
Raven:rise of a Fallen soul

in a world where superpowers and divine beasts were the norm, Sam was just an ordinary teenager. But as he turned 15 and awaited his awakening, he fell ill and his hopes of becoming one of the gifted dwindled. His friends, once close and supportive, turned on him and his parents disowned him, leaving him with nothing but a sense of betrayal and despair. It was in this dark moment that he met a mysterious crow, a creature unlike any other he had ever encountered. Little did Sam know, this chance encounter would lead him down a path he never could have imagined, and reveal a destiny he never knew he had.

kh_sammas_sami · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

separate exams ?

As Sam, Max, and John entered the designated area for participants, they found themselves amidst a bustling crowd of individuals, each with a unique aura of anticipation and determination. The atmosphere crackled with excitement as participants lined up to register for the entrance exams.

A long table manned by officials awaited them, where participants were required to provide their names and disclose their powers for classification. Sam, Max, and John exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment of the momentous journey they had embarked upon together.

Approaching the registration table, Sam stepped forward first, his energy-monitor earrings blinking [physical energy level 80+] and [mental energy level 80+]. He stated his name confidently and disclosed his bone manipulation abilities, garnering nods of recognition from the officials.

Next in line, Max followed suit, his demeanor calm and collected. He introduced himself and proudly declared his power of creation, a testament to his innovative spirit and unwavering determination.

Lastly, John stepped forward, his fiery gaze reflecting his inner strength. With a steady voice, he provided his name and revealed his mastery over fire, a power that burned within him with an intensity matched only by his loyalty to his friends.

As the trio completed their registrations, they couldn't help but notice the diverse array of powers possessed by the other participants. From physiological enhancements to psionics, and from elemental mastery to technological augmentation, the spectrum of abilities showcased the incredible diversity of talents present at the entrance exams.

The officials, recognizing the need for organization amidst the multitude of powers, implemented a power tier system to categorize the participants. Each power tier represented a distinct level of ability, ranging from basic to advanced, and served as a guideline for the upcoming trials.

Physiological Enhancement: Superhuman physical attributes, including strength, speed, agility, endurance, and durability.

Energy Manipulation: Control over various forms of energy, including abilities such as generating energy blasts, absorbing energy, and projecting force fields.

Psionics: Mental abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, mind control, precognition, and astral projection.

Biological Manipulation: Control over one's own biology or that of others, including abilities such as accelerated healing, shape-shifting, and genetic manipulation.

Elemental Mastery: Command over elemental forces such as fire, water, air, earth, electricity, and other natural elements.

Technological Augmentation: Integration of advanced technology into one's physiology, granting abilities such as cybernetic enhancements, weapon creation, and advanced sensory perception.

Reality Manipulation: Ability to alter or manipulate the fabric of reality itself, including abilities such as time manipulation, reality warping, and spatial distortion.

Transcendence: Attainment of a state beyond conventional human existence, granting abilities that defy the laws of physics and reality.

As Sam, Max, and John observed the proceedings, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement at the prospect of facing off against such formidable opponents. Despite the challenges ahead, their bond remained unbreakable, and they stood ready to confront whatever trials awaited them.

With their registrations complete, the trio parted ways temporarily, each assigned to a different group based on their designated power tiers. Though separated for the time being, they remained united in spirit, their shared goal of reaching Havens Gate driving them forward.

As they dispersed into their respective groups, Sam, Max, and John exchanged nods of encouragement, a silent promise to reunite once the trials were over. With determination burning in their hearts, they steeled themselves for the challenges ahead, knowing that their journey was only just beginning.

Sam found himself among a group of participants with diverse abilities, ranging from elemental masters to technologically augmented individuals. As they mingled and exchanged introductions, Sam couldn't help but marvel at the sheer variety of powers on display.

Among the group, a few stood out with particularly impressive abilities. One participant demonstrated incredible control over water, shaping it into intricate sculptures with a mere flick of his wrist. Another exhibited mastery over telekinesis, effortlessly levitating objects with his mind.

Meanwhile, Max found himself in a group dominated by participants with advanced technological augmentations. Cybernetic enhancements adorned their bodies, granting them superhuman strength and reflexes. Despite being surrounded by cutting-edge technology, Max remained unfazed, his confidence unwavering as he prepared for the trials ahead.

In a separate area, John joined a group comprised of individuals wielding the power of fire. Flames danced at their fingertips, illuminating the air with an ethereal glow. John felt a kinship with his fellow fire manipulators, their shared affinity for flames forging a bond of camaraderie amidst the heat of the moment.

As the participants waited for further instructions, tension hung thick in the air, anticipation building with each passing moment. Sam glanced at his energy-monitor earrings, noting the countdown timer ticking away [00:01:00] until he could normally use his powers again. Despite the restriction, he remained determined to give his all in the upcoming trials.

Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd as a figure approached, commanding attention with his authoritative presence. It was the examiner, a stern-faced official tasked with overseeing the entrance exams. His gaze swept over the gathered participants, assessing them with a discerning eye.

Just as the tension reached its peak, the examiner's voice cut through the silence, breaking the spell of anticipation. "Welcome, participants, to the entrance exams for Havens Gate," he declared, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "Today, you will be tested on your abilities, your resourcefulness, and your determination to succeed."

With those words, the trials began, each participant bracing themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. Sam, Max, and John exchanged determined looks, a silent vow to face whatever obstacles came their way.

As the trials unfolded, the participants were pushed to their limits, confronting a series of increasingly difficult tasks designed to test their powers and their resolve. From physical challenges to mental puzzles, each trial demanded quick thinking and decisive action.

Despite the obstacles they faced, Sam, Max, and John remained steadfast, drawing upon their strengths and supporting each other every step of the way. With each trial completed, their confidence grew, fueling their determination to succeed.

As the day drew to a close, the final trial approached, a culmination of all they had endured thus far. With hearts pounding and adrenaline coursing through their veins, Sam, Max, and John stood ready to prove themselves worthy of their place at Havens Gate.

But just as they prepared to face the ultimate challenge, a sudden commotion erupted nearby. Sam turned to see a young participant, the same one who had been arrogant and dismissive earlier, now trembling with fear as he gazed upon something in Sam's hand.

Confusion flickered across Sam's face as he glanced down at what he held. It was his recommendation letter, a simple piece of paper that seemed to hold far more significance than he had realized.

The sudden shift in the young participant's demeanor puzzled Sam, but before he could inquire further, the examiner called for attention, signaling the start of the final trial. With a determined nod, Sam pocketed the letter, focusing his attention on the task at hand.

As the trials concluded and the participants began to disperse, Sam couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the