
Chapter 1 : Hueco Mundo.

Cold... Cold... Cold... Cold... Cold.

All I feel is coldness... Why is it so cold?

I need warmth... I need warmth... I nee...


"FUCK!!! Why did they have to attack now?!?!?! FUCKING BARAGGAN!!! Why did he have to attack when our son is finally evolving!!! FUUUUCK!" I heard and extremely angry voice shouting.

I couldn't see anything, it was all black.

"Honey, calm down. We have to get our son out of here. If he stay here he is not going to survive." Another voice said trying to soothe the other.

"*Sigh*, I know... But where? If we send him to the Forest of Menos some Gillian or Adjucha will kill him! He's at his weakest! Even a {Bala} can kill him!" The calm voice then said.

"We have to bet on his luck... Please, stay safe... Īsan Shiruba... This is your name, remember...You are the son of M-*BOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM*"

"Darling! Open a [Garganta] and send him! NOW!" The angry voice told the other what to do.

Then I heard a weird zipping noise.

"Farewell... My son." The voice then threw me.

Then all turned black.


Some time later.

It was cold before... I miss it... now there is a Hellfire inside me.

"FUUUUCK!!! It huuurrrrtsss!!! AAAAAARRRRRGGGG!!!" I screamed in pain, it seems that my insides are melting and being reconstructed at an unbelievable rate.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGGG!!!" Now I am being skinned alive, my bones are breaking and restructuring.

["... Rebooting System... Wait for a moment... Hello Īsan, how are you doing?"]

"FUUUUUCK!" I arched my back so much that it broke.

[New Quest Available]

[>Survive Your Evolution To An Adjuchas<

[>Rewards: ?????<]


This never-ending torture lasted for an unknown amount of time.


After that Purgatory, every moment in this coldness is a blessing. Now I am sprawled on the ground breathing heavily, at every deep breath my lungs hurt like they are tearing.

[{Congratulation! You Survived What Few Could!<]

[>Rewards: 1,000 X-Coins.<]

After settling my breath, I sat and said.

"X-Coins? What is this?" I asked this strange System.

["X-Coins are used to buy things on the Shop."]

"Then show me this Shop." I said while getting up and looking around me, just to find tall trees. Oh God, my body is aching so much.

["Right away."]



[>Abilities: {Bala} = 2,500 X-Coins. {Cero} = 5,000 X-Coins. {Sonído} = 4,500 X-Coins.<]

[> Passive abilities: {Regeneneration I} = 2,500 X-Coins. {Hierro I} = 2,500 X-Coins. Reiryoku Boost 1,5x = 1,000 X-Coins.<]


Analyzing this Shop, I found out that all this 'abilities' were something that Adjuchas, Vasto Lordes and Shinigami had. They use, what people of this world call Reiryoku, to power these abilities.

"System... Why I don't have these abilities with me?" I asked, confused.

["After you transformed into a Adjuchas you lost your memories, thus loosing all your previous abilities. So it was then that I was rebooted to serve you. By the price said before I can implant, in your brain, the knowledge about those abilities."]

"Hmm, I'm hungry." I said looking around for food.

["You should look at your Status, it can explain things a little."] The strange System said.

"Show me!" I said a little angrily, I'm really hungry.

["Right away."]



Name: Īsan Shiruba.

Age: ???.

Race: Adjuchas.

System: The Protagonist Killer.

Height: 300 cm.

Weight: 120 Kg.

Reiryoku: Great Spiritual Energy (Low-ranked Shinigami Captain Reiryoku.)

Abilities: none.


Then bellow my abilities there was a 3D model of me.

My entire body was covered in scales and they were white, I had two big red horns coming out of my forehead curving upwards, my mask had four big red fangs, while all my other teeth were jagged, my claws were red and incredibly sharp, my eyes were like that of a snake but yellow, I had a red cross on my chest, a lot of bones covered my body, like a second layer of my scaled, and my hair was white, unkempt, wild, reaching my hips. It was then that...

*Grrrrrr* An incredible sound came from my stomach.

"Food! I want food!" I said, dominated by the most primordial instinct, while dismissing the Status Tab, I started to run around the forest searching for food.

When I found my meal, they were eating each other, so to stop it I clawed everyone, they were focusing on eating themselves and I, in ending their pseudo-lives. After killing everyone I started to cut them in pieces. Picking up one of those pieces, I opened my mouth and ate it. While chewing it, I didn't feel any taste, when I swallowed, I felt my hunger being satiated a little. Then my eating section began.

I am eating, eating, eating and eating. When I ate everyone, I felt my reasoning coming back as my hunger was completely satiated.

Now that I thought of it, they were trying to become a Gillians by merging themselves together.

"System, how many I killed?

["Calculating... you killed 276 Low-ranked Hollows."]

"I ate 276 hollows? Guess I was really hungry."I was surprised.&nbsp;

I was on the Forest of Menos, according to that calm voice, an in my memories all I can recall is that this Forest is infested with Hollows, Gillians and Adjuchas.

Getting up of my crouched position. I jumped on the branches of these trees and started to hunt for Hollows, my target is the Adjuchas of this Forest.

I was running for a few minutes, killed a few Low-ranked hollows. It was then that I felt three strong Reiatsu, I immediately went to where they were.

Once there I found a cave where the Adjuchas were. There was a red guy with big arms and chest, his mask was that of a common Hollow, the other had strong legs and was blue, his mask resembled a samurai mask, the last had six arms, was green and really tall, his mask was had a big nose.

They seem to be of the same group as they were talking between each other. Stopping at the door of the cave, I dashed and swinged my claw at the closest of me, aiming at his arm. The big-armed guy suddenly lost one of his arms, making it impossible for him to evolve further than Adjucha. He howled in pain but I didn't even let him counter-attack, immediately I thrusted my right claw at his mask, penetrating it until my elbow. Taking my hand out I looked at the others.

They looked at me like I was the greatest piece of meat, then the 6 armed guy ran and tried to hold me, I dodged to his left and ripped one of his arms by biting it. As he was pissed, he opened his mouth to shoot a {Cero}, what he didn't expected was that I would dodge and his {Cero} would severely injure his strong-legged friend. I took this chance to pierce his mask with my claws, the other that received the explosion, lost both his legs and was moaning in pain. Approching him, I immobilized him and ate his face while he was screaming. What a delicious meal.

Getting out of the cave I continued my research for more unfortunate Hollows.