
Pure And Wicked Love

Meet Maxine- the female lead. Has a very ditzy character. Smart but when it comes to jokes and love............ what can we say? the light bulb in her head light a little later then we'd expect. I mean imagine being in a group n someone cracks a joke and everyone laughs and when it ends suddenly the light bulb lights and oh the awkwardness. But that doesn't stop people from liking her. I mean who would hate an adorkable girl like her. Now let's meet the male lead. Arthur has dreamt all his life to be a man like his father and for that he needs to complete he education in peace. But we all know what happens when there is a school hunk present. Naturally all the girls gather around him but he doesn't give a damn. But who's this pest that keeps coming his way at the most unpredictable times and starts turning his life upside down. What will happen when the two collide in the most unexpected ways? What happens when they fall in love? N whats the deal with Maxines family?

my_lonely_soul · Urbano
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2 Chs


Lets begin with our female lead. Meet Maxine- 18 years old, going to 19 in a month.

Well typically a female lead is supposed to be either a very sweet Doli all kind and caring or a really feisty woman with an independent nature which interested the male lead in the first place. And the basics of the female lead is having beauty, brains and character.

Well when it comes to beauty Maxine is a stunner. She could make head turns and could even be compared to a celebrity if only she didn't wear ugly clothes that only grannies nowadays wore.

With respect to brains she definitely had those and always stood first in the class.

About her character...that would be a problem cause most people found it hard to describe or talk about her character. We'll leave it for later.


"Girl, you're killing me with the suspense. Just tell me already. What did y'all do besides the boring talking?", Maxine asked fed-up of Anne's useless blabbering. She didn't understand how people always gave importance to the wrong stuff. ' I mean why do I care if you both are trying to be vegans. Just get to the damn conclusion.' "Girl you gotta have patience cause patience is a tree that has sweet fruits" , Anne laughed. "Why are we friends in the first place?", Maxine retorted.

"Fine. I'll tell ya. So we were talking and talking and then suddenly he just came close to me like..... almost an inch away from me....He looked at my lips and he said you have the most beautiful lips I've ever seen. Do I get the honour of tasting them... And I was all like sweaty palms and blushing so I just nodded and hot damn can that man kiss! I could literally feel fireworks in the background. I gotta tell you Maxine it was so good. And I'm seeing him again tonight. Maybe today I'll get to know him more", Anne gave a wink which made Maxine roll her eyes. This was Anne's usual behaviour. She loved going out with guys. But the problem was none of the guys lasted. Anne was a breathtaking beauty and that was the real problem. All the guys she dated only had one thought and that was to sleep with her with no attachment but all Anne ever wanted was to have her prince charming come and take her off her feet and carry her princess style. Yeah she's romantic through and through. And then there's Maxine. It's like she's asexual, got no romantic life nor any aspirations and when it comes to anything related to love she's a blank slate. If it wasn't for Anne, she wouldn't have even known about the basics. But having Anne meant getting your mind corrupted. Since Maxine didn't know anything and was so pure, Anne took it as her job to make her innocent friend a wicked wicked girl. But as days passed she just realised how hard the job was.