
Purple Petals Falling Down

An AU in which Dorlene arent wizards but instead Dorcas is a princess whos very ill and Marlene is just a town girl selected by random to attempt to cure Dorcas.

MalachiteZomp · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


"You'd want me to go on your back so we can jump at the window? You are joking right this is some kind of weird joke?" Dorcas questioned as Marlene shrugged

It seemed like the only viable option for them at this moment. They could run out into the woods and then be free with no one to trouble them anymore.

"Do you see any better options? They're gonna have us trapped in a matter of minutes, princess," Marlene reasoned, to which Dorcas nodded

Marlene was right. The guards only some of them would help and get excuted for doing so. Their only option was to jump out the window and hope for minor injuries.

"Alright, let's do it," Dorcas agreed with little hesitation. Marlenes smile grew as she looked at Lily

"I'll help you down and make sure you guys get out first. No matter what you do, just keep running. It doesn't matter what I do, just don't look back, " Lily spoke seriously, which terrified Marlene

She didn't want Lily to get hurt or, worse, die because of her. She could never live with that sort of guilt on her consciousness.

"Alright," Marlene agreed, walking away from Lily and picking Dorcas up and placing her on her back, piggyback ride style, heading towards the window she opened and unlocked it

"Lily, can you get the sheets and maybe lower us down or tie it to the window so we can climb down?" Dorcas asked ever so politely in such a frantic time

"Let me try," She answered back, quickly taking apart the bedding and tying the sheet to a curtain post, securing it tightly with a nice tug, ensuring it was on

"Thank you, Lily," Marlene spoke up, throwing the sheet out the window and straddling the window cell in order to make sure the sheet was secure enough to handle hers and Dorcas' body weight combine

She gave the sheet a tug with part of her body weight on it, and it was stable. Climbing out the window, Marlene started making her way down, Dorcas clutching on her back for her life one wrong move, and they were both dead

Steadily and as careful and quickly as possible, Marlene climbed the tower wall, her arms aching as if her muscles were being torn from her joints with each step down. It only ached more and more. Her legs felt the strain of both the castle wall and Dorcas. Her body was screaming out for help, and yet, with all the adrenaline, she kept climbing down

Suddenly, she felt Dorcas get off her back when she realized they were at ground level. We did it, and we made it down. Within seconds, Dorcas and Marlene started sprinting full force towards the forest. As they sprinted, they heard the maniacal laughs of the announcer, screams of the townspeople, and blood curdling screams that belonged to Alice and Frank Longbottom, Dorcas went to look back but kept running as she saw Marlene pass her. Remembering Lily's advice, she just kept on running as her heart broke, heading the screams of the couple dying in aganoy echoed everywhere.

A thud could be heard in the distance behind them, followed by a few coughs, which, by the sounds of it where the kind that hurt your lungs so bad you couldn't breathe. Marlenes heart stopped as she only assumed the worst that Lily had died trying to escape the tower. A guilt she would now be forced to live with for the rest of her life.

Tears hit the ground as Marlene and Dorcas sprinted, seeing the edge of the forest get closer and closer. If Lily couldn't escape, they'd try and escape to honor her. Honor everyone who lost there life's of what could have been prevented. This tragedy was something Marlene wished no one would ever experience as the trauma she'd indure later on where, like, no other.

Two familiar barks and the sounds of a horse came from behind Marlene, and against Lily's wishes, she turned around to see Padfoot and Moony her dogs and Arcturus her horse.

"Oh my god," she whispered as Dorcas turned around to see the animals

"Get on Arcturus, I'll run with the dogs," Marlene quickly said, and Dorcas walked to the horse Marlene, helping her up

With a nod, Marlene took off in a sprint once more, and her animals followed her lead. Dorcas relieved to have a break from running realised for the first time in a long time she could breathe, she could run, and the purple that was now far behind her couldn't hurt her anymore.

The trees passed, and the moss and soon they made it onto pavement. Sweet pavement meant freedom, and so Marlene halted as Dorcas and her dogs caught up to her. This was it there freedom on a silver platter, but at what cost?