
Quick Transmigration: Picked Up By Stud Horse System

In order to live again, Xi Sheng merged with a task-taker system. They hop in the whole multiverse to save her other selves from being obliterated, as well as saving the world. She only wanted to save herself and... Screw the system, but how did it become like this? Unknown Entity, crying: I really really love you! I will die if you leave me! Xi Sheng: Die then! Unknown Entity: This daughter-in-law only married your son, so I can stay with your side! Xi Sheng: Son! Your Mother is being coveted by your wife! Unknown Entity: I fall in love with a person, not with their gender! Senior, please be with me! Xi Sheng: I suddenly want to become a priest. Unknown Entity: When I was alive, only I can think about was you. Now that I am dead, I'm still unwilling to let you go! Horrified, Xi Sheng took out a talisman worth of billions of points and said shakily: Your mom! I.. I'm n...n...not scared of g...g...g...ghost! .......... Warning: The novel is very slow-paced so you might get bored while reading. It also contains sensitive topics. You are warned.

LIght_Novel_San · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Self-love is Important (2)

Golden Records Entertainment– Currently the most prestigious and successful in the entertainment industry. They operate locally and abroad. Their net worth reached 120 million dollars in corporate value.

Emperors and Empresses of Silver Screen all came from them. They also produced popular bands, models, singers and superstars.

Golden Records Entertainment always dominated the billboard and tons of awards in the past few decades.

It is said that although the entertainment industry is full of black and shady deals, Golden Records always seem clean.

It is an open secret that their glory is because of their Human Resource Department.

"Good news! The allegations against Actress Tu Quan is lifted, quick turn the news! Turn the news!"

"Okay! Okay! Calm down.."

>>Actress Tu Quan's case of using illegal drugs is slammed down by the Bureau of Investigations...<<

Xi Sheng entered the building when she is immediately welcomed by tons of greetings.

"Chief Xi, congratulations on winning Miss Tu's case!"

"Congrats Chief Xi!"


Xi Sheng bows lightly. If there's something that Xi Sheng could say about the original host is that she's too fucking cringe-y!

"Thank you, everyone, you supported our department when we need some documents so it's not just HR's win, it is 'our' win," Xi Sheng's lips twitched while smiling, her eyes flickered enchantingly.

This caused the surrounded people to blush and their heart raced for a minute after her smile vanished.

Xi Sheng does not possess a beauty like crafted by Gods, her appearance is not something worth mentioning. Her facial features are somewhat innocent and naive paired with her weak presence, she is always overlooked.

The original is awkward and does not smile much that's why she is usually underestimated and pushed to the sides.

However, now that Xi Sheng took over, her presence also changed. Her harmless face paired with devious presence, the opposite distinction created a weird but bewitching attraction.

"Please excuse me. The Director called me, I must go now."

A path was created for Xi Sheng as she walks away. Her figure disappeared when people chattered everywhere.


"Has Chief Xi always smile like that?! I thought my heart would burst!"

"Chief Xi always looks bored so I was freaking unprepared when she drop that smile..."


A 'Director' tag is hanged in front of the door. She twists the knob and entered.

"Good morning, Sir."

In her memories, the Director can only be described with one word: Crazy-son-of-a-bitch.

A high pitch annoying voice rang: "Why the hell are you looking at me like that? Do you have a crush on me or something?"

Veins started to be visible in Xi Sheng's face.

Director Su Xishen is actually very handsome, to the point that it's annoying, however, his voice is just really something. He inherited his face from his supermodel Mother, while he got his Dad's great body and intelligence. His superior genes can kill people in envy!

Director Su Xishen sighs pitifully: "My beauty is such a sin. Although you did a good job handling that... what's her name again? Anyway, good job. I will give you the privilege of looking at me. So look while you can!"

Xi Sheng can not help but scoff.

Su Xishen pushed back his chair and put down the documents he's reading.

He gazes at Xi Sheng like the most stupid person in the world: "I heard what happened yesterday. Did you hit your head somewhere?"

Apart from his usual narcissistic remarks, Su Xishen deeply cares about Xi Sheng. He treats Xi Sheng like his own family.

Su Xishen shakes his head: "That lowly boy you took doesn't know any decency. When will you realize that he's just using you? There's tons of fish in the sea!"

Xi Sheng smiled sadly:"I love him."

It's Su Xishen's turn to be irritated:"Love? Hah! You love his face not him!"

Xi Sheng nodded in her heart:'Correct.'

Su Xishen continued:"Shengsheng, let me tell you, the only reason you fancy him is because of his face that is four to five points similar to mine!"

Xi Sheng screamed in her mind:'Fucking correct!'

The truth is, the original like Ji Hanzhi because of his looks that are quite similar to Su Xishen.

After all, her first love is Su Xishen, that's why Xi Sheng is pissed with him. She does not personally like Su Xishen but rather his face, she freaking loved his face to death to the point that she's willing to find Ji Hanzhi in his stead, although Ji Hanzhi can't compare to Su Xishen in terms If everything.

At least that was the case in the first place. Sadly, Ji Hanzhi's face together with his trivial care managed to hook the original host into lovesickness.

Su Xishen shouted:"What will make you break up with that atrocious brat?! Will you break up with him if I date you for a while?!"

Xi Sheng was kinda moved by his words. She was so moved that she can smack the small mirror he's holding into his pretty face.

"Your offer is way too late, I have fallen into him like a moth drawn to a flame," Xi Sheng said while hiding her embarrassment.

Su Xishen became disgusted:" Eww, that Ji Hanzhi will really endure anything, even your cringiness..."

He paused and scanned Xi Sheng from head to toe.

"Anyway, just call me if that bastard did something again. Even If you don't, I will know anyway. If he dared to make you cry like the last time, I swear, I will beat his face into an unrecognizable state. Go now! I will send your gifts in your department!"

Xi Sheng paid her respect before she left, she even heard Su Xishen clicked his tongue.


In the Human Resource Department, Xi Sheng is currently surrounded.

"Chief Xi! Chief Xi! what will you choose?!"

"Lotus Pavillion, I want to eat there! Wuwu~ I want to try at least once in my life eating at the expensive restaurant."

"Chief Xi, choose the money! We need it... I very much need it!"

Bonus salary, Lotus Pavillion, Upgraded Computers, and Spring resort. These are the choices that they can choose from.

The HR department composed of nine individuals led by her. Three of them are lawyers, three are computer specialists and the remaining three are strategic entertainments secretaries.

"The Bonus Salary is 500 dollars, Upgraded Computers are only parts, Spring resort is only one day, while the Lotus Pavillion has 1500 dollars. "

The nine individuals gulped several times, each of them chanting their desire.

'Please computer parts! Our computer often lags wuwuwuw...'

'Money, money, give me money! I need to buy merch!'

'Lotus! Lotus! Lotus! I want to eat food!'

'Spring resort is bullshit, what one-day relaxation? More like a day before execution...'

'The chief looks so attractive while thinking...So cool, so cool.'

Xi Sheng's eye glinted in mischievousness.

"We'll choose the Lotus Pavillion."

Those whose wishes were not granted were sad, but they also realized that eating is not such a bad thing!

Xi Sheng added:" We'll cut our spending to a maximum of 750 dollars, and we'll split the remaining, good enough?"

Xi Sheng's inquiry was met by deafening cheers.

"Thank you, Chief! You are heaven sent!"

"Please marry me!"

"Money... I can touch the money!"

"Computer parts...my babies!"

Xi Sheng is amused that she forgot the fun that a certain system brought.