
Rainbow After Tomorrow

Maddison Iyves, that's me. And for twenty-six years...I live such a horrible life. During the day, I feel lifeless, pointless and I don't even know what's the point of living. During the night, I can't sleep and even if I do, there will be a never-ending nightmare. And I woke up, the cycles repeatedly around and around. Should I give up? I already did but here I am, still feeling miserable, so what's the point of it? I'm tired. Until I meet him, somehow similar to the person who ruined part of my life but yet so different. Ayden Winter. Who are you? Are you the poison or are you my remedy? Because you keep triggering my past and at the same time you comforting me too. Who are you? And why are you slowly destroying the walls that I build for over twenty years? Or maybe you're not the one who wracked the wall. Maybe it's me who let my wall down for you. And you show your photography. It's called Rainbow After Tomorrow. As a rain, when it's stopped, there will be a clear sky and rainbow, showing that rain is over. The same goes with life, it's not going to be hard forever. One day, just like the rain, it will stop. Maybe it will stop today, or maybe it will stop tomorrow. ----- WARNING!!! This novel contains disturbing scenes and mature content. (Involving mental health issues.) Thank you for reading!!! I really want to say, that you made me the happiest girl!!!! English is not my first language and this my the first book that I wrote in English, please bear with me. Do let me know your opinion in the comment section, your opinion is all matters to me. Meet me on Instagram: ashamrzki The cover is from Pinterest, credit to the owner. Update: Monday to Friday (1 chapter/day) Love, Asha

Ashaaa_Lim · Urbano
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69 Chs

Cheat day!

Things getting better day by day, which give me anxiety. My life went too smooth, it feels so wrong. And I get more anxious since we haven't heard anything from Andy, about Henry. Nothing at all. Not even from Ayden.

My anxiety keep rose up to the point I started to think that Ayden is hiding this matter from me. But whenever I asked, he will come at me, hugged me tightly, and said, 'I haven't heard anything about it too. They still working on it.'

I have nothing else to say except 'if you say so'. Ayden apparently working at home. Most of the time, he would oversleep, and when he woke up, he would watch movies with me. Sometimes, just sometimes, he would be working in the living room, with his laptop. Even though his eyes were on TV, but I assumed that he is working. Whenever he has to go for a meeting, he would call up his team to come over instead, and having a meeting in living room, sometimes in balcony, sometime in kitchen. Sometimes, he would go down to the lobby to have a meeting there. Or, maybe Susan will come over, bringing the proposal and paperwork, just documents that he needs to see or sign. But most of the time, he just sleeping and eating and watching movies with me. To be honest, I wonder if he even working. He looked too carefree. But at least, his complexion getting better, he has no longer has dark circles.

Since I have appointment with Dr Ward, he, apparently, using his rich people privilege, to invite Dr Ward over instead of we going to hospital. He didn't even want me to go there, to that hospital, since we might bump into Henry. Even though Andy hasn't confirmed yet that he's working there or not.

Thus, I having my session at home.

Whenever I told him that I'm bored, he would take me out on a date. Literally fun, not going to lie. But I feel wrong. Living like this. I feel like he's being over possessive.

Remember when he said he's going to stick by my side for twenty-four-seven? He really meant it. And I...surprisingly...suffocated. Haha. I need space too.

I glanced at the man who's looked all serious in the living room, sitting on the floor, as his hands working on his laptop. He took a sip of his coffee and he's frowning. He looked up and now he's watching TV, leaning his back to the sofa. He looked too comfortable. Sometimes, he curses. Why? Because he is frustrated by the male character of the drama he watches. Yes, he is currently watching a K-drama, Dr Ward suggested it.

Then he looked back to his laptop, working again.

Now, remember when he said, he doesn't mind people who slacking off while working? He said that because he is slacking off.

I feel bad for Susan, for working with this man.

Maybe he feel my gaze burning into his brain, he lift his head up and turned his head to me. Our eyes meet, and he slowly smiles, widely. Even his eyes bend over when he smiles like that. His dimples show up.

"Hi," he said cheerfully. I smiled at him, waving my hand to him. But maybe, he think I called him over, he quickly stood up and walked to me. No, I don't call him. And there he is, standing next to me, bending over and kiss me on my cheek. "Hi, baby."

"Hi, you. How's work?" I asked him, currently decorating my cake with the whipped cream. His hands slowly crawled around my waist and he rested his chin on my shoulder. I'm too used to even jab him over.

"Uhh...haha, don't tell Susan, but I haven't seen the report yet. And, about the exhibition that I told you about. Will it be okay, if I used most of the photos that I take, from our dates?"

Ah, that. The exhibition event, love as the theme. He told me two weeks ago, that he wants to use some of my pictures for it. And I haven't given him an answer yet.

"Sure," I said, rubbing his clean shaved chin, and smirking. "But nothing comes for free. You need to pay me." Yes, I still love money so much. I sound like a gold digger but hey, I used the money he gave me for him! I bought a lot of stuff for him. It's giving and take. It's all about a bargain.

And I need money so I could buy more clothes and accessories for him. And his birthday is coming.

"Hmm...can I pay you with my love instead?" he asked, kissing my neck. I ruffle his head, trying to reach for the strawberry. But he is quicker, dragging the bowl over for me.

I smile. See. Bargain.

"Tell me more about it," I said, putting the strawberry on top of the cake.

"I'll make you breakfast, lunch, dinner, every day. And I will bring breakfast to bed, every day. I will give you a warm hug, every day. Give you a kiss, and…" he paused. "Anything you want, I'll do anything for you."

Anything, huh? Okay...hmmm…

"I never watch movies at the cinema. Can we go watch a movie there?" I said, looking up at him. He straighten his body and I could feel him tense a little. He nodded.

"Yeah, anything you want, princess. Did you have any movie you want to watch?"

"I don't. We'll figure it out when we are there. So, you in?" he turned me around and kissed my forehead. He's a bit touchy today.

"Sure. You'll let me used some of your photos?"

"Sure," I uttered. I rubbed his forearms with a smile. "Cake?"

He glanced at the cake on the worktop, shaking his head lightly. He has that mischievous smile, but I was too happy to go watch a movie so I couldn't think about anything else. His hands were still on my waist. Not long after that, I found myself sitting on the cold marble, facing him.

"Can I eat something else?" He asked, tilting his head, eyeing me. Like what? Is he still hungry?

"We still have the leftover casserole, if you are still hungry." he let out a chuckle, sounds like a mocking one. What the? He let out a very heavy sighed.

"Princess...You're so beautiful." he bumped our forehead together and sighed again. What the hell is wrong with him?

"What's wrong?"

"Hm? Nothing much? I just said you are beautiful. By the way, I have to go to my office for the whole week. Urgent stuff. Are you coming? Or stay at home?"

"Home. I would rather stay at home." He stared at me deeply. His brows already furrowed as his lips pouted.

"You sure?" he asked, concerned.

"Yes. I am sure. I will ask Diana to come over, oh maybe I can go hang out with Lily and Hannah?"

"Lily and Hannah?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I feel bad if Diana keeps coming over. She's pregnant too. And I miss Hannah!"

"Can I come?"

I frowned. Here's the thing that I don't understand. He said, he would be busy. Giving me a choice to come with him or to stay at home.

I said I stay.

And I just, giving another option, where I can hang out with someone. With friends. With Lily and Hannah.

And here what I don't like and pissing me off.

His overprotectiveness. Can I come, he asked? For real? What happened to 'I have to go to work for the whole week'?

"No...you have work. Remember?" I said, carefully. He nodded.

"Uh-huh." He said nonchalantly, smiling like an idiot. "You're going to hang out here, right?"

"God sake, Ayden. It's just a plan. One-sided plan! I haven't told her yet." I cry out with a giggle, rubbing his chest softly. It's sturdy. Kinda like it.

He let out a chuckle too. "Hmm...okay." He said, hissing.

We stared at each other for some more. I know that face. He isn't having it. My idea. He didn't like it. Even the tone was cleared. That he. Wasn't having it.

"You don't like the idea?" She flickered my eyes, trying to persuade him. This protectiveness, I think it's getting suffocating. If I think Jade was bad, he was extremely bad. "Can I? What can be worse? I can meet up with friends, getting some fresh air and meeting a little cute angel."

"Yeah...intriguing, indeed. Am I inside your plan though?"

At this point, we keep going back to square one where I need to remind him that I came up with this plan because he would be busy for the whole week. But would that lead to an argument? Because I'm tired of arguments.

I need to shut him up. Maybe a little spice would do.

I trail my fingers on his collarbone, making him jerk up as my other hand is busy, stroking his hair. A little spice, Maddie. Just a little spice. To distract him from talking about the plan, maybe, to make him agree with my idea. That would be even better.

"What are you doing?" he whispered. "Am I inside your plan, princess?" He absolutely was not going to let that go, not before I answered him.

"You are inside my plan, but not while you're working," I said, trust me, I said that in a very coy way.

"Ohh…now can you tell me what's the plan for me?" He asked, stroking a strand of hair off from my face.

"Hmm...whatever you think it will be, darling," I whisper.

His silver eyes started to pierce me deeply. I don't know what he's thinking about, but his eyes are getting bigger. Oh, let me rephrase that word. His pupils, getting bigger. Darker. And darker.

Hah! I don't know what he's thinking but I know it must be something alluring.

"Whatever I think?" he asked in a very, deep, sexy voice. I always like his voice but this one just turned something inside me. The good thing. A good, good switch. "Hmm?"

"Whatever you think," I reassure him. Whatever he thinks.

He smirked. That's fucking gorgeous.

"I kinda like your plan. But can I get a taste now? A down payment."

I smiled. But the other second I'm not. He smirking, wickedly. His hands started to crawl over my waist, as he lift me up. I'm shrieking, scared that I might fall. It probably looks cute and romantic when you watch in movie or drama. The scene where you got lifted up by your man and slowly walked to the bedroom.

But, god! My heart almost escape from my damn mouth, desperately holding onto his neck as he walked to the bedroom. Everything happened so fast, the moment I realised what's going on or what I have led myself to, was the moment my back touched a soft and comfy bed. And Ayden is already on top of me, mounting over me as he pulls his shirt off.

Wow. I feel like my eyes get bigger as I stare at well defined, beautiful lines on his body. His abdominal is my favourite part so far. It's just...gorgeous. It's just perfect. One, two, three….six packs, damn. Can we talk about the line on his torso though?

"Pervert." I looked up and met his gaze. Did he just say that?

Based on his smile, he did.

I gulped all of the gut down, what did I just get myself into? This is not the plan!

"I told you...warn you, countless times, pleading with you to never invite me over, baby. But you just did," he said, gently. Why does he speak like that??? He gave me goosebumps.

He grabbed my hands and planted a kiss on them. I tried to smiles, come on, Maddie! This is not the plan!

"Ayden? I–" He muffled me with a smooch. Oh god, good grief, my face's burning. And he's smiling widely, so wide that even his eyes bending, his dimples started to show. Oh god. Oh, God!

"Whatever I think, right?"

Yeah, but not now! Huhu, I have to admit, I'm quite scared now. But not scared, just a bit scary. Get me? Still, I'm scared!

"I'm quite hungry, baby," he whispers, kissing my forehead, down to my eyes, to my nose, and stopped, leaving a gap between our lips as our eyes devouring each other.

"We still have leftovers, casserole. And we have cake." I said, already breathless. His fingers start to linger on my collarbone.

"Forgot about cake or casserole. I want you for a snack," he said, slowly bending himself lower and lower.

Oh shit!

One thought!

Fuck. Me!