
Ravage and Rise: Path Of Destruction

Thomas DeGraft is a young man who experienced an untimely death on Earth gets a second chance at life after "lucky" encounters with several powerful Deities. In a new world where magical abilities can be harnessed and everything is possible , he vows to become strong . Strong enough in order to not feel weak again and hopeless like he felt in his previous life. Strong enough to protect himself as well as his loved ones from any sort of harm and if possible. ..strong enough to get revenge on those that killed him.

Swiftlex_Drago · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Creating a Vessel

The Van stopped at an old abandoned

warehouse near the outskirts of the city. There were signs of damage everywhere; the walls were covered in graffiti and broken glass from many windows, there were scratches covering the sides of the building in several places and the door was hanging crookedly from its hinges.

A tall man with dirty blonde hair and red eyes walked over to the window and climbed in without taking much effort.

He picked up a crowbar from beside a stack of rusty pipes. After slamming the crowbar down on the glass multiple times in a matter of seconds, the glass was busted apart.

" What took so long?" A female voice said angrily.

"I didn't get any ... body" the tall man said nervously.

" I heard the Van screech, you better pray that those douches came with my request or else I'll have to use you" the female said as she stepped into the sun ray .

She was quite the nice looking woman. She wore a dark robe and had numerous bracelets and anklets on her. Her hair was white and long and wild , she had a long crooked nose and green eyes .

The tall man shuddered slightly.

He peeped at the window and saw the three men stepping out of the van carrying two sacks with them.

" Oh !" The woman exclaimed.

" Looks like they did a good job today. "

They heard a small knock at the door.

" Come in"

They entered.

" Greetings, Madame " The leader of the three guys bowed politely.

A smile crept on Madame face as she saw the sacks.

" Open them please " she requested in an unusual "polite" way.

Blond locks and Brown hair got to work and opened the sacks ,revealing the contents inside.

The tall man's eyebrows shot up.

" Well isn't this a nice surprise? It seems like you've gotten lucky today afterall " Madame said as she made a face at the tall man.

" Erhmm...Madame...I guess that means we have settled our debts..." The leader said with a stutter.

" Not quite yet " Madame replied as she pointed towards the two unconscious forms lying on the filthy floorboards.

" The two bodies was not enough ?" The leader asked, quite surprised.

" No silly! Bring them down to the basement and get lost. I don't want to see your despicable faves after today"

She turned to the tall man afterwards.

" If they ever come around here, kill them! tú comprends?" She said with killing intent in her voice.

" Oui!" The tall man responded quickly, nodding his head frantically.

Blond locks, Brown Hair and their leader quickly carried the sacks and sent them to the basement.

They got in their van afterwards and swore never to go anywhere near that house.

" I'm going to the basement, Bob . I don't want any disturbance. Make sure no one comes here and don't bother me too" The woman said as she made her way out of the room.

She walked calmly to the basement door and opened it.

She placed the Body of Father on a bed of straw and placed ten red candles around the body.

She lit each candle and started muttering strange words and making strange hand signs.

Soon enough, a black mist started spreading from the body. It slowly spread until every corner of the room was shrouded in darkness except for the candles. The shadows started crawling along the walls, the floorboards, the ceiling - everywhere the shadows made contact with, they moved away slowly.

Finally, the room was completely covered with shadows and only a few candles illuminated it.

" Oh shadows with mighty powers! Grant me the power to cross over to the Nether realm " She spoke .

A white glow surrounded the corpse of Father

. The corpse turned grey and it started emitting smoke.

Suddenly, it burst into flames.

The flames burned the body violently, devouring the body.

" Darn! I failed" She wailed out loud.

" I have only one try left, I have to make it work otherwise I'll never get back my powers " she continued speaking, her eyes starting glowing a faint yellow color.

She began mumbling incoherently.

She got up and dragged Thomas's corpse to where the ashes of Father's corpse were still smoldering.

" One last try. "

She placed the candles around Thomas's body and lit them .

The Incantations began.

" Oh Mighty Shadows! Grant me the power to cross over to the Nether realm ".

A heavy gust of wind

blew through the room. Suddenly a strong force started pushing the body backwards as if it were being pushed by some enormous invisible force

It moved until it reached the wall.

The black smoke started coming closer and closer towards the wall.

" What do you want ?" A strange voice came out from the shadows.

The voice was eerie and sinister.

" I need to get my powers back Great Shadow, I want to use this body as a puppet and retrieve my lost powers from the Nether realm " The woman answered.

" Okay. I'll send this vessel over to the Dark side,after that everything else will be up to you. You will be able to control it"

The voice let out a low screech then continued.

" But, you have to do it before dawn break and there should be no distractions. No one should enter the room.

Have fun with your vessel "

The thick fog disappear along with the shadows.

The place became very quite with only the breathing of the woman being the only sound coming from the room.

" Let's start" she said to herself as a small rift opened just some few inches away from her.

Thomas's body got up and walked into the rift.

" perfect, no distractions...I'll get my power back very ..."

Her sentence was stopped midway as a loud knock echoed through the entire room.

A tall figure barged in .

" Erhh... Madame you have some important visitors" Bob said with a nervous chuckle.

" Aaaaah, You infernal bastard !" Madame screamed at the top of her lungs as her arms shot forward at Bob.

" You ruined everything, everything I've worked hard for. " She broke into tears at this point.

" I've lost all connection with my vessel, just one simple order; don't disturb "

" Was it too much? Now I've lost it all. I had only two tries and... it's all gone".

Bob approached Madame in an attempt to try and calm her.

" I'm...I'm sorry Madame...I didn't mean to..."

He couldn't finish his sentence because a sharp knife had slit his throat.

" I will find a better replacement for you" She said as the tall man's lifeless body fell with a thud.