
Quantum Odyssey: The Age of Hidden Wonders

Quantum Odyssey: The Age of Hidden Wonders" follows the journey of this boy, whose name is yet to be unveiled, as he navigates the enigmatic landscape of a society on the brink of transcendence. Virtual reality technology, once a distant dream, has now become a ubiquitous force, redefining the very essence of human existence. However, with this newfound power comes a web of mysteries, secrets concealed within the infinite possibilities of the digital realm. As the boy matures, the world around him evolves, and after a mere quarter-century, humanity takes a monumental leap forward, leaving behind the world they once knew. In this mesmerizing odyssey, the boundaries of reality and illusion blur, unveiling hidden wonders and confronting profound questions about identity, consciousness, and the nature of existence itself

ashty · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Successful Landing

Year 2223

The year was 2023, and I was just seventeen, filled with the aspirations of becoming a successful businessman. Once, I had been captivated by the world of anime, then it shifted to manga, followed by manhwa, but now, it all seemed like nothing the surge disappeard. My desire was to break free from the shackles of ordinary life, to reach out to the endless . Yet, the reality I faced was far from that dream, it felt like fragile glass, shattering with every attempt to grasp it.

The era of virtual reality (VR) was on the horizon, and only a select few had access to it. Still, I believed that soon, this transformative technology would become available to everyone, offering a new realm of experiences and possibilities. There was also groundbreaking research underway, promising the potential for reversing the aging process by 2250, a glimmer of hope that the future might hold untold wonders.


Year 2249

'Mayday, Mayday! This is the captain of Boeing 1003, requesting permission to dock at Alpha Gate'the captain of the ship asked for permission in professional way 

'You have just three minutes to complete this landing. We will be using the warp gate in five minutes, and all gates will fold at four minutes from now.' The control tower replied in a affermative tone 

'All arms, target Boeing 1003. A slight distress signal—shoot on sight!' this message was sent to the commanding air force officer from the ATC 

'This is Boeing 1003. We have successfully landed at Alpha. Preparing for self-destruction in T-60 seconds. All passengers, please use jump suits to eject.'

'Permission granted. Please eject now and commence self-destruction.'

Within the next few seconds, all passengers and the crew ejected from the doomed vessel. As they floated in the void of space, bullets that seemed to fire randomly were expertly aimed, taking down over 60 beings who had disguised themselves as humans. Witnessing this intense action at the tender age of seventeen caused my consciousness to waver and collapse.

While I lay unconscious, more than 60 of these mysterious beings were eliminated, and our vessel was repurposed as a bomb, destined to alter the course of history. Earth and the debris around the Moon became relics of a bygone era. Our ship now hurtled through space, heading towards Titan, where we would make the leap to a new galaxy, leaving the remnants of our past behind.

This cataclysmic event would forever be etched in the annals of history, remembered by future generations.