
Put Together Again

Harry Potter, The savior, the boy who lived, the boy who conquered, the betrayed, the new dark lord, the destroyer, the master of death. Many titles, many names, as he sits upon his ruined world left in the wake of those who betrayed him. Broken, alone, slightly insane and talking to one of the few beings left, Death. Death offers him a deal, he’ll be able to do things differently and get revenge. The only difference is it’ll be a different world. He’ll be in the past with knowledge of the future. He must break free from his prison and help others from their prisons as well. He’ll have to break free from the shackles life has placed on him and live a life worth living. The main part of this story is Harry Potter and Marvel with some DC stuff added him. Maybe others but I’ll figure that out as I go

Panda_sword_Master · Filmes
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Birthday and Found

I was sleeping with Wanda and I cuddling each other when my door banged open. Their was Nana and she started shaking us together while yelling, "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!"

Wanda got out of it and up to the bathroom. I missed her warmth and went more into a blanket burrito. Nana have my enough just got the bed and flipped it over the side with me ont the floor. I had dagger and pistol under my bed and the pistol hit my head but didn't go off when the dagger went right beside my ear drawing a bit of blood. The elves were their watching from the doorway trying and failing to hid their giggles. "Clean up and they well have breakfast as a family."

I stayed like that for a bit until Wanda got out of the bathroom having showered as I can tell by her wet hair. She gets dressed and went downstairs. I got up from under the mattress and put it back the way it was with magic. Then I took a shower, did my hair, it's getting real long, it's down to my waist, get dressed while handing weapons in pretty much every part of my outfit.

I wore blue jeans that were worn, I've had them for years and they just wore out. I have the growth charm on them so they grew with me for a bit. I put on a blue long sleeve shirt with a middle finger in grey on it along with black dragonhide combat boots. I also put on my beanie even if it still doesn't cover all my hair.

I head downstairs to the smell of bacon. Their was a breakfast quiche ready to eat. I got the first slice along with candle on it. None of us really live sweats to we put the candle on savory stuff, as we have to go to a shopping center, I got it for breakfast. The quiche was a potatoes and onion based with bacon on the side with a bit crumpled and sprinkled on top.

I was going for a bit but the plate moved. I looked up and I knew who did it as she started singing with everyone else, "HaPpY bIrThDaY tO yOu, HaPpY bIrThDaY tO yOu, HaPpY bIrThDaY dEaR hAdRiAn, HaPpY bIrThDaY tO yOu!" I swear whoever heard got killed with their horrible voices.

"Thank you, now can we eat?"

" Yes." I grabbed the plate of food back and started eating fast but elegant. I finished by the time everyone ate half. I went for another but 2 owls flew into the room. The seemed winded. I gave them each a bit of bacon and got their letters off of them. One was from Hogwarts and it was loaded with compulsions. I saved it and sent it to the goblins to use against Dumblefuck in front of the owl and wrote my reply.

It was a colorful worded no and an even bigger no since it was so full of compulsions. I sent that owl off with a homemade bomb for the headmaster. I told her to put it in front of him when he was with a lot of people. She went away after that as I was looking at the Ilvermorny owl, eagle, I don't know but it was proud.

They said if I want to go I would have to get a full psyche check with a full magical physical that has to be cleared by either the goblins or a professional heal, preferably both. Basically a full magical and medical check up for both metal and physical problems.

I sent my letter back in the affirmative that I will be going to Ilvermorny. It within the top 5 schools in the world and their 5 American wizard school with it standing at the top. Hogwarts is not even considered within the top 10 schools in the world even though it is the only one in Britain. Their is another one in Ireland though. A lot of the more wealthy send their kids to higher schools to do better or Hogwarts do they can have authority over the school.

Their were 3 presents that family gave me. "Here you go champ, this is for when your at school." I open the present and in their was Beretta 92, matte black with a green engraving on both sides on the barrel. What it said was, Arvada Kedavra. "It's written in your basilisk's venom so only you will be able to clean and use it as it will kill anyone who touches the barrel."

"Thank you," I hugged her and went back to my seat.

"Open mine Hadrian." My lovable person said that so I open hers. It was a necklace. It had half a heart and it was carved out of sapphire. "You have your half and I have mine." She lifted up about her half of heart made out of ruby. We put them together and they fit together perfectly. "They also tell how the others doing and if they are in danger. We can also talk telepathically."

"That's awesome." I give her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She blushes and tries to hide it.

My best friend the house elf that evolved into a moon elf gave me the next gift. I opened it and he looked extremely proud. It was a butane torch lighter that was shaped like a bullet and had incedio engraved into it. Under it, it has a lot of rolling paper. I have him a hug and said, "thanks," into his ear.

Their was a final box that Wanda's elf's gave me and it was just a bow an plastic full of weed. I was still happy with that but then Nana saw it and said, "you better share if you got a bag that big." I looked at her as if she just threw a cow over the moon. "What? I have a life to."

Good I love this woman. I love her as family whole Wanda is, Wanda is more than that. I want to live the rest of my life with her.

My Basilisk knocked on the door with its head. The funny thing is, they are pretty much immortal as long as they aren't killed. For mine, I inscribed runes to increase most everything about it along with a longevity, a self sufficiency, and a growth rune. It is connected to me as my familiar so it will basically stay alive as long as I am along with Zilla. I still need to find my last familiar.

I opened the door and it brought a dead giant bear and gave to me. "What do you want me do do with it?" I asked her in parseltongue.

"Skin it, The skin and some of the meat for you. I want the rest of the meat."

I looked at it, "Take it back outside and I'll do it when I come back. OR give it to the house elves to skin."

"I'll wait for you, you always do a better job."

"Does that mean you just like to watch me work on something for you?" It had the gall to look offended. "Do you want to come with us to the magical shopping center? You'll have to shrink and use your membrane if you want to go."

She took it back outside into the snow and then shrunk down an curled around my neck even with her horns. She looks like a horned serpent but still has all the basilisk stuff. she then went and went up my shoulder and fell asleep. "I'll never get used to you speaking to snakes."

"It'll be useful with the ladies." Nana said that with a smile as if she's remembering something but her face with a bit of drool ruined it.

After we finished eating we started to head out. We're going to the Los Angeles version of diagon alley. Theirs also 2 more major shopping centers in Las Vegas and New York with a lot of minor ones and a semi major one in Salem.

The Los Angeles version is called La Magica that is hidden in a Park Plaza. We arrive and we head straight to the branch of Gringotts here. Theirs also other banks, one being run by gnomes and the other actual wizards and witches.

I head in and all of the guards look like their ready to fight. We go to the head teller and he looks at us disinterest. I flash him my ring and say, "may your gold flow and your enemies die at your feet. Take us to the branch director."

"It will take us some time."

I pull out my gun and put it on his forehead. My snake who's sleeping just puts his head up and sees what going on and puts it back down like this doesn't interest her. Though to be fair the only things she's really interested in is food and her pet doing stuff for her.

The goblin guards are tense like they are going to try and kill me right away. People can see my rings that I'm showing which is my Grindelwald ring and my goblin friend ring. "Now! Tell him that lord Grindelwald has come to get a card!"

He backs up a bit from and starts running when I put my gun back in its holster. I pull out my goblin diver dagger and start flipping it through my fingers and when the goblin guards see it they less tense as they know no one could just buy or rent a goblin silver weapon.

Then another goblin comes over to me and leads us to the branch manger. I look over the office first with a critical eye, always looking for something to hurt me, or in the future me would put it from Alastor Moody, CONSTANT VIGILANCE! Their were some bloodstains as if something got dragged out along with the branch manager has a slit lip and some blood on his shirt as if he had been stabbed but it has already healed. probably with a hidden goblin potion.

"May you gold flow like your enemies rivers of blood." I said to him.

"May your gold flow and your enemies cower before you. I'm Sharpsleeve. What would you like to be done here today? Your investments are already paying off and we are reinvesting it."

"I need a card that's connected to my accounts that works in both magical and non magical world."

"We can do that." He types some stuff in his computer and another goblin walks box. "This is debit card. We usually only do credit but for our friend we do debit. It comes out of all your vaults combined. You just need to combine all your rings and then press on it while putting your magic signature in it. We have a credit card for Miss Maximoff that she can connect to your accounts as well."

The goblin who walked in with the box opens it up to a black and blue card for me and a red and maroon card for Wanda. We registered and everything was sorted. "Thank you branch manager Sharpsleeve. Have a nice day and let you gold grow to your foe's blood as it rains."

Nana follows the goblin that leads us out and she leads then both me and Wanda behind her. We start going to stores and getting the supplies. Wanda was out with Nana shopping for girl stuff so I brought a satchel and went to the fountain area with comfy chairs.

While I was waiting to go to the next place I put so many space extension and expanding charms in it that is basically a pocket dimension. I separated it into 3 main sections, books, food, miscellaneous with an expanded pocket up front for money and my card. I also put several locking mechanisms into everything so it needed my magical signature along with a Parseltongue password and a Deathspeak password at the same time. You can put stuff in it put to take anything out you need the password. I also added anti theft, anti phoenix, and anti house elves wards along with anti summoning and a surprise to anyone who tries to take it from me. It's an explosion charm the size of a small atom bomb but the bag will be completely fine.

I was sitting in the chair writing wards and runes, another man, wizard in an overcoat and fedora sat across from me as he watch me do what I was doing. It was pretty interesting, I was using elder magic along with regular. Elder magic is what the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj use and it draws from my own core or the universe around us which they use.

By the time I was done the person looked surprised. "How can you use that?"

"What are you talking about? Magic?"

"No, eldritch magic. Nobody understands it and it is said that it was lost after the fall of Atlantis."

"That, uh, just does what the other guys talks about while using what he knows with my knowledge. Easy peasy, lemon squeezey."

"That's not normal, and who is the other guy."

I was looking at him. I knows he an agent but I'm letting this continue for knowledge. I also ignore his other guy comment. "Normal, is very subjective. If someone has to say that something is not normal, then they are apart of the normal. Normal is not one thing, everyone and everything has their own view of normal.

Normal, is an excuse to abuse and hurt. Normal abuses and hurts those that do not fit within those confines. Normal is an excuse for humans and is to hate and abuse, to hurt and discriminate, to destroy and ahnailate. It cause the witch hunts, crusades, holocausts, and more.

People want everyone to fit within their own excuse for normal and kill and destroy anything and everything that does not kit with their normal. Being normal as you say, is a disease, and hurt everything around them.

That's what cause the humans to hunt and kill and test on us, on mutants, on animals, and on other intelligent species."

I looked at him. He was thinking if over what I just said. I but he got that on record or he is recording right now.

"Sorry, got a little heated. Normal is an excuse to not accept people and that lead to bad outcomes and death."

"It's fine. What are you doing here?"

"Supplies, school supplies. I already sent a yes to Ilvermorny. Best school in the world. I bet every school says their the best in the world but only Ilvermorny actually backs it up offering every subject and goes along with the IS school system so I can get high school diploma along with degrees and college stuff."

"What do you want to do when you grow up?"

"I'm going to start my own company and change the world. In going to bring our world up to the forefront kicking and screaming if I have to."

"Why do you say that?"

"The non magical world already know about is of us and if they common people react the same way they did with mutants, then we face extinction or subjugating." I got out a blunt and lit it up on my new lighter. He was eyeing it and my blunt. "Like it, I got it as birthday present."

I know he could also tell I have weapons on me even though they are under glamours and cloth I still have good access to them. Nana and Wanda walks up to us. "Hadrian, you have to get your clothes now." I was looking at the guy and then to my adopted mother and friend that's a girl.

"You do realize transfiguration is a thing."

"Yup, and you do realize you can just using the cleaning charm and transfiguring your clothes every time right. The smoke smell is staying with it." I just sit back into my seat. She grabs my ear and hauls me up like I weigh nothing. "Let's go young man, now!"

"Yes, yes, goddamn it yes." She was still pulling on my ear as she led us to a men's clothing store called Kingsmen Magical's. They made me put out the blunt before I could even walk into the store. They have literally everything for a man. Dress clothes to the worn out emo look. It includes shoes with inserts as well.

I got lots of clothes that were both dressy and my regular clothes. I got mostly new blue jeans with black combat boots with nice sole inserts with a steel toed that I can mess with later. I also got these cool sweatpants and I made sure they all had zero percent polyester.

My shirts were mostly blue and black but had many others. Any and every size for my growth and lots of colors. Some were silk shirts as well.

The underwear I got myself. They were boxers and Nana made it difficult by getting a girl (I would die of embarrassment if it was a dude unless he was gay) to make sure it fit along with more sizes as I grow up.

All of my clothes were made out of the best materials except for the sweatpants and sweater, they were for comfort. Everything was enchanted for variable growth and self cleaning charms along with durability charms except for the jeans. I'll wear them out and they put the durability charms on myself. I also got some cool beanies as well.

I hated every second as I was put on a pedestal and the girl watched me and made we twirl to look. I hated it. Their was even the agent that followed and watched. Even he was uncomfortable. At least I can be thankful that we don't have to wear robes at Ilvermorny like Hogwarts.

Then we went and got all my school supplies. I got a double of most everything except for the cauldron. I got a black steel one instead of the base pewter one. I also got extra supplies at the apothecary.

I do get a bike when we pass by the motor vehicles that I can enchant myself. When we pass the species store I buy as many house elves as I can. I bond with them but give the base house elf pact and send them back to the island. I only want one house elf friend.

When we went to get our wands, it was cool as I got more of a short sword but made out of wood and metal. The wood was elder, white oak ash, and yew. My cores were thestral hair, unicorn hair, basilisk venom, dementor finger bone, and dragon heartstring of a extinct race called the bewilderbeast. The metals were bit of, vibranium, dragonite, Uru, and a heart stone of a mix of topaz, emerald, sapphire, and the majority is opal. My wand (short sword) is cool and when I held it for the first time I felt power rushing through me. I loved it.

(Imagine wood as the black and red as the metal with the stones in the hilt going up into the blade)

I spent a long time in the bookstore. I got books on anything and everything. Nana and Wanda did not definitively laugh when they reminded me I have all the books in the trunk. I should definitely organize that. At the end of the day we went to the food court. The guy was still following us but we could all tell and just ignored him.

I also called Butcher and Wanda called Adina and we got food and ate it. I told Butcher to get everything that looked good for me and he went and got burgers, steaks, sushi, shawarma, bacon, pork chops, wings, chunks, and these meat pies that are the size of a cake. He also got potatoes any and every way I could imagine it.

The girls all got salads or chicken breast as well as their salad. Me, Ocy, and Butcher ate all of it even with Nana, Wanda, and Adina stealing from out plates. It was so good and Ocy said she going to get fat. We saw that their was movies going on so we went their before we left and watched Terminator 2 as we got it before it came out to the rest of the public. It was surprising good, especially considering what time it came out.

I opened a portal to the island and we all went through. It was about 11 so we all went to bed.