
Prism Online

A group of four best friends who met in middle school and played RPG games together finally graduate from school. Half a year later, after they all moved into the same house and split the rent 4 ways, they lived leisurely. But suddenly, one of the friends, Qing Lu, came up with the crazy idea that they should quit their jobs and become full-time gamers on the new full-dive game, Prism Online. Somehow they all approved of the idea and started playing the game, only to find out they've each been given a Divine-Grade bloodline! How will a story with 4 main characters fare? Read to find out! (cover not mine)

Mazano · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Kill Stealers

[You killed 1 slime! +20 EXP]

[Quest Quota: 1/8 slimes eliminated. 0/4 wolves eliminated.]

"Why does this feel much easier than it should be?" Qing Lu said.

"Because we have Divine-Grade bloodlines that increase our class respective stats." Min Min firmly replied as she pierced a slime's core with an arrow.

The party of four entered the Paligma Forest and were overwhelmed by the number of players farming slimes. Most players were in parties, while soloers were everywhere as well.

It was an amazing sight to see and the party wasted a few minutes just wandering around the forest until Min Min woke everyone from their daze.

They just started looking for slimes and the competition was hot. There were numerous parties within the forest, and whenever a slime spawned, before they could attack it another party had already killed it.

"Are there fixed spawn points? Or maybe that party was just lucky to be there when the slime spawned." Jin Xing was getting slightly irritated when he saw the other parties stealing all the kills.

It took him back to a day when he was a teenager and he would constantly be PKed and the person that killed him would tell him to get good. Even though everyone farmed the spawn points and never let him get a single kill.

His face suddenly turned dark as he watched the other party roam around the forest, waiting for another slime to appear.

"Min Min, when you see a slim spawn, shoot at the first party you see approaching it, alright?" Jin Xing was determined to get a kill.

"Got it." The team of four had been working together like this since middle school when they first met. They'd take orders from each other all the time, and there was basically no leader of the party.

Or you could say all four of them were leaders.

Another slime spawned to the left of them and Min Min immediately saw a party running towards the slime with hungry expressions on their faces.

"Not this time!" She said as an arrow flew from her bow like a bullet from a gun. It flew with incredible speed and landed right in front of the other party, startling them.

They looked over only to find out that it was another party that was hastily approaching the slime they wanted.

"It's ours!" One of the members of the party shouted as he jumped at the slime.

"No it's not! You were too late!" Lin Mei said as she moved her body in a strange way and kicked the guy onto the ground. He winced in pain for a moment before struggling to get back up.

He glared at Lin Mei in anger and commanded his team to attack.

"Guys, get them! We saw the slime first!" He shouted while pointing at Lin Mei and the rest.

Min Min glared at the three people approaching them with a cold gaze and spoke.

"You have three seconds to leave or I'll send you to the respawn menu!" Regardless of if a respawn menu was a thing in Full-Dive games, this was a line Min Min said since middle school.

It was a classic and would always serve as a good warning. The players hesitated for a moment before proceeding, but by then Min Min had already fired arrows from her bow again.

Numerous arrows flew out of the bow almost all at the same time, striking all three of the players. A terrified expression surfaced on their faces when they saw the arrows, but they were too late to dodge.

Min Min's arrows one shot all of the players and their bodies disappeared shortly after. She still had a cold look on her face as she watched the last player run away in fear.

She was used to this.

"Let's kill the slime now!" Min Min said while readying her bow and aiming at the slime. The others were amazing by her performance and cheered her on afterward.

In the midst of the event, three more slimes appeared, giving everyone their own share of kills and they gladly accepted the reward.

[You killed 1 slime! +20 EXP]

[Quest Quota: 2/8 slimes eliminated. 0/4 wolves eliminated.]

Despite each of them getting a kill, the competition for the slimes was still heated, and taking down one roup didn't prove much of a difference.

'We only need eight kills, yet it's much harder than it should be to complete this quest. Not to mention we still have to hunt some wolves.' Jin Xing thought to himself.

He thought deeply for a moment after killing the slime before his expression turned solemn. He then announced to everybody else that they would have to kill-steal in order to finish the quest.

They all knew that they wouldn't have enough time to finish the quest if they did it normally, so they had to stalk other parties and take their kills.

In other MMORPG games and the like, a whole party would accept one question and each kill would be counted on the quest. It was like they were essentially doing one quest with four people, highly efficient.

Though, in Prism Online, the way the party system was made seemed to differ from the traditional ways. Jin Xing didn't complain about it and only found it interesting.

He admired the way Prism Online had different takes on the traditional mechanics and functions of a regular RPG game.

Without even knowing it, he had grown to love Prism Online despite only playing it for less than a day.

"Let's go!" Lin Mei said as she vanished from everyone's sight, merging into the shadows and becoming almost invisible. The rest weren't fazed by this and were only satisfied that Lin Mei didn't slack on her leveling.

As she merged with the shadows, the rest looked for another party to target so they could steal their kill. It didn't take long for them to locate another party that seemed to be around their level, Level 1 of course.

"This is pitiful. We've been in this game for hours upon end yet we're still level 1!" Qing Lu complained.

Min Min hit the back of his head and spoke.

"Even though were still noobs in this game, I can undoubtedly gaurantee that we're ahead of everyone under level 20. Though level 20 isn't that high of a level, it still provides us with enough safety to get used to the game."

Qing Lu suddenly felt enlightened about this matter despite it being physically apparent.

"Even though I know this, I've still felt nervous that we would be overpowered by some random party." Qing Lu lamented. The others could understand his feelings since they were late to start the game, but they had nothing to fear.

Their Divine-Grade bloodlines would ensure that people far and few in between would be their matches.

"Don't worry about that right now, let's focus on completing this quest and then I plan on logging out." Min Min said as she pulled back the string on her bow.

The others agreed with her and readied their weapons. Jin Xing in particular pointed his wand towards the party with brimming confidence as if he knew what would happen.

It was natural though, considering how strong he was coupled with years of RPG game experience.

"Go." They suddenly heard a voice from the shadows, recognizing it as Lin Mei's, and rushed the random party. The party wasn't expecting such a turn of events and had no time to react to the ambush.

"Fireball! Let's try something new!" Jin Xing cast a fireball, but he didn't shoot it off towards the other party yet. He injected more mana into the fireball, causing its size to multiply three times before he suddenly split the fireball into 4 smaller ones.

'Let's see how they fare against this!' Jin Xing thought with an evil grin on his face. If there was one thing he loved in RPG games, it was the PvP. And now that he could do it in a Full-Dive game, and it felt surreally realistic, it was a hundred times better!

The fireballs shot out towards the other party with incredible speed, not showing any signs of slowing down. They were like the flying lanterns on the chinese new year.

They were dazzling and looked beautiful from a certain angle and view distance. But if the fireballs touched something, they'd immediately light in a burst of ferocious flames.

Min Min marveled at the sight of their targets being lit on fire and wriggling on the ground. One of them actually withstood the fire and its devastating damage, though it cost him all his health.

All he had was 1% of his original health and he was terrified. Despite this, he tried to fight for his teammates and counterattack, but felt a slight wind behind his neck and someone's voice.

"You escaped from the wolves den right into the lion's. Perish like the rest of your teammates!" Lin Mei gripped her dagger as a flashing red mark appeared on the man's neck.

His eyes shone with an expression of utter disbelief as he fell on the ground and turned into sparkles.