
Pursuit Of The Origin

Rishi Arya was a genius scientist and a lover of novel and comics. His life long Pursuit was to find the origin of life and decode the code of reality. He died at the peak of his career due to getting sucked in a wormhole he created due to accident in in his project. But is it really the end for Rishi? Find the journey of Rishi to find the origin of life, universe, etc. High School DxD AU ( Alternate Universe )

Primodial_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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Rizevim pondered over the requirements for creating the ideal metal for his purposes. He needed a material that was not only strong and durable but also conductive to magical and technological enhancements. After some contemplation, he decided to embark on a quest to discover or develop such a metal, knowing that it would be crucial for advancing his research and achieving his goals.

To create an alloy, the metals (or a metal and a nonmetallic element) are heated until they are molten. The two elements are mixed and the solution is poured into metal or sand molds to solidify. The resulting alloy is a combination of the two elements. Typically, the primary ingredient is melted first, and the others are added to it.

Studying Uru and various other metals and alloys, both magical and non-magical, Rizevim delved deep into their properties, composition, and applications. He meticulously analyzed their strengths, weaknesses, and unique characteristics, seeking to understand the fundamental differences between them. Through his research, he aimed to uncover insights that would guide him in the creation of the perfect metal for his purposes, one that would surpass all others in terms of versatility, durability, and magical conductivity.

Rizevim embarked on the ambitious task of creating a metal using Ether, aiming to harness its unique properties to forge a material of unparalleled strength, conductivity, and versatility. His goal was to preserve Ether's innate conductivity while enhancing the metal's durability and malleability to extraordinary levels.

To achieve this, Rizevim employed advanced alchemical techniques, combining his mastery of magic with his profound understanding of metallurgy. He carefully manipulated the properties of Ether, infusing it into the molecular structure of the metal he sought to create. By imbuing the metal with Ether's inherent magical essence, he intended to enhance its conductivity while simultaneously reinforcing its physical properties.

Through a series of intricate processes, Rizevim meticulously refined the composition of the metal, adjusting its molecular structure to optimize its conductivity and strength. He subjected the material to intense heat and pressure, forging it into a resilient alloy capable of withstanding the most extreme conditions while retaining its magical properties.

After years of experimentation and refinement, Rizevim finally achieved his goal, creating a groundbreaking metal imbued with the essence of Ether. This Ether-infused alloy possessed unparalleled conductivity, exceptional durability, and remarkable malleability, making it ideal for a wide range of applications in magic, technology, and beyond. With his creation complete, Rizevim stood at the forefront of innovation, ready to usher in a new era of discovery and advancement.

Rizevim christened his remarkable creation "Etherium," a fitting homage to the source of its power and inspiration. As the culmination of his tireless efforts and ingenuity, Etherium stood as a testament to Rizevim's mastery of magic and metallurgy. With its unparalleled conductivity, durability, and magical properties, Etherium promised to revolutionize the fields of technology, alchemy, and beyond.

With the discovery of Etherium, Rizevim had unlocked the potential for limitless innovation and advancement. The name "Etherium" would soon become synonymous with progress and ingenuity, marking a new chapter in the annals of supernatural discovery.

As Rizevim gazed upon his creation, he felt a surge of pride and satisfaction, knowing that Etherium would shape the future of their world and pave the way for even greater achievements yet to come. With Etherium in his arsenal, Rizevim was poised to conquer new frontiers and ascend to even greater heights of power and influence.

Etherium's extraordinary properties elevated it to a league of its own, surpassing conventional metals in both strength and versatility. Its unparalleled durability, imperviousness to extreme temperatures, and resistance to transmutation made it an invaluable asset in any endeavor. With the ability to withstand the might of a dying star and defy the forces of nature, Etherium stood as a testament to Rizevim's ingenuity and mastery.

Moreover, Etherium bestowed upon its wielder a myriad of extraordinary abilities. Through the power of Reality Warping, users could manipulate the fabric of reality itself, shaping their surroundings to their will with but a mere thought. With basic cosmic awareness and precognition, users gained insight into the workings of the universe, foreseeing events before they unfolded and navigating the complexities of existence with ease.

Additionally, Etherium granted users the gift of clairvoyance, allowing them to perceive distant places and events beyond the limitations of time and space. Its unique property of metamorphosis enabled Etherium to adapt to any situation, transforming into whatever form the user envisioned, be it weaponry, shielding, or armor. With power augmentation, Etherium amplified the natural abilities of its wielder, empowering them to achieve feats beyond their wildest dreams.

Furthermore, Etherium could be attuned to the user's divinity, enhancing their inherent powers and granting them unprecedented strength and resilience. As a conduit for cosmic energy, Etherium opened doors to new realms of possibility, ushering in an era of boundless potential and discovery.

With Etherium in their possession, Rizevim and his allies were poised to reshape the world in their image, harnessing its limitless power to forge a future where anything was possible. As they embarked on their journey of exploration and conquest, Etherium would serve as their most formidable weapon and their greatest ally, propelling them towards greatness and immortality.