

Marcus James died, with his death leading to an unknown yet powerful entity. He has wishes, goals and dreams. Can he fulfill them? Or will he suffer in his second chance at life? Follow him along his journey to becoming the ultimate ZET-MAN! Warning! None of the characters and universes are owned by me or are my ideas. I only use them as a tool for entertainment for myself and others.

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

A complicated relationship...

"...I don't know Raven... I don't know... " Jin responded. Things weren't supposed to go like this... He knew that, but it already happened...

"...Jin... I know 'this' happened a bit suddenly... Over the past few weeks, I've been pondering my feelings about you, and... I don't think I would mind a relationship with you. You seem like a good person" Raven said, attempting to break the tension...

"No... it's a bit too fast. This is our second time meeting each other, and the first time we've conversed on a personal level. I don't know if you truly love me, or you love the fact that you got rocked a couple hours ago..." Jin stated.

Raven blushed. She knew what he said was true. However, she did like him even if she if know that 'like' she had, wasn't necessarily at a 'loving' level. Well... maybe it was... but that didn't stop her other side from obsessing over Jin... and, she couldn't blame it...

"...Jin. I don't think it's possible... I can't just separate from you anymore... The other 'me' wants you..." Raven stated, blushing.

Jin, hearing the confession, got a little flustered... But he responded. "Raven... You said you would give this a chance... but, it's more complicated than that." Jin finished.

He knew Barbara would commit suicide if she heard of this, or she would be angry enough to kill both of them or die trying... and either option is shitty...

Jin could only sigh at this predicament.

Raven however, was dead serious...

"Let me change and rephrase what 'we', said earlier... You took 'our' virginity. Fucked the literal 'evil' out of 'us'(to a degree), and as you said earlier... 'rocked' me... This pussy contract has already been signed... you are ours, Jin..." Raven stated, her eyes glowed seductively...

Jin felt shivers run down his spine... Maybe this relationship wouldn't work. She sounds like she wouldn't let him go, 'ever'...

But, as much as it creeped him out, a part of him wanted that attention, and he would be lying f he said he wasn't obsessed with her, to a small degree... And who could blame him?

She was drop dead gorgeous. She had the thickest thighs, and most bodacious of asses he had ever seen on a woman... And she's incredibly toned too from her various years of training, with not too much muscle or softness...

'...I can't say no to this... It would be against my code as a man to refuse such perfection...' Jin thought.

Jin sighed before responded. "Okay! Okay! You win, we can go out, but we do it next week. I have things to do before then." Jin stated.

However, raven eyes split into four. Her tongue elongating as she licked her lips with slow and seductive, purpose... "𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮. '𝔀𝓮' 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓷𝓸 𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽". She stated, commandingly.

Jin could only gulp... His pole twitching from the sight of this...

"Okay... Three days at most, nothing more..." Jin stated. He was afraid that she had more carnal consistencies than him, which might be more problematic... she did orgasm earlier from literally seeing him...

Raven's face returned to normal, revealing her smile...

Jin saw this. Not much did the raven haired beauty smile, but when she did... it lights up the room...

"You know, raven... You should smile more... You're far more beautiful when you are happy..." Jin said, showing a small smile of his own.

Raven, hearing his words and seeing his smile was both a critical hit for her evil and good side...

"...Jin if you say something like that to 'us' again... we might have to go another round..." Raven stated, both her good and evil half speaking in tandem...

"Hahaha... let's get this place fixed up first..." Jin stated, chuckling. He really needed to clean the place. It was messy for all the wrong or right reasons... depending on how one saw the situation.

After clearing up the necessary spots. Raven got cleaned up herself to leave. Jin walked her to the door to say good-bye. But before she went down the steps. She ran back towards him.

She then grabbed his shirt, pulling him down to her height. She tip-toed, giving him one last sloppy quick French-kiss... Whispering, "Remember Jin... You are 𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈." She let him go, pulling the hoodie over her head.

She let go, licking her lips once more, then walked off with a slight shiver with each step, looking content. Jin had a rising erection once more...

'I can't tell if that's raven, or her other half... either way, they both love kissing...' Jin thought, quickly heading back inside before the tent in his pants literally rips it open...


~ With Raven ~

While Raven returned to the base. She didn't expect much. Who would? She had only spent the night, no one would now that she spent the night with her new lover...

As she walked into the living quarters. Star-fire, Barbara and Artemis were there, looking down trodden...

'What happened here? Did a member pass on?' Raven thought to herself.

Artemis was the first to see her. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"R-raven? YOU'RE OKAY!" Artemis shouted. Alerting the other girls. They turned around, hearing the name, wondering if it's a joke.

"Yeah...? Why the long faces? Why do you sound like I've been gone for ages?" Raven said. Genuinely curious.

"What? Are you joking? Raven, you've been gone for an entire week! We all thought something happened to you." Artemis responded. The other girls rushed towards her.

Raven looked visibly confused, surprised and puzzled...

'A week? I've been gone a few hours at most...' Raven thought, but she quickly put it together, the amount of cum and juices all over the room told a story...

'Oh gosh... me and Jin did, 'it' for an entire week straight...' Raven thought. Her body still tingling from it all...

"Yes Raven. We all have been worr-" Star-fire said, stopping herself mid-sentence...

Star-fire picked up on something... 𝘰𝘧𝘧, on raven... Its scent was oddly 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓸𝔁𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 to her, it potent enough that it was even turning her on a bit... it was of mixture of raven and something/someone else...

But she quickly put it all together...

"Guys... I think I need to speak to raven, 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚." Star-fire spoke with finality in her tone. She had a solid idea of what her friend was doing with being gone all this time...






