
Rain of Sins

What exactly is a Quirk? Such a simple question should have an equally simple answer, unfortunately for Izuku, he forgot the very basic lesson of "Look before you Leap" and was woefully unprepared for just how deep the rabbit hole went. Now, with the butterfly effect in full swing, everyone will learn just how much one question can change everything... "I'm not a Villain! I'm a Geneticist!" This is a story of failure, loss, and sacrifice, when the world spins into chaos as one man struggles to find the invisible line between trying to understand the science behind quirks, and playing God.

Z75 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

Breaking Point: Ch 2

(Random Zack note: Yay Friendship!)

-Rain of Sins-

-Breaking Point: Ch 2-

"All Might, it's truly a pleasure to see you again."


The number one Hero stared at his former partner in slack jawed shock, before shaking his head and attempting to regather his composure. Of all the people he expected to run into in the U.A. hallways, Nighteye was not one of them.

"What are you doing at U.A.? I thought you were flooded with work… at least that's what you always said when I tried to call you…"

"The Yakuza investigation has recently hit a bit of a stonewall, so I decided to leave my sidekicks in charge for a while, while I catch up on some long overdue personal things." Nighteye sighed and massaged his temple "But I could ask the same thing of you. Aren't you supposed to be at the USJ facility right now? They had a whole publicity ad in the paper about it."

"Yes actually, I was supposed to teach a class there today- and I was looking forward to it as well! I've saved my time limit today and everything!" All Might huffed and crossed his arms "But Nezu decided to backtrack and called me for a meeting with him just as I was getting ready to leave."

"Nezu being a cryptic pain in the ass? I guess some things never change."

The two chuckled at the joke before descending into a somewhat awkward silence.

"Speaking of old times, how are you holding up?" Nighteye questioned "And did you ever manage to find someone you think is good enough for your master's quirk?"

"I'm holding up, but I've definitely been better." All Might sighed "It feels like my time keeps getting shorter and shorter, but the things I need to do keep increasing… as for my successor…" he chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck, the image of a green haired boy flashing in his mind "I'm actually going to be bringing that up with Nezu while I talk to him."

"Good, good for you…" The two lapsed into another silence as they walked through the school's winding maze of hallways, eventually arriving in front of Nezu's office.

All Might gave his old partner an awkward nod goodbye, and reached for the handle, but before he could open the door, Nighteye spoke up.

"Say All Might," He glanced away, unable to look his friend in the eye. "I-I know how difficult Nezu can be sometimes, do you want me to come in to back you up?"

"For you old friend?" Toshinori smiled, letting out tension he'd been holding, and looking relaxed for the first time since they started talking. "You don't even have to ask."

-Rain of Sins-

Izuku blinked as he stared up at dark storm clouds.

Wait, clouds? That wasn't right. He was supposed to be inside a lab. The ceiling was inside, the clouds wasn't inside- especially rain clouds.

Clouds inside? hehe, that was funny… it must be dream… 

...a nice…d..r...e....m…..

A deafening thunder crack caused him to shoot up in panic, eyes flying open, and all fogginess fleeing from his mind. He immediately cringed, his body protesting the sudden movement, and aching as if he had been hit with a sledgehammer all along his sides. It begged him to stay still, something that was difficult to do on account of the freezing rain soaking him to the bone, causing him to shiver like a popsicle.

Izuku pushed himself up with a groan, almost losing his footing as the unstable ground began to give out beneath his feet. Once he was standing he brushed his soggy hair out of his eyes, and wiped off his hands on his coat before taking stock of his situation.

He seemed to be in an abandoned city of sorts, the concrete buildings were in various states of disrepair with several of them collapsed either partially or completely, including the remains he was currently standing on. And the thing was smack dab in the middle of one of the worst storms Izuku had ever seen.

Thinking back, he remembered walking into Kirogiri's portal, and then falling . The small two story building he'd landed on must have already had a good number done to it by the storm for his weight to cause the thing to collapse.

But wait, if he landed here instead of the lab, then where…

"NOMU!" The scientist cupped his hands to his face and screamed as loud as he could into the rain "JEREMY! HEY! WHERE ARE YOU!"

But the only response he got was the flash of lightning, and the roll of thunder.


Jeremy, the highly classified and dubiously legal science experiment, was loose in public.

Taking one last look around from his vantage point, Izuku jumped from the rubble to the hard concrete street, and began marching into the storm- his coat billowing behind him.

-Rain of Sins-

"Shit…" Momo cursed under her breath.

"Hey, quit trying to copy me! I already said that!"

"Shut up Bakugo! Now isn't the time!"

"Exactly! So less moping and more BLASTING !" Bakugo punctuated his last word with a vicious explosion, sending a thug flying.

The two of them had been deposited on the top of the mountain zone, and the two of them had immediately sprung into an argument. Momo was tearing into Bakugo about being reckless, and Bakugo was livid at Momo for ruining his shot at stopping the villain while he was distracted.

And of course, when the two of them were distracted with one another, and couldn't be any further off their game, they were ambushed by a group of villains. Luckily most of them were relatively weak street thugs, but the sheer number of them was quickly becoming a problem.

Momo spun her steel pole, catching a crowbar on it and deflecting it to the side. But before she could follow up with the back end of her pole, and knock out her newly overextended opponent, she was forced to hop backwards to avoid a bat being swung by a second criminal, and then duck to avoid the fist of a third.

She trusted the tip of her staff into the jaw of her latest attacker, knocking him back and giving her room to stand again, but she quickly encountered the same problem again. Other villains forced her to back off before she could finish off the one she was engaging.

Bakugo was better off in that regard, he could knock out his attackers with a well placed explosion- or even just a sufficiently powerful one, if he didn't have time for pinpoint accuracy. But even then, he only had two hands to shoot explosions, and the mass of bodies was slowly pushing him back as well.

Before long the two students found themselves standing back to back, surrounded on all sides by attackers.

Out from the crowd stepped a giant of a man, easily hitting seven feet tall, with a bald head, a knife scar over his face, thick facial hair, and absolutely covered muscles.

"Well, well, little Heroes," The man spoke in a deep booming voice that matched his appearance "It seems we have you quite outmatched, why don't you just surrender and make this easier for all of us?"

"Why don't you choke on that shitty ass mustache of yours, and die!?" Bakugo spat.

The leader of the group- for who else could he be- laughed a deep bellow of a laugh "Say, i'll tell you what kid- I like your spunk! You remind me of myself when I was your age, and you've got quite the pretty catch there with ya', so I'ma make you a deal." He held out his hand "Hand over the little princess you've got with you, and I'll let you go! Me an' my boy's will have some fun, and you'll be free to wander off!"

The villain laughed at the shocked expression on the blond's face "Hell, if ya' want, you can stay and have a go with her! Front of th' line! After me, of course."

Momo froze as her brain registered the words, a form of abject horror mounting in her gut. Bakugo was an ass, sure, but surely he wasn't- he wouldn't-

"Piss off asshole! If anyone should be giving out surrender terms, it's ME!"

Momo let out a breath of relief, her terror reducing to more manageable levels. Bakugo might have been a headache at times, but he wasn't that type of guy. An egotistical ass, yes, but he wouldn't stab her in the back, or force himself on a woman.

These gang members on the other hand...

"Shame, and here I was honestly hoping you'd be smarter than I was at your age…" The giant sighed and shook his head "Allright men, teach 'em who they're dealing with! But try not to rough the girly up too much, if you can help it." He smiled cruelly "'Wouldn't want to play with a broken toy after this is over, now would we?"

The criminals chuckled amongst themselves, and began to draw closer, shrinking the circle and tightening the noose. Bakugo growled, and prepared to throw himself into combat, when he felt something get pushed into the palm of his hand.

" Put these on, " Momo whispered to him, " Put them on, and then blast the ground as hard as you can. Quickly!"

The villains charged at them, and Bakugo scowled, but didn't rush to meet them. Instead he followed Momo, quickly putting on what she'd given him- a bandanna and plastic goggles? Whatever. He stretched his arms outward in front of him, tilted down, braced himself, gritted his teeth, and-


The explosion hurt. He hadn't put so much force in it that he'd genuinely injured himself, he still had to fight after all. But Momo had said she'd wanted his biggest explosion, so that was what he'd given her. He definitely had first degree burns all over his hands, maybe even some small second degree ones spotted on his palms. He would definitely be needing some salve after this.

But his classmate's plan quickly became apparent as the force of his explosion hitting the dry, rocky ground, kicked up an absolute monster of a dust cloud. The dust filled the air, obscuring vision, getting in the villains' eyes, and causing them to hack and cough as they inhaled it. Meanwhile Bakugo and Momo, who had on goggles and bandannas, were mostly unaffected.

With a nod to each other, the two rushed forward in wordless communication, Momo attacking swiftly and brutally with her pole, and Bakugo throwing himself forward in a whirlwind of explosions and striking limbs.

With the Villains blind, and unable to coordinate with each other, they were made short work of.

Within a minute and a half, the dust cloud had dissipated, and the group of twenty some odd thugs lay unconscious on the ground.

"Well, that worked better than I anticipated." Momo sighed as she pulled down her bandana, letting her shoulders slump in relief now that the threat of her being, um… that, was out of the way.

"Better than anticipated?" Bakugo laughed as he tore off his facial gear to reveal a cocky grin "Please, that was a great fucking plan! 'Course it was only great, and even possible at all, because you had me here to carry your ass!"

Momo sighed at Bakugo's bragging, but smiled at the growing familiarity of it.



"Thank you for not turning me over." She smiled at him.

Bakugo seemed taken aback by her sincerity, but before he could respond, he was tackled to the side by a large object. 

The gang leader threw himself onto Bakugo, using his weight and momentum to stab down with a large combat knife, digging the blade deep into the blond's shoulder. 

The two quickly descended into a vicious grapple, with the Villain trying to drag the student close enough to the cliff to toss him off the edge, and when he failed to get the last few feet, he tried to pull out his knife for a lethal bow, all the while Bakugo barraged him with close range explosions and every punch and kick he could land.

After catching a particularly brutal punch with his jaw, the giant of a man let out a livid roar before grabbing Bakugo by the hair and slamming his head into the stone. The blow dazed him long enough for the man to grab the knife handle and rip the blade free, lifting it up and over the explosion user's head.

But before he could bring it down, a large net made of steel cables coiled around him, trapping his arms, and zapping him with the charge of a taser. And while it wasn't enough to subdue the beast of a man, it bought enough time for Bakugo to recover. And with a vicious roar, he brought up both of his legs and slammed them into the man's chest, knocking the giant off him, and tipping him over the edge of the cliff.

Peeking his head over the edge, Bakugo watched the man tumble down the rocky slope before landing on a stone outcropping hard enough to crack the ground.

The Villain shifted, weakly struggling against his binds, but didn't move.

Bakugo snorted, served him right.

Turning his head at the sound of quickly approaching footsteps, he found his vision obscured by a much prettier face to look at, than the ugly mug who'd been filling it for the past minute.

Bakugo huffed as Momo began to panic, dropping her net launcher on the ground before using her quirk to produce bandages and trying to tend to his injuries. He sat up and grumbled, but more or less let her continue without any real resistance.

"Thanks…" He muttered through gritted teeth, as she sprayed disinfectant on, and bandaged the large bleeding gash on the back of his head, having finally finished with his shoulder.

"But don't think this is some sort of standard! Just watch, I won't owe you by the end of the fucking week!"

"Owe me?" Momo paused her basic medical aid, and gave him a confused look.

"Yeah, you saved my ass." Bakugo crossed his arms "So I owe you one. I don't like owing people, so I'll find a way to make it up to you by the end of the week."

She stared at him with concern before shaking her head and laughing softly "You don't owe me anything, it's just what friends do."


"Besides," She shushed him "Remember back when we were surrounded? You really saved me there, so if anything we're even." 

Momo stood up and offered her hand to help pull him up.

"Got it?"

Bakugo stared at her for a long moment, before grinning and grabbing her hand.

"Got it!"

-Rain of Sins-

Izuku stared at the scene in front of him, something that looked like it had been ripped straight out of a horror movie, with wide eyes full of terror.

A midnight black monster, made of what could only be physical strands of shadow, screeched a blood curdling roar as it threw itself headfirst into a bloodbath.

The unholy monstrosity, the size of a bus, absolutely massacred the Villains attacking it. Real , actual , Villains who attacked with guns and various illegal counterfeits & lethal bastardizations of old Hero gear. They rushed it from every side, attacking without mercy, but the thing didn't care… it slaughtered them.

Several shadowy tendrils whipped out and struck some Villains centermass, sending them flying into concrete walls. Another Villain proved to be too slow, and was crushed beneath the weight of the demon's leg, while its arm ripped a nearby lamppost out of the ground and hurled it at a fleeing group of humans.

The remaining Villains, seeing that it wouldn't let them run away, doubled down, and attacked the creature with even more vigor. The monster didn't even flinch as the second wave rushed it, instead it responded by rearing back its head and letting loose a battle cry that challenged the storm itself- drowning out the wind, rain, and thunder with one thing.

Pure. Unadulterated. Rage.

Forcing his eyes shut, Izuku ducked back behind the crumbled remains of the building he was hiding behind. He tried to focus on the rain pelting him, on the howling wind and crashing thunder, he tried to lose himself in the force of nature that was the storm, trying to distract himself from the sounds of combat and cries of pain that filled the city.

...except, this storm wasn't really a force of nature , was it?

Slowly opening his eyes, he looked down to the street, and the large yellow arrow on it, with black words written in bold on it's interior.



The scientist let his eyes slide close again, and shivered, this time not because of the cold.

He was in the Unforeseen Simulation Joint facility.

The USJ never used live weapons in any of their exercises, which meant this was an actual, genuine, Villain attack on U.A., and that meant- that meant…

Izuku peeked out from behind his cover, and took another look at the combat.

One Villain, particularly brave, desperate, or stupid, it didn't matter, launched herself at the shadow demon, attempting to spear it in the eye with her weapon. But the beast's clawed hand shot up, grabbed her tight enough to cause her to cry out in pain, and then reeled back and flung her into a nearby building. The concrete wall shattered beneath the pressure, the woman flying straight through it and slamming into the floor, before the building gave out and collapsed on top of her.

The other Villains froze, staring in shock at the scene that just just played out before them.

The beast of shadow turned its head back towards them, it's ghostly yellow eyes burning with wrath.

Izuku ducked back behind the rubble, breathing heavily in panic.

That monstrous thing was a Hero in training!

And he was stuck directly in the middle of everything.


-End Chapter-

Touch up my existing text notes, and turn it into a workable chapter? Nah, I think you mean- get dissatisfied with the text as I go over it again, and rewrite the entire thing!

Originally Momo and Bakugo were gonna be in the storm area, and Izuku was gonna wind up in the mountains.

There was gonna be ~ Friendship~ BS between Bakgo and Momo, because the rain would wash away the nitroglycerin before Bakugo could ignite it, and the two would have to work together and use their heads, yada yada. But then I was like "Nah, that's stupid and forced by circumstance, not natural character interaction"

Besides Izuku's whole thing is literally rain in this fic, sooo, I swapped 'em.

*Sips Hot Chocolate*


*Sips Hot Chocolate*

Also, Im'a spoil the next chapter a lil'- We're gonna have the most epic fight of all time ! Ever ! Between two totally prepared combatants, who're totally the best in their respective fields, and skilled in fighting! (Definitely!)

Side game: If you can guess who's gonna be getting an actual real spot next chapter, important to the plot, for the first time in the character's history- both in canon, and in fan works- then I will give you a solid shout out in big bold letters and centered text.