
Ragnarok war on gods

The vast cosmos is divided into four different realms each have their own unique universe and its own unique creatures. The first realm,the realm of high and mighty gods which created everything the Heavenly realm. The second realm, the realm of the banished holds the most notorious beings in the cosmos, the realm of imprisonment Carcer. Third realm,the realm of the valley of time and homes the wielder of all ages and era, the time god and overseer of universe, Saturn master of Aetas the sanctum of time. Fourth and last the realm of heroes the land which gave birth to many strong cultivators capable of defying Gods and Demons, the realm from which I came from Heros. My life started on one of the distant cosmic planets. The planet of Fior where war will soon erupt as humans on the land, Demons in hell, and Gods in heaven all lit the beacon of violence. Flames of war have been cast and they can't be extinguished. Those who knows the prophecy shall yield to Ragnarok.....the war on gods.

LAZYHEAD · Fantasy
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116 Chs


Ethan moves quickly making a counter formation beneath the Demigods up in the sky. He starts casting many array circles using the blood on the container.

''Ha....ha'' Ethan is already out of breath, his vital essence qi is too thin to keep up with the consumption he needs for the array sphere formation.

He stopped casting the array circle and summoned his scarlet ring he took out a brown bottle took three pills from it swallowed them and continued his work.

Level 3 Essence qi replenishment pill! since Ethan had the body of a sky-level cultivator taking three level 3 pills won't take a toll on his body. His meridians are large and strong enough to take a large quantity of vital essence qi at once.

While digesting the pills he would cast the array circle as fast as he can.

''Faster!....faster..go faster!!''

If Ethan lets them finish he and the rest of the low-level cultivators will definitely die!

Their souls would fly out of their bodies and will be used as fuel to kill those Demigods from the fifth squad.

He stole a glance up in the sky and saw that they were still battling ''Not good...need...to go faster!!''

Others might think that the fifth squad got the upper hand in this battle, but apparently, the members of the black soul clan would do this intentionally so they could assemble the Spiritual Gate formation.

Just like an insect trap inside a spider web. It was a trap that they couldn't escape each of their steps are all within planned by their enemy.

Ethan realized the array formation they making because he was right below them if he was also up in the sky fighting it might take a while before he realized their plan.


Up and in the sky, Meo and the members of the fifth squad continue to fight their enemies.

At first, the black soul clan got the advantage of having more in numbers but as the battle went on, the fifth squad was able to fight back and gain the upper hand.

''It's good that we brought an S-class protection ring to neutralize their soul attacks'' Meo thought as she raised her long sword and slashed it toward her enemies.

The S-class protection ring is a defensive weapon that could create multiple halos strong enough to defend against different types of attacks from Demigod experts.


Striking her long sword a large gust of wind came out turning into a bird, it flapped its wings and flew towards Igor the person who was leading the members of the black soul clan.

The large wind bird attacked Igor he tried to defend against it but was sent flying, blood dripping from his mouth but he only smiled and snicked.

''Did he lose his sanity..''Meo couldn't even finish her thoughts as heavy pressure immobilized them.

Confused she looked around and realized that their enemies had already encircled them.

''Array formation'' she said while grinding her teeth.

The Black Soul clansmen are all neatly arranged in a circle surrounding the fifth squad. The red patterns in their bodies keep glowing brighter while the skulls on their armour keep emitting a cloud of black smoke.

''Mo take the orb!'' Igor ordered one of his subordinates that since it would be disastrous if a reinforcement came they have to finish everything fast.

The man named Mo turned to Meo he raised his hand a red light shot from it and hit Meo's storage ring.

The storage ring broke revealing the treasure in it. Scanning the items Mo raised his palm and a jade box flew towards his hand, looking at the jade box in his hand he flew towards Igor and humbly gave the box to him.

''Lord Igor the orb''


Igor destroys the jade box revealing a palm-sized skull biting a purple orb ''This is one of the relics of our clan the soul-swallowing orb!'' Igor said while gently holding the orb his eyes reddened with happiness.

Putting the orb inside his storage ring Igor turned to look at the fifth squad he was about to attack when a large force suddenly pounced towards them destroying their array formation.

''Lord Igor!'' Mo and the rest shouted they could feel their blood boiling and all their strength disappearing. Grinding his teeth Igor took out a bronze gong and slammed it a powerful vibration roared across the camp.

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

Slamming the gong again the Demigods of the fifth squad all fall to the ground including Meo their strength is still paralyzed due to the array formation made by the enemy.

But suddenly a large flame came from the ground burning the Black Soul clansmen and sending them flying.

Bang! The ground shook again, and one spot on the camp start sucking a huge amount of vital essence qi from nature.


The large concentration of vital essence qi started to heal the Demigods near the array formation.

Hum!! Hum!!

A large sphere array formation glows and even more vital essence qi gathers making a hazy fog around the area, after a few seconds the large concentration of vital essence qi dissolves and everything returns to normal.

One by one the Demigods of the fifth squad started to stand up and stabilize themselves. Meo also stood up wiping the blood on her mouth she began to remember the words she heard before she lost consciousness.

''You...better not act arrogant again'' his cold and vicious voice echoed to Meo's ears again.

After a few moments, Gilbert and the rest of the thirteenth squad arrive they begin to help the injured and arrange the battlefield.

Meo looked at Gilbert and asked ''Where is Yue?'' she couldn't help but think that it was his voice she heard before.

Hearing this question everyone looks at each other and then looks towards the lake ''Should we go and check him out?'' Gordon asks but seeing the disaster that fell to their camp everyone decides to help and fix everything first.

The moon was still shining bright, and the sky had returned to normal but there was still someone hungry for blood. Running towards the forest blood dripped from his mouth his eyes were red with anger like a rampaging beast ready to release his wrath.


Back at the valley, everyone decided to conduct a plan against any attack God-level cultivator.

''We should all increase our strength, especially the younger generation'' Kai suggested to them.

''Sigh...and here we haven't solved our problem with the demons yet'' Kun said while massaging his temple.

''Don't forget the eight exiled clans we still haven't found all of them'' Asher added while looking at the map with some Xs markers.

''We already marked five of them which we have already confirmed legit'' Oldman Chen said to Asher.

''No matter who our are enemies our only solution is to grow stronger'' Winter added his opinion too.

While making plans to have all the younger generation either rich or poor grow stronger a cold and freezing feeling permeated the entire palace. Kai and Winter both jolted they both knew who owned this presence so they hurriedly went outside.

''This guy is the only moon fairy I like'' Oldman Chen said looking at the backs of Kai and Winter.

''You mean General Nicolai Iceberg''

''Yes Kun He's the only guy who doesn't act as arrogant as the others'' Oldman Chen answered him while looking at a map on his table.

Outside the palace, Kai and Winter both give their respect to the man in front of them. Different from typical appearances of Moon fairies this man has a black and white hair color and a short beard accompanied by his huge build which is domineering to see.

''Hmmm....you two look worried is it because of Kaleb?'' Nicolai looks at his two disciples while stroking his beard.

Both Kai and Winter remained silent but Nicolai saw the answer he needed through their faces.

''May I ask what brings you here teacher'' Winter finally speaks.

''I only came here because the king wants to tell that Oldman Chen should return his grandson''

Hearing it both Winter and Kai look at each other looking nervous at that idea.

''That would really bring disaster to each side'' Kai only said while holding his head feeling a bit of headache.

''Well that's the only thing I need to do here... now should I go and tell him in person'' Nicolai went ahead and disappeared bringing with him his giant spear.

''Oh no wait!'' hurrying to catch up they both turn to dash after their teacher.

A few seconds after it the entire palace turned to ashes Oldman Chen's voice echoed throughout the entire valley which scared everyone who heard it.

''I already saw this coming'' Kai looked grimaced looking at the scene.

''Me too'' Winter said as well while also looking helplessly at the mess that happened at Haze's palace.

''Man the palace remained still even after the battle but it turned to ashes because of Oldman Chen's wrath'' Asher mumbled which scared the generals with him seeing that Oldman Chen's wrath was even more igniting.