
Rafał & Zofya

passionfruitjuice · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Straightforwardness of a Liar

Luna Nera's Nacht. Warsaw, Poland


His big hands came to my waist as he kissed me back and opened my lips with his to taste me better, and I allowed him to take control of it. He kissed me slowly but deep and his lips were as soft as I prayed they would be. After a minute, he gave me two more kisses and inhaled my scent. "You smell like strawberries and winter wind, love. I love strawberries and winter."

"My best friend says I'm the person who likes the strawberries the most in this world, so I think you have a tough competition," I whispered brushing my lips on his again.

"Your lipstick also taste like it."

"Yeah?" I grinned. "And did you like the taste of my drink?"

"Oh, I certainly did, love. But I doubt it'll taste as good from the glass as it does from your lips," he nuzzled his nose on mine and I felt my heart skyrocketing.

"When did you arrive in town?" Let's get to the important stuff.

"I came back to Poland a week and a half ago. My friend is one of the owners of the pub and has been helping me find a place here. It was quick, though. After four days I managed to buy my apartment, decorate it, buy what I needed and I've been busy the whole week with all that and with managing the mess the filial of my company was in, in here."

Means he's a CEO then. "Then you came here to try relaxing?"

"To drink, actually. But I'm now craving to have your company with me for the weekend, love. Are you up to it?"

Oh, hell yeah. "Of course," I purred as sensually as possible.

"But I may only let you leave my side on Sunday night," he tightened his grip on my waist. "Will that be fine with you?"

"For this weekend, yes," I whispered kissing his lips again. "I'll let you make me yours, do you want me?"

"Want is an understatement, love. I feel like I won't be able to breathe if I don't have you. I assure you, you won't be disappointed if I make you mine," oh man. "But first, important question I should have made before, how old are you, love?"

"21," I lied.

"I turned 25 a month ago," that makes him actually 8 years older than me. Better than 10.

"Here you go," she came with his drink and his brownie.

"Put both mine and hers in the account I made earlier, Mina!" Oh? So, that's her name.

"Yes, Mr. Rafał," she danced away from us.

After we were alone again, he put some distance between us. "Eat and drink, you will need the energy, love," he said sensually in a firm order, and for once, I actually felt turned on by his bossy tone, which I usually hate in everyone else, since I'm usually the bossy one.

"Thank you for paying, you didn't need to do that, but thank you," I ate a bit of my brownie.

"You doesn't need to worry about money with me, love," well, that is for sure.

"I'm rich too, but thank you for investing on me," I winked.

Giggling amusedly, in the most addicting sound after his voice, that I've ever heard, he showed me his hand, "Back to the rings."

"Yes, tell me about that," I took another bite of the tasty brownie.

"Early acceptance in Oxford ring. Graduation in Mechanical Engineering ring. Post Graduation in Physics ring. 18th birthday ring. And a ring for my last trophy on the basketball team of Oxford when I was 18," oh? What?

I tilted my head, "Prodigy student entering Oxford as a teen then?"

A nod, "I had a special education and graduated from highschool at 13, and went directly to Oxford. Five years in, I graduated at 18. And at 20 from my post. Always the valedictorian student."

Hot as fuck, rich, smart, flirty, and with the best kiss in the world. "Engineering and Physics, you have my respect."

"You're in college, right?"

I nodded, internally glad that at least I don't need to lie about this, "Architecture student."

"Then you're from my expertise. A rational one, aren't you?" He asked amused and I felt my cheeks burning.

"Can't be helped, my parents are of the field," mom is also an architect but specialized in decoration. "But I've always been a top student in all subjects."

"We are both smart then, love," he finished his brownie and then his whiskey.

I took my time finishing my cocktail after I was done with the brownie, anxiety growing on me.

"Are you in your car?" He asked me.

I opened my clutch and waved my car keys at him. "Yes. You?"

He waved the key of a Bugatti, "Me too."

"Wanna race to your place then?" I grinned and his interest was picked. "It isn't very responsible, but the streets here are kind of empty at night," when I was going to jumped from my seat, he held my waist and helped me out, and as I stood, I noticed that he was way taller than I first imagine. "2 meters and?"

Rafał understood what I meant instantly and with a sensual grin, he brought me even closer to himself, "2.12m."

Shit, he's 45cm taller than me, it's insane. Thank God I'm using a 15cm high heels right now, because at least with it I'm a bit above his shoulders. "I'm 1.67m," I chuckled in genuine shock. "No wonder you were in the basketball team."

Intertwining his big hand on mine, he brought me closer to walk with him, and we made our way out to the garage to get our cars. And then I noticed the latest model black Bugatti that I didn't paid attention to before, which was parked on the right of my car, and was there before I came.

But before we could get to our cars, though, he stopped me, bend down a bit and kissed me again, but this time it was a deeper and more hungry kiss. Personal and more private and he grabbed my ass possessively, pressing me to himself. As he pressed his back on the pillar between our cars, his hand slipped to my naked leg and grabbed my thigh, bringing our bodies even closer.

So close that I could feel not only his warmth through his clothes, but his monstrous erection that got me burning for him. Craving to let him ravage me and pulverize my v-card.

Arching my body towards his, I pressed myself on him even further. "Let's get out of here, love. Before I lose my shite right here," he growled and added some distance between us.

"Okay, you drive, I'll follow you to your place!" I said out of breath.

He kissed me one more time, "Come on, love," he whispered against my lips before distancing himself again and going to his car.

I did the same.

And the second we went to the road, my phone rang on the car speaker, startling me, and I touched the button on the digital screen to accept it as I saw Cecylia's name on it.

"Just checking on you, Honeyboom. Is everything alright? Found your lucky man?"

I gasped, "I'm following him to his place right now. He's so fucking hot, Jam-Jam, you have no freaking idea. He's the hottest man I've ever see, because he ain't a guy, he's a man. And he's freaking huge. I mean, 2.12m tall and sculpted in muscles, and kisses so well."

My best friend chuckled in surprise, "Oh my, so you've even found him already. Name? Age? Is he rich? He ain't blonde, right? Is he from Warsaw too or from another country?"

"British. British-Polish, but he moved here less than a month ago. Definitely rich, and a freaking prodigy genius. He's 25 and he's already accomplished financially and academically because he graduated from Oxford at 18. Mad respect. Black wavy hair, tanned skin, baby ocean blue siren eyes. Everything about him scream hot, volcano-hot. Just being near him made me scorching hot, the man is something else entirely and I'm pretty sure he's big."

"Wow, you found gold, Honeyboom. You should snatch this man for you definitively!"

I gasped, "Absolutely not. I'll be 17 in two weeks, and I'm lying to him. As much as I do want to have him as mine for real, it can't happen because he think I'm 21 and my name is Dakota, which is a lie. He would be mad as hell if he learned I lie to him, because he was very vocal about his trust issues."

"8 years of difference. It's almost nothing, Honeyboom. Me and dad are 18 years apart. You and this man, you still didn't tell me his name, have a difference way smaller when put into perspective. You will be 18 in a year, and by then he'll be 26. Then you can officially be together as yourself."

"Jam-Jam," but she didn't stop.

"Though it could happen sooner if you asked your mom to emancipate you as I've been telling you to do it. She did told you that you could chose anything you wanted for your 17th birthday. Besides, I'm emancipated and legally an adult even though I'm 17, and it's amazing. We are college girls, going to our third semester and second year in five weeks after Winter break, and it'll be way more freeing for us if we are both emancipated. It's not cool to be a college student and still need our parents permission to do shit!"

There she goes with that talk again. Though the idea of becoming legally an adult before the natural times is attractive. Especially if it meant being with Rafał, if he wanted to be with me as I am, later. But I'm not doing that just for a man, even if he's the best man I've ever laid my eyes on and probably all I've ever wanted.

"I'll think about it, Jam-Jam. Ah, and his name is Rafał," I enjoyed saying his name with my lips.

"Rafał?" Uncle Krystian asked, near her.

"Yes, yes. He said he was friends with one of the owners of the pub, so one of your friends must know him, uncle Krystian. I have to go now, we're getting to his building. Love you, enjoy your night. Don't wait for me, I'll be staying here until Sunday. Thanks for lying to my mother with me!" Then I hang up, anxious as I parked my car in the underground garage of his building, near his car.

Taking my driver's license that contains my real identity on it, I hid it under my seat and put the five lance sexy panties I bought on Victoria's Secret two days ago, on my clutch with my things that were already in it. Also opting to leave my fake ID in the car.

As I walked out, I locked my car and put the keys in my clutch, and then I found myself being carried off the ground as he took me in his arms bridal style.

"Better like this, you're too short!" He winked and I felt my cheeks burning, then I laced my arms around his neck.