
Ragnarok war on gods

The vast cosmos is divided into four different realms each have their own unique universe and its own unique creatures. The first realm,the realm of high and mighty gods which created everything the Heavenly realm. The second realm, the realm of the banished holds the most notorious beings in the cosmos, the realm of imprisonment Carcer. Third realm,the realm of the valley of time and homes the wielder of all ages and era, the time god and overseer of universe, Saturn master of Aetas the sanctum of time. Fourth and last the realm of heroes the land which gave birth to many strong cultivators capable of defying Gods and Demons, the realm from which I came from Heros. My life started on one of the distant cosmic planets. The planet of Fior where war will soon erupt as humans on the land, Demons in hell, and Gods in heaven all lit the beacon of violence. Flames of war have been cast and they can't be extinguished. Those who knows the prophecy shall yield to Ragnarok.....the war on gods.

LAZYHEAD · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
116 Chs

CH6:Moon fairies

While holding the scroll it suddenly lit up and shut towards the sky creating a huge portal. Winter and Kai both look at each other and dash toward it.

''What's that?'' Asher asked seeing that a dozen cultivators swarming towards them.

''This must be their backup plan'' one of his generals said.

The newly arrived visitors didn't waste time and launched their attacks even before they could come out of the portal.

''Kai'' Winter said while forming his stance to attack.

''Got it'' he nodded his head and went ahead of him.

A large golden flame envelopes the sky shaping itself as a lion bearing its fangs.

''The scared flame is the sturdiest flame in this world.... let's see if those guys can make a dent in it'' Kun said to Oldman Chen who was also watching the battle.

''Making a dent?.... they might not even leave a scratch after all he's my son's student he's power shouldn't be underestimated'' Oldman Chen proudly said.


The attack that took twelve Deity-level cultivators couldn't leave a scratch at the flames that enveloped the sky. From behind him, Winter unleashed his attack. A cold and freezing feeling struck the enemies making them stumble back at the portal.

''Winter destroyed that thing away'' Kai shouted while seeing that another hurdle of Deities was about to come.

Winter looks at it while Kai uses his huge flames to block the entrance suffocating everyone who tries to come out of it.

''Oh don't tell he's about to use it'' Asher said recognizing his move.

''Blue fairy eyes'' Oldman Chen mumbled.

''Tsk.....if I was the one who attacked those fools would turn into ice'' Cald arrogantly stated but he only received disdain from the onlookers except his comrades.


The portal started to crumble with just Winter's cold gaze. His eyes flare with coldness as his eyes glow even brighter. A few seconds have passed and the portal has finally been destroyed. Kai and Winter then slowly return to the ground without being hurt.

''Sigh....so much for having a moon fairy here'' Kun thought while looking at him.

The woman whose face is hidden moves closer to Kun asking who and what those two are.

''Kai and Winter?..... Kai is the head of the Maple Leaf dojo while Winter is a moon fairy general their childhood friends''

Moon fairies are descendants of the Moon God. Having his bloodline they inherited his strong cold physique and an impressive talent for cultivation and most of all the blue fairy eyes which made them famous.

The Moon fairies have a distinguishable appearance other than their eyes they also have pointy ears, fair and cold skin, and white long hair that why it's easy to recognize them.

Not many people like them since they always thought that they were superior to others both in appearance and strength, this is also the reason why Ethan's grandfather hated them.

For him, all of those Moon fairies are arrogant fools!!

Back to the camp Ethan already walked outside the tent still deep in thought about the moon fairies and Black Soul clan.

''They're going to attack tonight it seems like they already figured it out, the first attack was not meant for the thirteen squads but for the fifth squad who disguised as merchants''

Ethan looked at the sky the moonlight was so bright and peaceful that he thought ''Chaos is about to come'' then he went to the lake to take another bath.


He dived through the water and swam towards the deepest part of the lake.

Demigods' spiritual consciousness won't be able to penetrate through deep waters so Ethan went to the lake he's instinct told him he was being watched.

''Miss Meo the boy named Yue went to the lake again it seems like he went too deep that's why we can't sense him'' This man reporting is Wielder a first-star Demigod expert.

''Forget about him and focus on our enemy, keep your guard up our enemy will surely appear'' Meo whose wearing a magnificent green armor said her curves look even more eye-catching wearing this.

''Did he notice it?'' Meo thought while looking at Wieldler's back but eventually dismissed this idea.

After all, how could a one-star elementary-level cultivator sense the presence of a Demigod cultivator?

It was very quiet at the camp but the tension was still there, it was calm before the storm.

Both sides are waiting for their chance, in this peaceful lake chaos is already brewing.

Sinking at the bottom of the lake Ethan waited as well, patience is something he had learned a long time ago.

Thirty minutes pass it's midnight already the shadows lurking outside start to move closer.


The ground shook the battle at the surface had caused many explosions and screams could be heard, much debris fell to the lake making the water spatter everywhere.

Ethan opened his eyes listening to the explosion happening at the surface he figured that the battle as begun. ''Now the chance'' he thought and summoned a scarlet ring it appeared on his finger taking a closer look you'll see a small red phoenix in it.

He pulled a black robe from the ring and wore it.

He turns invisible! this robe was given to him by his Uncle when he was ten, saying to use it once he faced great danger.

Using the invincible robe Ethan sneakily swam toward the surface.

He saw the thirteen and fifth squads battling against an army of golden sandworms and a group of weird-looking Demigods.

''Black soul clan'' Ethan was sure to recognize them, according to the ancient history books he had read. Black soul clan members had red patterns in their bodies and most of them were balds, especially high-level cultivators. They are wearing black and red pattern armor with many skulls on it that's why it's easy to separate them from others.

Sneaking through the battle he tried to look for Gordon and Gilbert since they're kind to him he plans to help them.

''Found them'' After searching for a while he finally saw Gilbert, he was surrounded by three Nirvana-level golden sandworms.

Gilbert raised a giant silver hammer water started to gather to his giant hammer until it looked like a gigantic water hammer.

He swung it towards the mouth of the golden sandworm in front of him.


His gigantic water hammer went through the body of the golden sand worm killing it instantly.

Gilbert didn't stop he went back to his fighting position ready to release another attack unfortunately the other two golden sandworms had already gone to the ground.

''This won't do'' Observing the fight Ethan knew that Gilbert already fought many golden sandworms.

''Ha..ha..'' catching his breath Gilbert's vision became blurry already he had fought many Nirvana-level golden sandworms and consumed a large portion of his strength.

Knowing the enemies underground he raises his silver hammer and slams it to the ground.


Water burst from the ground along with the two golden sandworms that had been hidden before, he was about to attack again but he realized that both of the golden sandworms were dead.

''What the...'' confused Gilbert looked around, surprised that the golden sandworms he and his squad were fighting died all of a sudden.

Gordon took a closer look and saw poison arrows in the eyes and mouth of the golden sandworms. ''Yue?'' he thought about this question in his head.

The soldiers of the thirteen squad also saw those arrows and had the same thought as him but where is he??


Ethan released another arrow and hit the left eye of a golden sand worm then he would change his position and then released another arrow this repeated until he was sure that all members of the thirteen squads could handle the battle.



After the sound of his released arrow, a bang could be heard

One shot one kill, Ethan didn't waste any of his arrows he would shoot at the weaknesses of his enemy killing them instantly.

''This should be enough'' Seeing the pile of dead golden sand worms Ethan knew he had done enough.


Suddenly the sky brightened Ethan looked up and saw thirty figures fiercely fighting in the sky.

''When the heck did they come up there?'' looking up at the sky Ethan felt troubled taking a closer look Ethan's face became even more grim ''Not good they trying to form a spiritual gate''Ethan looked grimaced those Demigods are in big trouble.

The spiritual Gate is an array formation built by Demigod experts of the black soul clan this gate can shatter and swallow souls and is strong enough to weaken the members of the fifth squad which already build their spiritual sea.

The spiritual sea or sea of consciousness is the spiritual power used by the Demigods to sense their surroundings or be used to attack their opponents furthermore the spiritual sea is essential to cultivators advancing to Deity level.

Ethan looked around trying to find something useful until he saw a red and black pattern armor lying on the ground.

''A Demigod corpse'' he moved closer to the armor and sure enough it was the body of a Black Soul clan member. He took out a container and started collecting his blood then he saw another dead black soul clan member on the ground he quickly moved closer to it.

''This should be enough''Ethan took out a wooden pen and injected his vital essence qi in it seeing it glow he dipped it into the blood container and started to cast some unknown magic circles on the ground.