
Chapter 2 : Shop, Quests and Abilities.

While I was killing and eating Hollows I received a notification.


[>New Quests Available<]

[>Primary Quest Unlocked<]

• [>Kill Ichigo Kurosaki<]

Rewards: ?????

[>Sub-Quest Unlocked<]

• [> Only The Strong Survive Hueco Mundo I<]

[>Description: Find a way to become a Vasto Lorde.<]


"Hmm, this is troublesome... But let's think about it later. Now I have to focus on learning all the abilities that an Adjuchas should have." I said while killing a Gillian.

["You should look at your Shop, you have many coins."]

"Show me maybe I can buy something." After killing the Gillian I sat on top of it.



|X-Coins: 11,160|

[> Abilities: {Bala} = 2,500 X-Coins. {Cero} = 5,000 X-Coins. {Sonído} = 4,500 X-Coins.

[> Passive abilities: {Regeneration I} = 2,500 X-Coins. {Hierro I} = 2,500 X-Coins. {Reiryoku Boost 1,5x} = 1,000 X-Coins.


"Hmm, buy me {Regeneration I}, {Hierro I}, {Cero} and the {Reiryoku boost 1,5}."

["Ok, buying... Done."] She said. Jumping out of the Gillian, I felt my blood burning, my skin and bones were cracking a healing.

It hurt so much, I felt that my body was going to implode, Reiryoku was coming from within me, but this caused my body to break, it broke my bones, punctuating my skin, but the {Regeneration I} was doing its job. It was slowly regenerating my broken body.

After an unknown amount of time, at some point I fell, so I got up feeling extremely refreshed. Then said.

"System I want to know the description of the {Hierro I} and {Regeneration I}."

["Of course."]

[>Hierro I<]

[>Description: Hierro is an ability that Hollow have, it uses Reiryoku to harden the skin and bones of the Hollow, increasing the durability and resistence of both. On Hierro I it is slightly difficult to cut and penetrate your skin.<]

[>Regeneration I<]

[>Description: Regeneration can heal wounds that are inflicted against the user. Regeneration I heals wounds slowly.<]

"Hmm, what happened to the {Cero} ability?" I wondered.

["You should check your inventory."]

Opening the inventory I found it but under a different name it was {Cero's Memory}. Taking it away, I looked at the black ball in my right hand, it looked like a black billiards ball.

["Break to gain the memory of how to use your {Cero}."]

Doing what she said I broke it. Immediately, a scene appeared in my brain.

This scene was me, extending my right arm in front of me, then pointing my index finger and condensing my Reiryoku in front of it. Then a ball of purple Reiryoku was condensed and when it was fired a purple beam came out and pierced a mountain quite far from me.

So the {Cero} is a beam of Reiryoku that has an porweful penetration capacity.

Coming back to my senses, I then used my {Cero}. Mimicking the same posture and hand positioning I condensed my Reiryoku and...

"{Cero!}" I said, then a purple beam pierced many trees.

Looking at my hand I thought.

'This ability is too destructive. I should use it when I don't want to fight.'

At this moment, probably attracted by my show of lights, another Adjucha appeared, he had one side of his mask broken. Not even letting it talk, I ran and tried to cut his mask. He then sensing my attack dodged and kicked me, sending me to a tree, breaking it, the debris of these quartz trees fell on my head making me a little stunned.

He used this chance to close the distance. Then punched my head trying to break my mask. As I was stunned I couldn't dodge. So I headbutted him, using my horns, as he wasn't expecting it, I punctures his, half destroyed mask, breaking it. As his lifeless body fell, I started to eat it.

After eating him, I asked the System.

"System, how can I earn these coins?" I asked between bites.

["Good you asked. Its like this, every time you kill a...

Low-ranked Shinigami/low-ranked Hollow = 10 X-Coins.

Gillian = 50 X-Coins.

Shinigami Lieutenant = 3,000 X-Coins | Adjucha = 1,500 X-Coins.

Shinigami Captain = 25 000 X-Coins | Vasto Lorde = 10,000 X-Coins.

And that is it."]

After finishing my meal, the System said.

["You should look your Status, it is updated."]



Name: Īsan Shiruba.

Age: ???.

Race: Adjuchas.

System: The Protagonist Killer.

Height: 300 cm.

Weight: 120 Kg.

Reiryoku: Great Spiritual Energy ( Average-ranked Shinigami Captain Reiryoku.)

Abilities: |Passive Skill: {Hollow Regeneration I}, {Hierro I}|

|Active Skills: {Cero}|


"Hmm, now my Reiryoku is similar to a Captain but if I fight one and he uses his Shikai I think I'll lose. Hmm, I need to get all these abilities first." I said while eyeing the updated Shop.



|X-Coins: 1,660|

[> Abilities: {Bala} = 2,500 X-Coins. {Gran Rey Cero} = (Locked). {Sonído} = 4,500 X-Coins.

[> Passive abilities: {Regeneration II} = 5,000 X-Coins. {Hierro II} = 5,000 X-Coins. {Reiryoku Boost 1,75x} = 3,000 X-Coins.


"Its going to take a lot of time." I said sighing and moving on to hunt more Hollows.