." Jin commanded.
[Yes Jin...Commencing artificial simulation in 3... 2... 1...]
Nova stated. Jin then felt the shift in on his cells, but it's nothing for him.
He then focused his mind to give the subspace the change to copy the gravity he felt...
With that done, the area in the subspace began to change a little. With literally having a slight warping effect...
He went into his gravity machine, turning up the gravity to 5x his sub-space's own.
Immediately, his knees buckled a bit, feeling the pressure change around him. His bones rattling at the shift of the gravity, with his blood feeling as if it was being magnetized to the floor...
"Project 'B:1 trillion', now begins..." He stated, starting his rigorous routine...