
push and pull

"Mo Hualing, the god of war and wisdom huh?... you did fall in my trap pretty easily tho" Hualing looked ahead with a flat face and a raised eyebrow, her long black ponytail falling on her shoulders, which she found rather uncounfortable. Her face reflected the mood she was in, bored. "you did not fall in my trap unconsciously, did you?" Sun Mengyao asked with a not so surprised face. Hualing finally posed her beautiful black eyes on him, and with a smirk said "you finally got it dear." ------------ A strong and feared demon paired with a strong and stubborn god? What could go wrong eccept....EVERYTHING.

lelly_kelly · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Where it all began

"Hualing!" she yelled with all her voice


"i'm here stop screming you'll wake up the other deities" Mo hualing answered with her cold voice.

"MO HUALING!" Yan Xiaodan was so pissed at her, she caught her wrist and started walking towards the palace grounds.

"ohh, you will definitely listen to all my scolding once we reach our palace. Do you understand why our emperor created this array!? it was surely not for show!"

'how is she so strong yet fragile?' is what was going through in Mo Hualing's mind in that moment; never in her 500 years of life was she treated like a child, only her master did so.

Her master...

The mighty god of wisdom and war, second only to the emperor himself.

he died 300 years before in the Great war against demons, he could have easily won that war if it wasn't for the fact that demons of the highest rank were there.

Not only him, other gods lost their lives as well, and like him they were replaced by their pupils who were still too young to be appointed as deities.

After 200 years and the end of their studies they had their ascension day. Mo Hualing being the strongest of them all.

Yan Xiaodan, instead, was one of the older generation. She was not present on the

battlefield as her job was that of healing. She made a promise to the late gods to protect all of their pupils, and she did mantain it.

It would have been way easier if it weren't for Mo Hualing. She indeed got all the good traits of her master but alas she also got his stubborness.

Wherever and whenever she noticed something moving suspiciously around her she would attack without thinking twice. Thus attacking other deities who just passed by.

"What did you think you were doing trespassing the array like that? huh? let me guess you thoght you saw a demon? well that's a motive to not go there!" Yan Xiaodan was a pretty much calm woman, but when it came to Mo Hualing everybody would loose it.

Sighing Hualing had to take all the scoldings and suck it up, no one would understand why she is so carelless, not even her master's master was like that.

People might think she thinks four times before acting given her cold character and her identity of god of wisdom, and in fact she does, the problem is that she lacks a sense of fear and deeply hates demons, expecially the lowest of the species. She calls them 'brainless'.

Which is not to far from the truth actually.

She never met a wrath. What everybody fears.

That is highest rank of demons, so high there is only four of them. They are named the kings of the afterlife.

One of them had appeared 800 years ago and defeated 100 gods by himself. Strangely Mo Huanling looked up to these four demons as she thought of them as strong and ambitious.


"God! yes, yes i am."

"what did i say just now?"



And again another scolding took place for other motives this time.


The emperor's palace was in frenzy since his ascension anniversary was coming.

Mo hualing had to come a week in advatage given her high position in the piramid.

"don't worry you don't have to do anything, just relax" is what Qiao Zhong, the god of sincerity and close aide of Liang shun, the emperor, said to her.

But alas that was the problem. Relaxing.

Hualing was in her chamber when a guard came rushing in without even knocking, as soon as he realized he apologized and started explaining to his master.

"Ms. Mo the emperor has an order for you!

He would like to apogize in advatage since it'll make you miss in celebrations"

"keep going"

"he said that in the human world there has been a strong aura of demons in the central area."

"i'm going!"


"don't worry send every information in a parchment, i will go through it during my journey"

And so, without even going to see Yan Xiaodan or anybody else, she left the same day she received the news.

She didn't care about changing her clother to more ordinary ones, since she liked hers and they would have probably helped by giving her a sense of an important identity among humans.

She wandered for days not because she didn't know where to go, she could have easily teleported herself there, but because she just wanted to laze around.

It has been a year since she arrived to the human world, which it amounts to a day in the heavenly realm, she was hosted by many rich people thinking she would have paid them back.

Well...she never did.

It's not like they asked or something.

The demon attacks in the central area were not really of her interest, they probably were the lowest rank meaning that monks could easily defeat them with a few spells.

And if things were to turn ugly she would step in later on.

While she was wandering in a wood she saw a beatiful man who's beauty could pass the god of beauty herself.

One thing Mo Hualing liked was beatiful things, of course.

she walked up to the boy who seemed to be around 19 or 20.

"hey you!"

"?" the boy turned confused

"yes you! come here"

The boy obediently walked up to her who already got pretty close.

"so..what's your name boy?"

"m,me? Sun Mengyao"

The guy looked like he would have fainted at any given moment, trembling like a leaf.

Seeing this Mo Hualing took out her spear and turned to look around thinking the boy saw a demon.

To her disappointment there was none.

This got her thinking what made him tremble like that?

So she turned back and she found him crouched on the ground.


"hey are you okay boy!? are you sick?"

The handsome man had long jet black hair and gourgeus grey eyes, with a little mole under the right one.

He was really tall and slim; he looked pretty weak.

"Y, your spear...you're not g, gonna attack me right?"

This caught Mo hualing off guard.

"What? No, why would I?"

Sun Mengyao finally relaxed and got up

"sorry...i'm a fugitive so I thought..."

"Yeah yeah, why are one anyway?"

Sun Mengyao looked down like afraid of answering.

Hualing was getting pretty annoyed, she started tapping her foot, crossing her arms and raising her brow.

"are you going to answer?"

"i, i killed someone..."

"you what?! I don't believe you. You look like you can't even kill a mosquito let alone a person"

"well it was an accident... but punishments are hard around here..."

"well i guess they also reflect the victim's identity?...who did you kill?"



"a, a p, prince..."

Mo Hualing looked at him astonished.

"sorry i think i heard wrong...did you say a prince?"

The boy slowly nodded keeping his head low.

There was silence between them, that was beoken by growl.

"Hmm? are there demons around here?" asked Hualing.

"n, no it was....my stomac..."

"oh...well follow me then. You can stay with me if you have nowhere to go, but cover your face. Oh, and another thing i'll fight demons so it'll be dangerous are you okay with it?

Mengyao nodded aggressively

"Good let's go"