
Ravage and Rise: Path Of Destruction

Thomas DeGraft is a young man who experienced an untimely death on Earth gets a second chance at life after "lucky" encounters with several powerful Deities. In a new world where magical abilities can be harnessed and everything is possible , he vows to become strong . Strong enough in order to not feel weak again and hopeless like he felt in his previous life. Strong enough to protect himself as well as his loved ones from any sort of harm and if possible. ..strong enough to get revenge on those that killed him.

Swiftlex_Drago · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Into the SherbWoods

Tupin returned to the room with a pot of honey and Martha behind him.

" Hello Edgar " she said smiling.

Edgar returned the courtesy.

" I've got a proposition for you" Edgar said.

Martha raised her eyebrows as her lips curved into a Cheshire Cat Smile.

" Is he coming to confess his feelings after all these years of being...shy and timid" She thought as her cheeks turned slightly red.

Tupin cleared his throat.

" Right...yes, Edgar...what was it that you wanted to tell me?" Martha said trying not to blush but it definitely wasn't working.

She felt her heartbeat increased in pace as she waited for Edgar to speak.

" I need a favour from you. I need you to meet me at the SherbWoods about an hour or two before curfew " Edgar replied casually.

Her smile dropped instantly as her heart sunk.

" Why Sherb Woods? I mean I'll help you, but why that place? I mean it's a dangerous area...you could get hurt or even killed "

He looked at her intently before responding.

" There's something I want to find there".

" Whatever for? " She asked

" A friend of mine is there, we are meeting for a project and the Sherb Woods is the meeting place" He lied with his voice as smooth as silk.

She raised her eyebrows suspiciously at him, but didn't push him further.

" Oh and by the way" Edgar continued looking at Martha.

" Can you please bring along your Medical Box?"

" And Tupin,thanks for what you've done for me today . I owe you one Brother" He said as he walked over and collected the pot of honey from him.

Edgar sighed deeply, his face still covered with the black cloth.

It will take time to get used to some words like 'brother'. But he had no choice.

His current condition required him to accept help from other people.

" Such a gentle soul" Martha said inwardly,her cheeks still reddened.

" You're welcome...Brother " Tupin replied.

" I...guess I'll have to ...leave " He opened the door and headed outside.

" So..." Martha said as she sat down on the bed.

" Why do you have it on?" She pointed to the black cloth covering Edgar's face.

Edgar replied calmly as he poured the honey into a jar and closed the lid.

" I'll be disguising myself tonight, at the meeting place so I'm trying to get used to it" .

" I'm such a good actor. Hehehe " He grinned inwardly.

Martha nodded approvingly.

" Well alright then, I'll...go for my Medic Box and prepare for the meeting " She said with a nervous smiles as she stood up and walked over to the door.

" Bye "

He said as he watched her exit the room and shut the door behind him, leaving the room once again empty.

He sighed deeply while running a hand through his hair.

" Its getting dark, time to work" .

He started packing up some items into a huge brown sack;

He put on his cloak and hood as he stepped outside.

He pulled his hood up over his head and walked through the empty corridor.

After about thirty minutes of brisk walking, he had made it outside the School premises.

" Just an hour walk and I'll be at the SherbWoods in ...".

A small cart pulled up next to him and a plump oval-faced man approached him.

" Hello Sir, how about a ride in a cart? You'll reach your destination faster and you can save your energy " He said .

" Thanks sir." Edgar nodded.

The cart driver began to set up the wooden poles and pull it across the ground, Edgar climbed inside and sat next to a large barrel of hay.

Once they were travelling at a moderate speed, Edgar leaned his arm against the side of the cart.

" Where are you heading to Young Sir? The man asked trying to strike a conversation.

" The SherbWoods " Edgar replied.

" Ohh...The SherbWoods, I used to live at the edges of the wood but we had to..."

He went on to make a lengthy speech about life at the edges of the Woods and he seemed quite happy recounting tales of adventures he had been through.

Edgar listened to him quietly and kept his silence .

The plump man stopped talking halfway through his story..

" Here we are Mister! " He said cheerfully.

" This place looks quite...scary"

He said to himself while pulling the hood up tighter against his neck.

He adjusted his belt around his waist and picked up his sack.

" How much for the ride Mister?"

" A bronze Camelot, Sir" the man replied.

Edgar reached into his pockets and pulled out two Bronze coins.

" Can you come and pick me up tomorrow morning?" He asked.

" Yes Sir"

" By the way Sir, I can see you are going on a hunting session. The SherbWoods is quite dangerous compared to other Woods " The man commented.

" Yes,I'm here to hunt a Fire Bear. Perhaps you could spare me some tips since you are quite familiar with the Woods" Edgar replied.

" The highest level of Beast found at the SherbWoods was an upper stage Rank 3 Beast. And that was a very long time ago. "

" Most of the Beast's there are diurnal except for the Rock Wolves, some snakes and the Fire Bear. The Rock Wolves travel in packs but the Fire Bears are solitary, they wander alone." The plump man continued.

" The Fire Bear is a fierce and violent beast so you might want to keep a good distance between yourself and it, just set up a nice trap and you're good to go"

" Thank you, I appreciate it "

" Good day sir!"

" Good day to you Mister, thank you for the advice " Edgar replied.

The man pulled the reins and pulled the cart ahead slowly.


" A hunting session eh" Tupin muttered, hiding behind a large rock as he listened to the conversation .

" Interesting "