
Psycho Killer

"If something can't be mine so, it can't be of anyone else too"

Tzuyu_tz · Filmes
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3 Chs

Chapter 1, I'm the Murder

"Sir, I am a murderer." She was trembling while saying this. She was sitting in our police station, opposite to my table. She was there to surrender herself. I was the in charge of the police station.

She was a beautiful lady of about 22 or 23 years, had long hairs which were maintained really nicely, wearing pink shirt and dark blue jeans, had sunglasses on her eyes. She was looking from a nice and rich family.

"Who did you killed?" Well I asked her after taking a long pause because her first sentence was not really expected or if I talk frankly, I was lost in her beauty.

"I have killed 3 people." I was really surprised to hear that. A girl, so pretty, can kill 3 people and also committing it in front of police. The whole thing was a bit unusual for me.

"I have killed my Gardner, my driver and ....." She paused a bit and started to sob. "And my mother." She started crying hard. I gave her water and she started to take sip from that glass.

When she controlled her emotions, she continued to talk. "Please I beg of you, please arrest me otherwise I will kill someone else also."

"Why did you kill them and why will you kill others? Mam...…. What's your name?"

"Rim." She was still sobbing.

"Rim, why did you kill them?"

"I don't know. I just happened automatically."

"Rim, I am not getting it. And I cannot arrest you without any complaint and without seeing the body of the dead people you are talking about." She was looking very tense to me. So I continued, "Rim, where are the bodies?"

"I dug them in my garden." She was not looking like fake but what she was saying was even not looks to be believed.

"Sir, I-I'm the murder"

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