
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Filmes
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565 Chs

Supreme sorcerer[edited]

Tony took the lead in driving the big robot out of the basement to the yard outside, while Jarvis controlled a Mark3 mech to follow.

After standing still, Jarvis reminded: "Sir, do I need to transfer all the permissions?"

"Of course, I have a feeling that I am the hunter and Mark3 is the prey!" Tony was excited: "Come on!"

"Sir, I'm starting!"

Jarvis took the lead in launching the offensive, flying directly at low altitude, and at the same time full firepower in the air, the high-energy laser cut the airwave and accurately blasted the trash and bloated belly.

However, the green light barrier that blocked the artillery bullets appeared again, rising one step faster than the laser, protecting the whole body of the big armor.

There is no response when the laser hits it!

"Wow, take a look, It's so cool!" Tony shouted excitedly, pushing the lever, the big robot waved his arms, and the arms turned into high-speed drills, driving the sharp blades and spikes to continuously rotate.

But compared to Mark3, the garbage action is too slow, Jarvis controlled the mecha and easily avoided the attack.

entangled with each other for a while, Tony finally seized the opportunity, a big punch hit the steel mecha flying around, with a loud bang!

Mark 3 was hit and flew out like a bowling ball, knocked open the wall, and even broke a few solid rocks!

"Tony!" pepper ran to the balcony and looked at Tony in the yard in surprise, "What are you doing?!"

"It's nothing, I just developed a new thing, have you seen it, this is so interesting!"

Tony called Jarvis: "Jarvis, are you okay? Sorry, I didn't keep my hand, hahaha, forgive me, I'm not so skilled in driving this kind of robot for the first time!"

"It's unscientific!" Jarvis's tone did not fluctuate, but he was deeply confused. "Sir, the central system of the mecha has been paralyzed, and the power of that punch cannot be detected. Any countermeasures are too unscientific!"

Tony smiled and said, "This shows that Mark 3 is not mature enough!"

At this time, there was the sound of a wing hovering overhead, and a helicopter slowly landed on the platform.

Tony said: "Pepper, entertain the guests for me, I'll be there soon!"

He went back and took a shower, and found that he hadn't slept all night, but he didn't feel tired at all.

The magical garbage robot, and this kind of abundant energy, obviously do not match common sense.

Is it because of the reward of that weird game, the technology brand of Old Sage?

Tony smiled, "A mysterious game, but to me, it's not all bad!"

After changing his clothes, he saw the bald director, Bruce, and a hot woman in the living room.

Tony blew a whistle at the woman and immediately angered Pepper. He had to raise his hands and question the director's fury: "Can't you let me have a good rest? Even if it's only one day?"

"Someone wants to see you. Her identity is very special. She must be accompanied by us to start this conversation." The director Nick Fury said in a deep voice.

"Madam, are you looking for me?" Tony immediately showed Natalie a bright smile and patted the sofa next to him: "I'm happy to help you."

Natasha blinked at him and smiled "Thank you for your kindness, but sorry, I'm not the lady you want to help."

Tony looked around, except for Pepper, there is only Natasha.

Director Nick coughed, "Supreme sorcerer, are you here?"

"I'm here." A woman wearing a monk's robe, with the same bald head, walked out of the shining portal.

She was enveloped in bright light, just like the Buddha in myths!

Tony's eyes widened, "Don't tell me, she is the host behind the game yesterday?"

Ancient one with a smile on her face shook her head: "I don't have that incredible ability."

"She is the Supreme sorcerer from Kamar Taj. She said that her responsibility is to maintain the safety of the entire multiverse..."

 "Wait, wait!" Tony interrupted Director Fury's introduction, "Sorcerer? I heard it right, you said she knows magic? Not fake magic, but real magic?"

"Yes." The director shrugged, "When I first saw her, I was as surprised as you were, but she convinced me."

Last night, Ancient One suddenly visited him, proactively revealed her identity as the Supreme sorcerer, and claimed that an unprecedented crisis had come and she needed their help.

Tony didn't believe in the existence of magic, and director fury spread his hands, "You know, you had convinced me, but it's much harder to convince him."

ancient one smiled, and with a wave of her hand, a dazzling golden light flashed like water waves, and Tony found himself sitting on the ceiling!

He looked around in surprise and found that everything around him was hanging upside down.

The space folds into balls like disordered lenses. From every direction and every angle, you can see the plain smiling face of the ancient one.

"You have never seen the power of magic, but there is no denying the existence of magic." ancient one voice also came from all directions.

She waved again, and Tony returned to normal.

Tony has nothing to say now, frowning: "Okay, okay, supreme...sorcerer? Are you looking for me for the weird game yesterday?"

"Yes, yesterday's game may come from a mysterious existence in a higher dimension, completely disrupting everything in our world!" ancient one restrained her smile.

The light curtain that opened in the quiz game yesterday also appeared in Kamar Taj.

She used the Eye of Agamoto to observe the timeline for the first time, but found that the moment the light curtain appeared, the future became unknown!

For others, the future is naturally unknown, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

But the ancient one is different. She wants to protect not only the earth but the earth in the multiverse. She often observes the direction of the timeline to find out whether there are enemies from other universes.

The Eye of Agamoto failed!

ancient one immediately realized the seriousness of the situation, she found Bruce first last night.

As the guardian of the multiverse earth, she often has to fight enemies from other dimensions. ancient one can naturally recognize Bruce as a standard outsider.

After discussing with each other for a while, Bruce persuaded her to go to Nick Fury, and that's why she is here today.

"You're right." Tony turned on the projection TV. "My life was completely messed up. Now the whole world knows that Tony Stark likes to lick lady's feet!!"

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