
Quantum Odyssey: The Age of Hidden Wonders

Quantum Odyssey: The Age of Hidden Wonders" follows the journey of this boy, whose name is yet to be unveiled, as he navigates the enigmatic landscape of a society on the brink of transcendence. Virtual reality technology, once a distant dream, has now become a ubiquitous force, redefining the very essence of human existence. However, with this newfound power comes a web of mysteries, secrets concealed within the infinite possibilities of the digital realm. As the boy matures, the world around him evolves, and after a mere quarter-century, humanity takes a monumental leap forward, leaving behind the world they once knew. In this mesmerizing odyssey, the boundaries of reality and illusion blur, unveiling hidden wonders and confronting profound questions about identity, consciousness, and the nature of existence itself

ashty · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Awakening in Quanta

Hey, I'm Ash. You might already know me, and if you don't, our author surely does. He's probably told you how I have this knack for being a genius at everything, but here's the twist: I'm just too lazy to try. My laziness keeps getting the best of me, and as a result, I'm nowhere near the top of my class. Maybe I'd have a shot if it weren't for that guy who always looks like he just came out of a sauce bottle (seriously, what's with those glasses?), or that short, chubby dude who never shares his answers during exams. Ugh, why does my educational life have to be this hard? But let's not dwell on it; I guess I'll settle for a ranking below 10. Let's aim for the top someday – yeah, we can do it!

All hail Ash... All hail Ash... All hail Ash!

Wait a second; the author forgot to introduce me and my greatness in the first chapter. (¬_¬") No problem; we'll just have to deal with that scum later. I'll fill you guys in when we achieve something big – and trust me, there's a big secret there.

Hmmm, what was I going to say again? (。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。)

Oh, right! Let's get back to the main topic. I'm Ash, the sexy guy who's conquered all the troubles life has thrown at him. I sailed through the 10th grade with flying colors, securing a cool 90 percent. Then, 11th grade hit me with a ton of bricks. My parents were away, leaving me to fend for myself. I ordered food online daily and was sick throughout the year... at least that's what I told my teacher while I stayed home and dabbled in the stock market to make some quick cash.

Things started well , I raked in about 2 lakhs ($2400), and life was smooth. I thought, 'Why not try again and become rich, surrounded by babes?' But then, disaster struck. I lost all my capital, and I mean, it was a lot of money for a middle-class family in India. I could've had Apple lineups in my home and still money left to burn in front of my private school. But, as they say, every ending is the beginning of something new. I gotta run ,  the author is going to kill me for changing the script so drastically.

Hold on, where's my damn script? You messed up big time, Ash. You turned it into a slice of life story, you bleeping idiot! I'm going to get you for this, you...

Okay, guys, sorry for the outburst. So, where were we?

Year 2249, Tigre

After Ash regained consciousness on the ship, his memory was fuzzy, and he couldn't remember his identity. As you can see, his personality had shifted from Chapter 1, flooded with memories that weren't his, from the year 222X. He soon collapsed.

Year 2249, Rat

When I woke up, everything had changed. The concept of time and months had shifted. I found myself naked in a liquid-filled capsule with a strange pipe-like structure in my nose – uncomfortable, yet probably life-saving. I still couldn't remember who I was or what had happened. I was released from my cell, surrounded by blue capsules with people inside them. A robot handed me a yellow shirt and some loose pants to cover up.

I noticed a black band permanently attached to my hand; I desperately tried to remove it, but it seemed fused. A floating screen hovered above it, saying:

'Welcome to Quanta 5th space station of the World Association, created by Bharat and God Industries.'