
Ravage and Rise: Path Of Destruction

Thomas DeGraft is a young man who experienced an untimely death on Earth gets a second chance at life after "lucky" encounters with several powerful Deities. In a new world where magical abilities can be harnessed and everything is possible , he vows to become strong . Strong enough in order to not feel weak again and hopeless like he felt in his previous life. Strong enough to protect himself as well as his loved ones from any sort of harm and if possible. ..strong enough to get revenge on those that killed him.

Swiftlex_Drago · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

In the Beast Realm

Thomas's body had stepped into a strange and foreign land.

At first, he felt as if being controlled by someone, but suddenly the connection cut off.

He looked down and found a strange object lying next to his feet, it looked like the handle of a broom.

There was also a large amount of dust surrounding him which smelled terrible. He sneezed uncontrollably. He then noticed a bright light shining right in front of him.

" Welcome to Hell. The domain of the damned. "

A red skinned large man with two horns protruding from his head stepped out from the light. He had a hideous grin on his face as well as evil and malicious look in his eyes.

" So this is what they call Hell." Thomas thought to himself.

A pair of golden chains with black symbols hung around his neck and the horns on his head.

" You aren't supposed to be here." The red man said.

" Who are You?"

" I am Thomas Crookes from... " Thomas barely managed to say before the Red man's suffocating presence made him faint.

The man clicked his tongue in annoyance and disgust.

" Damn all these weak creatures!" He cussed.

" What am I supposed to do with him? "

Immediately, another bright light appeared and out came another red skinned person.

He had a very young appearance.

His cheeks were round and rosy, his dark red hair reached below his shoulders. His brown eyes were big and full of life, his lips were thin but sweet, his teeth were pearly white.

His long fingers were adorned with rings, rings and bracelets were scattered all over his slender wrists and finger joints. He also wore a black coat.

The two demons stared at each other intensely until the " young" demon broke the silence.

" Greetings, and I come in peace. " He said in a baritone voice.

He bowed slightly.

" I was wandering around when I chanced upon you and your puppy " The young demon said the last word pointing at the motionless body of Thomas lying on the ground.

The old demon glared at him ,clearly annoyed.

" Can you go straight to the point?" He demanded whiles crossing his arms in irritation.

The young demon smiled and answered.

" I'm from the Research lab and I need bodies for my new expirements. You know how rare these subjects are to obtain. They usually only die from the most fatal diseases, or when their organs are badly destroyed and their conscience totally broken to the extent that they become as useless as dirty water " He said with a smile.

" And what kind of expirement is that?" The older demon questioned with a stern face.

" Conscience transfer. I've been trying to know more about the Beast realm and how Magical Beasts operate. "

" But that's impossible!" The older demon shouted.

" It is...possible. Its not my first try hehehe and its not my hundredth either " The young demon laughed and rubbed his hands gleefully.

" The Beast realm is a neutral ground. You can't access there without the permission of the Demon King and the Lord of The Heavens " The Old demon explained.

The young demon smiled once again.

" That is not your problem senior, I have everything under control, rules are meant to be broken, we are demons afterall " He grinned.

The older demon groaned.

" Fine,you can have it...but for the right price ".

" I'll pay you in full demonic armour, a baby Wight and two healing potions " The young demon said in a cheerful tone.

" As I expected, a young brat from a rich family " The older demon thought.

" Deal" He nodded in satisfaction.

The younger demon nodded as well and he quickly brought two bags out of nowhere.

" What's your name?" The older demon inquired.

" I'm Gexon " The younger demon replied.

" General Terk, nice doing business with you"

After handing over the items, the older demon disappeared while leaving behind a thick red smoke.

The young demon sighed happily as soon as the older demon disappeared.

" Well, time to head to the lab".

He picked up Thomas's corpse and disappeared.


Gexon's Lab.

In the lab, Gexon stood in front of a mirror wearing a pitch black robe.

" Perfect...now all i gotta do is activate the spell." He muttered to himself.

He slowly raised the wand, pointing it directly at the center of his subject's chest, Thomas to be precise.

His body was lying in a big circle with strange symbols and crystals.

" Now then" he spoke softly.

The tip of the wand lit up in purple flames and shot into Thomas's heart. Gexon watched as a small black cloud began coming out from Thomas's head.

As Gexon started chanting the spell, he saw a purple spark begin to form inside the clouds.

" Hm...it's working. His conscience is being transferred over to the Beast realm " Gexon said. He then grabbed another wand from inside his robes and started waving it around the room.

" Hahaha! " He let out an evil , bone chilling laughter.

" Now, let's see what these Beasts are up to" He said whiles starring at the mirror.

His joyful demeanor suddenly vanished and was replaced by a helpless look.

" Oh damn ! My first success got chucked into a battlefield. " Gexon cursed out loud.


Thomas looked around him. He was surrounded by strange Beasts who were speaking in growls, yet he could hear them perfectly.

" Wait. Where am I? I got killed by that woman from the Organization, appeared in hell or something and I'm now surrounded by Beasts?"

He thought.

He looked at his feet and his expression became grim .

There was a small puddle of water that made him see what he looked liked.

" I'm a white tiger-like beast with ugly facial features , I have huge disgusting paws ? I became a beast and..."


A gust of wind and scorching flames had knocked him over before he could complete his thoughts.

He looked at the attacker and he could see a large Elephant-like creature with two huge wings and spiky tail charging at him.

" Ugh...what the..?" Thomas sat up from his spot. He was still completely covered in dirt and blood.

Suddenly the smell of burnt flesh hit his nose and he felt weak and tired.

" Ah! Not again! " He cried as he threw his hands on his face.

Another fireball had hit him in the face.

" Use your innate ability Bok, reinforcement is coming" He could hear the other Beasts who looked like him growling at him.

" Come help me" He growled in response.

" We can't, we are too weak to fight, Bok. Only you stand a chance " another beast who looked to be the same kind as Thomas growled back.

" The name of the Beast's body I'm occupying now is Bok, and the other Beasts seem to trust him. They believe Bok is strong. Dammit, I have to fight back" Thomas gritted his teeth.

He charged at the Elephant Beast hitting him hard with his paws.

The Elephant Beast swung it's spiked tail hitting Bok(Thomas) hard.

" ROAR!" Bok(Thomas) roared in pain.

" How the f*ck do I use this innate ability?" Bok( Thomas) thought.

Meanwhile, the Elephant Beast was charging fast at him.

" Spit your flames !" The other beasts of his kind shouted in unison .

" I just gotta Spit erh" Bok( Thomas) muttered.

Red flames came out of it's mouth and hit the Elephant Beast.


It was too late.

The Elephant Beast crushed Bok(Thomas) and tore its body apart.

The last thing Thomas saw was three huge beast just like "him" running fast towards the Elephant Beast.

" Oh,this was the reinforcement uh. Well, I'm dead already ".

Bok(Thomas) had died.


" Ahhhhhh, F*ck!" Gexon cursed out louder than ever.

" My...First success... died in a f*cking battle!"
