
Purple Petals Falling Down

An AU in which Dorlene arent wizards but instead Dorcas is a princess whos very ill and Marlene is just a town girl selected by random to attempt to cure Dorcas.

MalachiteZomp · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


"You'd want to travel to Ecuador?" Dorcas giggled, questioning the girl in front of her

"Hey, you said you wanted to go to Tokyo, so don't even start with me." Marlene laughed in response

"Whatever, Marls were both weird now. What's a place you consider a safe place? Mine used to be the garden before I got ill," the princess smiled, thinking back to the beautiful flowers that contaminated her mind

"Mine would be my bedroom. I've always felt comforted with my dogs around me as I cozy up under the covers. " she softened her gaze towards Dorcas, the pair exchanging smiles softly

"Alright and final question of the afternoon, if you could do one thing without consequence, what would you do?" butterfly filling her stomach as she spoke angellically as if for the first time in a long time she reclaimed her voice for that one moment

"I'd get you out of here and let you explore the world, including Tokyo." Marlene let the world's tumble out of her mouth quicker than she meant to

"Do you really mean that?" Dorcas' croaky voice asked with glee

"Yes, of course I do, princess," she spoke breathily as if she couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. It made her head spin at her own honesty

"I really appreciate you saying that," the princess smiled grew and with a shake hand, she reached over to Marlene and interlocked their fingers together the best she could

"I have to go now princess the majesties are expecting me, but I'll be back tomorrow," Marlene hesitantly pulled her hand away

"Alright, I can't wait till then goodbye, Marls," Dorcas smiled before falling asleep while Marlene made her way towards where she'd meet the majesties

Lily escorted the 'savior' as quickly as possible and without any talking. The uncomfortable silence made Marlenes skin crawl with worry.

"They are ready for you, Lady Mckinnon," Lily spoke and winked at her before exiting towards her rooms direction, which made Marlene wonder what Lily needed after this meeting

"Greetings Savior, any news worthy updates for us on your journey to saving our daughter?" The Queen asked this time genuine worry spreading across her face and tone

"Nothing yet. I have a theory that isn't nearly complete yet, and it'll take me a few days to make sure it's plausible," Marlene spoke with poise and confidence

The king dismissed her, and she bowed before leaving. As soon as the doors closed, Marlene sprinted back to her room. The echo of her shoes only made her pick up her pace to go even faster. As she rounded the corner, she flung herself into her room, closing the door quickly and waiting to see what Lily had to say.

"I have to be quick, but as you know, Mary is dead, and you've read her journal. What does that imply about the others?" Lily rushed out, fiddling with her fingers anxiously

"The others died as well," Marlene answered quietly

"Good, now when you read the next few journals, they have theories apply them don't waste anymore time." Lily rushed once more before exiting Marlenes' room

Marlene quickly scanned for the next journal and bolted towards it. She picked it up quickly and began reading. Minutes turned into hours, and she finished two of the journals belonging to Barty, which she recognized as Evans lover. Another boy named Peter had such a shy and loving tone when writing it broke her heart to see what happened to them.

Both boys had a theory about the colour purple and how it affected Dorcas they just weren't sure how it connected. Within moments, an idea clicked within her brain, which she quickly wrote down an experiment for tomorrow's visit. She did it she might be the first one in ten years to come up with a cure, and this thought alone caused excitement to bubble up in Marlenes chest.

She quickly got ready for bed and lay down, trying to calm herself so she could sleep and get to the next day quicker. If this experiment worked, she would be able to bring to light the work of nine brave souls who endured so much in their time. Dorcas would be saved and her dreams could finally be acted upon.