
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Filmes
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The Joker and the Mob

Commissioner Gordon and Batman's plan to raid the mob's bank, for the sake of secrecy, even concealed it from the district attorney Harvey Dent.

But with just a turn of events, the mob was already aware of the whole process on this side and had even made the necessary preparations in advance. Before the police raid, they had already moved all their funds.

When the mob boss Maroni, seen in the video, claimed to have an informant within the police, Commissioner Gordon couldn't help but swear, "Damn it, traitors!"

Peter Parker sighed, "Even with Mr. Wayne, Gotham's security situation is still too bad."

Bruce Wayne squinted but remained silent, only silently contemplating whether he needed a system to monitor everyone in Gotham. After all, the mob's influence was everywhere, and Gotham's authorities were corrupt. The combination was like a dry tinder meeting a fierce fire.

Bruce Wayne felt that there were hardly any trustworthy allies left in all of Gotham. Even good cops like Commissioner Gordon couldn't be fully trusted. The mob's methods were ruthless, and if they threatened to harm Gordon's family, what could he do?

Commissioner Gordon turned his head and suddenly felt that Bruce Wayne's expression was strange, but he didn't dwell on it, and reprimanded, "For such an important mission, maintaining secrecy is crucial. I can't believe it went wrong. There are too many traitors in the police department!"

Arthur looked at them and said softly, "You good people always have reservations in your actions, following the law and rules. But this actually gives the bad guys a chance to use it to manipulate you, like kidnapping a cop's family or friends."


Hearing Arthur's words, Gordon felt that it made sense. The problem was, how did this guy understand all this?

The video on the screen continued, with the mob having plans to counter the police raid, moving their dirty money in advance to an undisclosed location.

The person responsible for this money transfer plan was a Chinese mob boss who was not present in person but communicated through a video conference to discuss their future plans.

This Chinese mob boss was very confident in his plan, and although other mob bosses were not happy because their money had been moved and they were being targeted by the police and Batman, they had to agree with the Chinese mob boss's proposal. He had acted preemptively and moved the money.

Seeing the mob easily outsmart the police, many onlookers were furious, condemning the government as a bunch of inept bureaucrats who wasted taxpayers' money and cursing the mob for their cunning.

In the video, the mob meeting was going smoothly, but suddenly, strange laughter came from outside the frame.

"Ha, hahaha, hahaha..."

This wasn't hearty laughter or a smile, but rather a sinister, mocking fake laugh. The person making this eerie laugh seemed to be taunting the mob bosses at the conference table.

"Why does this laugh sound a bit like you... Mr. Arthur? Or Am I mistaken?" Peter Parker asked with surprise.

Arthur's expression changed, and Spider-Man quickly added, "Um, Mr Arthur, forgive my offense. I'm just curious if this Joker also has a mental illness?"

Gordon slapped his forehead and muttered, "Your question is even more offensive."

Then he turned his attention to the video screen. Just as Peter Parker had said, the one making this strange laugh in the video was none other than the Joker they had already encountered.

He wears a cheap purple suit, dishevelled hair, and a bizarre and frightening clown makeup on his face.

The Joker, laughing strangely, approached the mob bosses, and when he saw them all looking very serious, he said, "It seems my jokes aren't funny?"

This statement was like a joke in itself!

Just a moment ago, the mob bosses were discussing this freak who dared to rob their mob bank, and now this freak had voluntarily come to them.

An African American mob boss angrily shouted, "If you don't tell us where you hide our money then I'll twist your head off!"

These mob bosses present had seen the world, they were not just small-time thugs on the streets. Seeing their enemy suddenly approach, they were curious whether the Joker had something related to their interests. After all, according to normal thinking, after successfully robbing the mob bank, you should leave with the money, go far away, and live in constant fear of the mob chasing you.

Now, to actively come to them, it was probably to negotiate or beg for forgiveness, right?

However, if they applied normal thinking to the Joker, they would be absolutely wrong.

The Joker tilted his head, suddenly as if struck by inspiration, and said, "How about I perform a magic trick for you?"

He took out a pencil, stood it on the table, and drew a circle with his other hand. At this point, the mob bosses were all dumbfounded. They hadn't expected the Joker to do something like this. It was suicidal!

One of the henchmen walked up, but as soon as he got close, the Joker suddenly grabbed his head and slammed it on the table with a loud thud.

the pencil was still standing on the table. After the head was placed on it, the pencil disappeared...


The Joker looked at the unfortunate guy and stared at the table. "It... disappeared!"

Then, he sat down directly in the chair, eyeing the mob bosses defiantly. It was a blatant provocation, but he showed no fear or hesitation.

Peter Parker raised an eyebrow and said, "This Joker is even more difficult to deal with than these mob people! He's just insane, like Thanos, and others. They're all mad!"

Normal mobsters and thugs were not that hard to deal with because they were just like businessmen, doing evil deeds for profit, money, and benefits.

These people would stop at nothing to achieve their interests, disregarding the law and societal morals. They were ruthless and determined.

But on the other hand, these people also had very obvious vulnerabilities. They would compromise, retreat, and even beg for mercy when violence didn't work in their favour, all to protect their interests, money, and benefits.

So, Batman and Gordon's plan to raid the mob's bank was a complete success, cutting off the root of the problem!