
Pursuit Of The Origin

Rishi Arya was a genius scientist and a lover of novel and comics. His life long Pursuit was to find the origin of life and decode the code of reality. He died at the peak of his career due to getting sucked in a wormhole he created due to accident in in his project. But is it really the end for Rishi? Find the journey of Rishi to find the origin of life, universe, etc. High School DxD AU ( Alternate Universe )

Primodial_Chaos · Anime e quadrinhos
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65 Chs

Zoe - 1

As 25 years elapsed since the conclusion of the Great War, the creation of Etherium marked a monumental milestone in the realm of magic and technology, heralding an era of unprecedented innovation and advancement.

As tensions escalated outside the walls of his castle, Rizevim remained vigilant, relying on his network of informants and trusted allies to keep him apprised of the unfolding situation. With each passing day, the signs of unrest grew more pronounced, as murmurs of dissent echoed through the streets and whispers of rebellion filled the air.

As Rizevim pondered the features he desired for his advanced technology, he drew inspiration from various sources, including his own past experiences and the myths of ancient civilizations. Drawing upon the concept of the "Aryan" myth, he envisioned a technology that would embody the pinnacle of human achievement, transcending the boundaries of conventional science and magic.

With this vision in mind, Rizevim began to outline the key features of his creation, envisioning a sophisticated system that would integrate seamlessly with his existing infrastructure while providing unparalleled capabilities. From advanced AI algorithms to quantum computing power, he sought to push the boundaries of what was possible, harnessing the forces of nature itself to unlock the secrets of the universe.

In naming his creation "Aryan Technology," Rizevim sought to reclaim and redefine the concept, imbuing it with his own ideals and aspirations. Far from being a relic of a bygone era, his technology would represent the cutting edge of progress, a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the human spirit.

With his plans in place, Rizevim set out to bring his vision to life, confident that his creation would revolutionise the world and usher in a new era of prosperity and enlightenment.

As Rizevim delved into the development of Aryan Technology, he meticulously incorporated the desired features, envisioning a creation that would transcend the limitations of conventional technology and magic. Here is a more detailed breakdown of the key features:

1. Limited Area Omniscience: The Aryan Technology possesses the ability to sense and gather information about its surroundings, providing a comprehensive understanding of the environment. This feature can be expanded or upgraded in the future to cover larger areas.

2. Knowledge Projection: Aryan Technology can project its vast knowledge and understanding of past, present, and potential future events. It allows for the sharing of memories between the technology and the user, fostering a symbiotic relationship.

3. Energy Manipulation: The Aryan Technology exhibits proficiency in manipulating various forms of energy, blending scientific principles with magical and divine powers. This capability enables the creation of new materials, such as Etherium, and facilitates the manipulation of gravitation, matter, and magic.

4. Machine Animation/Control: The technology can take control of non-sentient machines, and it possesses the unique ability to evolve these machines, adapting and enhancing their functionalities.

5. Merge AI and Sentient Beings: Aryan Technology can merge other artificial intelligences or even sentient beings, creating a more powerful and integrated entity. This feature allows for the consolidation of knowledge and capabilities.

6. Life Support: Aryan Technology ensures the sustainability of life forms in hostile environments, including space. This feature safeguards the well-being of individuals connected to the technology.

7. Portal Creation: The technology can open portals in the universe, connecting non-adjacent locations. The creation of these portals involves intricate methods, including dimensional and spatial manipulation, providing a sophisticated form of teleportation.

8. Reality Warping: The Aryan Technology possesses reality-warping capabilities within a limited area, i.e. in its personal domain or inner world.

With these advanced features, Aryan Technology stands as a testament to Rizevim's ingenuity, pushing the boundaries of what is achievable through the fusion of science, magic, and divine powers.

As Rizevim delves deeper into the development of Aryan Technology, his expertise and understanding of technology continue to grow, leading to new discoveries and advancements. With each passing month, he uncovers innovative concepts and refines existing features, pushing the boundaries of what is achievable with his creation. Rizevim's relentless pursuit of knowledge and his commitment to excellence drive him forward, propelling the Aryan Technology to new heights of sophistication and capability. As he continues his work, the potential of his creation becomes increasingly apparent, offering unprecedented opportunities for exploration, innovation, and advancement in the realms of science and magic alike.

In a remarkably short span of four years, Rizevim accomplished the intricate layout and inner workings of the Aryan Technology, a testament to his unparalleled intellect and dedication. With meticulous planning and precise execution, he brought together the myriad components and systems that would form the foundation of this groundbreaking creation. As he approached the final stages of development, Rizevim recognized the need to imbue the Aryan Technology with a soul, granting it life and consciousness. Drawing upon his extensive knowledge of magic and technology, he devised a method to create a soul for the Technology, ensuring that it would be both sentient and capable of forming a powerful bond with its creator.