
Ravage and Rise: Path Of Destruction

Thomas DeGraft is a young man who experienced an untimely death on Earth gets a second chance at life after "lucky" encounters with several powerful Deities. In a new world where magical abilities can be harnessed and everything is possible , he vows to become strong . Strong enough in order to not feel weak again and hopeless like he felt in his previous life. Strong enough to protect himself as well as his loved ones from any sort of harm and if possible. ..strong enough to get revenge on those that killed him.

Swiftlex_Drago · Fantasia
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19 Chs

Night Panther

Edgar thanked the plump man and walked into the SherbWoods.

" I'm at the Lower Rank 1 stage, technically, I should be able to hold my ground against a Rank 1 Beast. Rank 2 will be difficult but I came prepared " He said the last part with a sly smile.

Ability users were categorized into ranks .

The ranks ranged from one (1) to fifteen (15), and each rank was divided into three stages: the Lower Stage, the Middle Stage, and the Upper Stage.

For example; Lower Stage Rank 3 Ability user, a middle Stage Rank 7 ,an Upper stage Rank 4 etc.

Advancing in ranks became increasingly challenging as individuals progressed upward in the hierarchy.

Magical Beasts and Plants ranking were also the same.

In combat, a well prepared Middle Stage Rank 1 ability user could best two Rank one Magical Beasts irrespective of their stages.

That was why Edgar was quite confident in dealing with whatever he'll come across.

" The Beasts here are mostly Rank 1 and Rank 2 types. " He assured himself as he ventured deeper into the woods.

The Sherb Woods was known for its vast and thick forests. The trees were tall, the canopy high above anyone else, and the undergrowth dense. Edgar was grateful he'd already gotten his bearings when entering the wood, or else this walk could've been very dangerous.

" It's very good I took the cart, otherwise I would have had to take a nap".

He took the dual blades from the sack and held it tightly. His black and silver hair blew in the strong breeze and he pulled it behind his ears. Edgar glanced around nervously at every shadow, looking for any signs that might reveal a dangerous creature or plant lurking about.

He walked along quietly, listening intently as his feet sank into damp ground. The forest floor was covered with mosses and plants, all hiding some kind of deadly predator. Edgar's eyes scanned over each tree trunk as he looked out into the surrounding areas. It looked like he was the only living thing in miles.

An owl hooted overhead, startling him slightly.

" The plump man was very honest about the diurnal comment. Its not even late night and they're all out into their abodes" He said as he spat out flames and lighted his torch.

" Burns every time I use it" He touched his throat " Hopefully after this hunting session I wouldn't have to worry about back lashes from using the flames again ".

As he continued walking he could see that most of the trees around him were either bare or dead. Only a few of the smaller ones seemed to be flourishing.

Edgar frowned as he wondered what sort of beast would kill all the foliage around them.

A low growl made him freeze in his tracks.

Edgar swallowed heavily and looked up towards the topmost branches of an oak tree. There he saw a pair of gleaming yellow eyes staring at him intently. A shiver ran down his spine, making him wish he hadn't come anywhere near SherbWoods.

" Dammit, I've braced myself for this moment ,I can't chicken out." He mumbled to himself.

" A Night Panther, known for the traits of it's powerful tail. A razor sharp tail that can cut through its prey " He recalled what was written in the Bestiary as the Beast came closer.

" Avoid a confrontation with its tail and strike at it's belly; that's their weakest point ".

Edgar stepped backward and shot flames towards the Night Panther.

The animal roared and flinched, retreating a bit.

It moved to the left so that now it was facing Edgar, crouching lower.

He rushed at the Beast and swung his blades making some cuts on the Beast's legs, causing blood to seep out. It howled in pain and fell.

Edgar quickly jumped away before the Beast got a chance to rise. It lunged forward with surprising speed and slashed at him in attempt to grab him. It missed by just a little, making Edgar chuckle.

With the adrenaline coursing through his body he charged at the Beast again but this time he was hit back .

" Arghh...that hurts" He groaned in pain.

The Night Panther stood upright and charged again with a roar.

Edgar managed to dodge once more and slashed at the Beast again, hoping to make another opening.

Instead, a sharp blow to the back caused him to fall hard onto his front, making him gasp for air.

His hands were grabbed by claws and a hot breath blasted his face.

He spat his flames at the Night Panther ,making the Beast retreat slightly.

As the beast retreated, Edgar slowly lifted himself off the ground. He felt a lot less winded than before.

He staggered and leaned on the tree for support as the Night Panther tried to attack again, missing his first try.

He ducked below the attack and slashed at the Beast's side, causing it to rear back in agony. This time he struck home and the Beast collapsed on its knees.

He didn't stop there though and attacked the beast's weak spot again, hitting the vulnerable parts of its belly and legs.

The Night Panther let out a painful sound and slumped to the ground, twitching in agony.

When the Beast stopped moving Edgar knew it was finished, or so he thought.

He put his blade asides and walked over to the Beast but a sharp pain shot through his chest.

The Beast swung it's tail again and hit Edgar in the chest again,ripping off part of his flesh.

" Is this how I'm going to die? Whipped like a thief by a low level Beast? " Edgar thought to himself as he tried to stand up.

The Night Panther leapt forward and struck him with its paw .

Edgar cried out in surprise and tumbled backwards. His back collided painfully with a branch and sent a jolt of pain up his spine.

The Night Panther pounced on top of him, pressing him harshly against the bark. The Beast raised its head, preparing to strike a killing blow at Edgar when something unexpected happened.

The Night Panther screamed as something pierced through it's belly.

Edgar looked at the new intruders with a shock on his face.

The Night Panther was dead but a bigger threat was infront of him and he had serious doubts about making it out alive.

" I went from shit to deep shit" He cussed as he picked himself up from the floor.

The intruders growled at him. Three huge Wolves with brown fur stood beside each other, their eyes glowing red and their fangs bared.

" Let's get messy " He said with a fiendish smile.