

17 year old Elle has had a rough life and a indescribable past, years filled with pain and struggles yet her smile never fails her. After her mother's death, Elle was separated from her 10 year old sister (Aria). Elle moves in with her grandmother who is supportive and caring. Elle's new goal is to put her past behind her and starts 11th grade at a new school, still living out her promise to her mother. Throughout the year she meets new people, but one person in particular with a story as tragic as hers. Zach Scott, supposebly the bad boy but Elle sees right under the mask he puts up, she sees right through him and takes it upon herself to help him. Two broken hearts, many promises but only one that is a battle to fulfill. Can Elle keep her promise to Zach? Elle makes a promise to Zach determind to help him let go of his past, and see the world better. But can she control her feelings towards him as she slowly falls deeply inlove with him? When Elle is met with bad news about her health, her world comes crumbling down afraid that her promise to Zach might be broken. "Promise me you'll never leave?" He asks Not trusting my voice, I nod, it would break him if I told him, I can't tell him... not yet. "Promise?" he asks again "I promise." I say

its_Ishrene · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

life's gonna be full of cupcakes and rainbows.


Chapter 1: Life's gonna be full of cupcakes and rainbows.


"Wake up, Elle." I hear the soothing voice of my grandmother, I sit up to see her sitting beside me, a smile on her beautiful face.

"Morning Elle." She says sweetly

I smile and quickly hug her. I dont know where I'd be without her, I'll never be able to repay her for all she's done for me.

After breakfast which was scrambled eggs and toast, i take a hot shower, allowing the droplets of water to dance on my skin. After what seemed like 15 minutes realization hits me, "I have school!" I jump out the shower. "What to wear?" I mumble pacing up and down in my room, a towel around me.

I hear laughter coming from my bedroom door, I spin around to see my grandmother, a giggle escaping her lips.

"Oh Elle, my sweet Elle, you remind me so much of your mother." she says, referring to my pacing

I smile but it quickly fades, she seems to notice and quickly speaks up

"Im so sorry, I shouldn't have."

I smile again not wanting to cry.

"Its okay ma, I just... I miss her."

She walks over and hugs me before speaking in a soft tone.

"I miss her too" she kisses me on the cheek and walks out of my room.

After deciding what to wear, which is a white pair of air force, a black tracksuit pants and a white oversized t-shirt with small writing on that says 'Sleeping' and no it's not pajamas... i think.

I head downstairs, saying goodbye to ma as i walk out the front door. I hop in my car, well it use to be mums but she gave it to me, before she...you know, passed away.

I start the engine and drive off to my new school.

Im Elle. Elle Davis, Today im starting 11th grade at a brand new school, I don't got any friends right now, after my mother's death, well I didn't just lose my mother, I lost my sister too, her dad took her away from me and I never knew why. So here I am infront of my new school. Yay! "life's gonna be full of cupcakes and rainbows." i say to myself. Note the sarcasm. I don't know what awaits me, or what cards life will hand me but I just gotta keep going, I have to. I promised her.


Hi there!

I know it's short and probably has a million spelling errors but I PROMISE it will get better soon and the next chapter will be longer.

Thank you!

Keep going

Stay beautiful ♡
