
I'm Going Home

So Kim and Bonnie's first meet up was interesting to say the least. Now while it is adorable to see two little girls glare one another down; it is not fun while they are glaring down one another across from each side of my hospital bed. I don't remember who thought they should put both girls in the bed with me, but I curse them.

Either way, it is crowded in here. My two friends, their parents, their siblings (the older twins and the soon to be twins in Mrs. Dr. Possible's belly). Notice how I didn't mention my 'parents'? Yeah. They are showing just how lackluster they are in the whole parenting thing. Even Bonnie and Kim's parents noticed. Of course, they are normal parents... in their own ways.

I do think this event has caused some changes though. For one, Connie and Lonnie are not as dismissive of Bonnie. In fact, they are rather protective of her. Two, they took up martial arts classes for defensive reasons. They made solid reasons to their dad to enroll them into a joint that was run by a ex-military friend of his. Then there was three, their rather mean attitude was enhanced in a way. I heard them planning out the 'popularity chart' for the middle school and soon to be attending high school. But hey, I won't be there under their reign of terror. So booyah to me!

Oh yeah, there is a fourth thing too. Those twins seem to adore me now. Whenever Kim and Bonnie couldn't be with me, those two were.

So it is day eighteen in the hospital and hopefully the last day. I have been deemed recovered but they wanted to keep an eye on me due to my injuries on such a young body. Not the worst, but I did get a concussion and a few internal... complications... alright, so I looked like shit when I was rushed to the hospital. No four year old should ever be wrapped in bandages. It raises sympathy levels to an all time high.

And while I may like hugs and cuddles, but when out of sympathy? It just makes the hugs hurt the soul. Kinda weird, but that's how I felt.

So anyways, where did I leave off? Oh yeah, day eighteen, being cuddled between two growing girls, and now cue the doctor.

Primary Doc whose name I don't know: "Well I see you are all settled in, Ronald. Ha ha. But I have good news for you. You can finally go home with your family today. We have called your parents and they should be on their way to pick you up some time later."

Connie: "Aww, and I was enjoying hugging Ron Ron."

Yep... Pet name.

Lonnie: "It's okay sis, we can see him again when the Possible's have us babysit little Kim."


Me: "You can't watch me at my home?"

Ah... Sad faces. Downcast eyes. A little gloomy. I figured there were some issues that happened that I was not privy to knowing. And I see this is one of them.

Lonnie: "Don't you worry about that Ron Ron. We all got it covered. But we do have to go now before your parents get here."

Play it off with a wink and a smiley face, huh? Sigh, must be really bad then. Upside, I got a kiss on both cheeks from them and a big hug. When they waved bye I could see the sad guilt in their eyes. Not the 'aww boo hoo' guilt, but the 'everything is our fault' guilt. Which it is. But not entirely their own. They know they messed up and I hope they at least learned from all of this.

So I guess I'm alone until Mr. and Mrs. S. show up. Hope they don't take forever.


. Nine o' clock at night. 2100 hours


Nearly three hours after I was informed they would be picking me up. Their excuses were they were backed up in work and couldn't be excused. Uh huh, sure, right then. Like any job would hold back a parent from getting their chils from a hospital. Even the nurse didn't believe yo damn lies! Oh you two gonna get reported so hard!

And when I had to listen to them on the ride home was just plain aggravating. I may be four, but not a dumb dumb here! You took forever because you had to watch a movie? And y'all 'enjoyed the quiet time'? Oh, oh, and the excessive costs of having me in the hospital was just too much for you two?! I heard that the Rockwaller's covered the costs! And that you two sued the parents of the five boys for just about anything and everything y'all could! Heck, you even used the law firm that Mrs. S. works at! Which I'm sure is illegal due to her being my mother!

Wheeew. Hold it in Ron. Just hold it in. Wu Sa Motherfudger. Just keep up the wu sa. Breathe in. Breathe out. Keep your head down so they think you're ashamed.

When we got home, they sent me upstairs to go brush my teeth and then go to bed. They may be rather detached adults with very little care for me, they do have me keep up with keeping up good personal hygiene. But no bath tonight apparently. Maybe in the morning.

I was already in my PJ's and under the sheets, ready to sleep, when Mrs. S came in to check in on me. Slow my breathing down, ignore her, and hope she leaves soon.

My head is being rubbed? Wha?

Is... is she crying?

Mrs. S: "I'm so sorry Ronald. You shouldn't have had that happen to you... We are trying. We really are. Me and your father know we don't cope well with.. these kind of things. Or even being parents. But we do love you, hon."

Nope... No tears. Not a one... Seriously, it ain't gonna work.

But keep up the head pats, I should fall asleep soon.

Mrs. S: "I know I should be saying this to you when you were awake, but this is our way of telling you. I love you son."

Don't trust them. Lawyers and actuators are manipulative. Definitely not a tear.. Nope.. I swear.