
Prism Online

A group of four best friends who met in middle school and played RPG games together finally graduate from school. Half a year later, after they all moved into the same house and split the rent 4 ways, they lived leisurely. But suddenly, one of the friends, Qing Lu, came up with the crazy idea that they should quit their jobs and become full-time gamers on the new full-dive game, Prism Online. Somehow they all approved of the idea and started playing the game, only to find out they've each been given a Divine-Grade bloodline! How will a story with 4 main characters fare? Read to find out! (cover not mine)

Mazano · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Secret Quest

Jin Xing's eyes contracted as he stared at Lin Mei's smug expression. He wasn't jealous, he was surprised that not only did he have an overpowered bloodline, but it also seemed Lin Mei did as well.

"Use the message system." Jin Xing immediately said. He then opened up his interface, sent Lin Mei a friend request, and started messaging her after she accepted the request.

{Sage of Mysteries, Jin Xing: Lin Mei, I also have an overpowered bloodline!}

{Shadow of the Night, Lin Mei: Really?! What grade is it?!}

{Sage of Mysteries, Jin Xing: It's Divine-Grade! It's called Divine Majester Bloodline! It's perfect for me as I've been a mage in every RPG game I've played!}

{Shadow of the Night, Lin Mei: OMG! My bloodline is Divine-Grade as well! To think we'd both have Divine-Grade bloodlines, it won't take long for us to get powerful in this game!}

{Sage of Mysteries, Jin Xing: What's the name of your bloodline?}

{Shadow of the Night, Lin Mei: It's called the...Bottomless Pit bloodline...}

{Sage of Mysteries, Jin Xing: LOL. It suits you perfectly!}

Lin Mei's face was red as she closed her interface and glared at Jin Xing who was trying his best not to grin or laugh. When he noticed Lin Mei's deadly gaze, his struggle immediately stopped as the grin showed no signs of appearing.

Jin Xing went back to silently farming the training dummies and increasing his mana and wisdom stat. He was troubled, hoping that both stats would increase but they did.

[Mana + 10]

[Wisdom + 10]

[Mana + 10]

[Wisdom + 10]

Rather quickly, the increase of Jin Xing's stats slowed down and he found it harder and harder to get an increase now. But, because he was somewhat of a hardcore gamer and was putting all his energy into the game, he didn't stop attacking the training dummy.

Lin Mei followed suit as well and never ceased to attack the training dummies. Now determined to surpass Jin Xing in stat acquisition and bully him a little.

The two farmed the training dummies for a good while and in between the short breaks they took after running out of stamina or mana, Min Min and Qing Lu eventually arrived.

Immediately, Lin Mei and Jin Xing received friend requests from both of them and observed their stern expressions. Jin Xing eyed Qing Lu in a strange way, as if he was seeing through Qing Lu's expression before his face turned a few shades paler.

'No way...' He thought with a dumbfounded expression. He didn't even need Qing Lu to inform him of the news to know what happened.


[You've been added to a group chat. 4 Members are online.]

{Sage of Mysteries, Jin Xing: No way. Tell me it's not true.}


{The Vile Arrow, Min Min: Turn off caps lock, Qing Lu.}

{Flaming Warrior, Qing Lu: Oh, sorry. But yes, I regret to inform you that I've been bestowed a Divine-Grade bloodline. You all can consider the thought of becoming the team leader gone. The main character is here!}

{Shadow of the Night, Lin Mei: Sorry Qing Lu, Jin Xing and I have Divine-Grade bloodlines as well, Teehee. Try again!}

{The Vile Arrow, Min Min: I have a Divine-Grade bloodline as well. It's called Piercing the Heavens. It sounds pretty intimidating if you ask me!}

{Flaming Warrior, Qing Lu: W-What?! B-But I'm the main character!! I have the Overbearing Monolith bloodline...}

{Sage of Mysteries, Jin Xing: Lol. I have the Divine Majester bloodline. Sorry Qing Lu, but I think we're all main characters!}

{Flaming Warrior, Qing Lu: This is unfair! Lin Mei, what's your bloodline?}

{Shadow of the Night, Lin Mei: ...I don't want to talk about it.}

{The Vile Arrow, Min Min: Come on, it's fine. It isn't bad right?}

{Shadow of the Night, Lin Mei: ...Bottomless Pit bloodline.}

{Sage of Mysteries, Jin Xing: LMAO, IT'S FUNNIER EVERY TIME I HEAR IT!}

{Flaming Warrior, Qing Lu: ...HAHAHA. Listen, when we log off of the game, promise me you won't assault me alright? Lin Mei, please! I have no choice but to laugh.}

{The Vile Arrow, Min Min: Lin Mei, it's okay. D-Don't listen to t-those guys, they're just being bullies. I promise I-I won't laugh alright?}

{Shadow of the Night, Lin Mei: ...You two are so dead.}

{The Vile Arrow, Min Min: Dear God, please forgive my lie! I don't want to hurt Lin Mei!}

{Shadow of the Night, Lin Mei: Make that three.}



They all closed their interfaces and felt Lin Mei's deadly glare on themselves. Jin Xing in particular felt uneasy whenever he thought about what would happen when he logged out of the game.

He even started questioning if he should even log out. Maybe this would be his new home.

'Snap out of it! What are you talking about? You can't be afraid of a little girl with a bloodline named Bottomless Pit, right?' Jin Xing gave himself a pep talk before attacking the training dummies again.

All four of them attacked their training dummies in silence and joyfully received the stat increase messages. As Jin Xing was finally about to stop farming the dummy, another screen appeared.

He thought it was a stat increase message, but when he read it he was given a pleasant surprise.

[Your Fireball's skill level has increased due to the proficiency limit being achieved. Fireball's mana cost has decreased from 20 mana to 18 mana.]

Jin Xing was surprised at this sudden message since Qing Lu didn't inform him of it earlier on in the week. But then he suddenly recalled a post he saw on the forums that was made over 5 months ago.

"Skill level increase and minor improvements to the skill lead to major benefits in the future." That was the title of the forum post and it seemed to have attracted a lot of attention back then.

'Who would've thought my fireball skill's level would have increased already!' Jin Xing finally felt content with the results of the training dummy farming so he left.

He headed towards the village chief's home, going to get a quest from him. When he arrived, he wasn't surprised to see an abundance of people surrounding the village chief's home.

Jin Xing didn't mind the crowd but wasn't happy either. It would be war trying to get to the village chief so he didn't bother pushing or shoving his way through the crowd.

He patiently waiting for the crowd to move until he reached the village chief. By that time, the other three caught up with him and they all join the same party so that friendly fire would be disabled.

After reaching the village chief, he spoke to the four.

"My son came home the other day claiming that there were slimes infesting the nearby Paligma Forest. Can you explore the forest and exterminate any slimes you find?"





The four responded in unison as a screen appeared in front of them, regarding the quest.

~Quest Accepted!~

[Quest Rank: Normal]

[Quest Info: Investigate the Paligma Forest. Eliminate 8 slimes.]

[Quest Quota: 0/8 slimes eliminated.]

[Quest Reward: 110 EXP, 10 Copper Coins.]

~Quest Time Limit: 19:55/20:00~

Jin Xing and the others read the quest information and then looked back at the village chief before speaking again.

"Are you sure your son was claiming he they were slimes and not anything else?"

The village chief's expression turned stern as he responded.

"...Frankly, I've known about the slime infestation in the Paligma Forest, but they're not the real threat. I heard the howls of a wolf coming from the forest, can you investigate it for me?"

The four felt as if they had just unlocked a secret safe inside a wealthy person's house and were greeted with gold and diamonds. The quest screen in front of them suddenly updated.

~Quest Updated!~

[Quest Rank: Secret]

[Quest Info: Investigate the Paligma Forest and look for wolves. Eliminate 8 slimes and 4 wolves.]

[Quest Quota: 0/8 slimes eliminated. 0/4 wolves eliminated.]

[Quest Reward: 260 EXP, 50 Copper Coins.]

~Quest Time Limit: 28:40/30:00~

The four were delighted when they saw the updated quest information and high-fived each other. There was nothing greater than activating secret actions in games!

After going over the quest, the group of four quickly headed towards the Paligma Forest. On the way, Jin Xing decided to check his status panel and see what his stats were now.


[User: Sage of Mysteries, Jin Xing.]

[Titles: None]

[Level: 1]

[Class: Mage] | [Subclass: None] | [Subclass 2: None]

[Bloodline: Divine Majester Bloodline(Divine Grade)]

[Health: 100]

[Mana: 460] (46x10)

[Strength: 10]

[Defense: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Dexterity: 10]

[Wisdom: 460] (46x10)

[Luck: 0]

[Stat Points: 0]


[Fireball] : [Conjure a fireball made of mana that can fire at the selected enemy. Does 160% of the user's total WISDOM stat. 160% chance to cause the burn effect. Requires 18 mana to use this skill.]