
Princess Esseria

A princess who fights her enemies with love, but never stands down to a fight.

bigbrandbt · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Lion's Roar Tournament

There was a girl who was Esseria Simeses and she was a princess, the daughter that belonged to the two most admirable royals. Most people loved her father King Emerial, but some even despised the sound of his name. All because he married the woman everyone loved...Queen Esseti. Queen Esseti grew up the same way her daughter is now and hopes it doesn't get worse for her… Esseria has a team called The Warrior Knights, she's the captain and they are getting ready for a tournament, The Lion's Roar Tournament. Today is Sunnoom (the first day of the week), Esseria and her team are headed to the tournament to play the first round. As they are approaching the arena's gates they bump into the Cobras. The Cobras are one of the sports teams they are competing against and their captain Stetsia Stelest had a few words for Esseria and her team. "Hello there, Esseria!" Stetsia said, with a devious smile on her face as she glares at the rest of the Warrior Knights's team. "Hi Stetsia!" Esseria said, with a calm and loving but also annoyed voice. Everyone from the oher the Cobras's team just stares at Esseria with love and obsession, without a thought behind their eyes. Stetsia stood there and rolled her eyes in jealousy. When Esseria says her goodbyes to the Cobras, Stetsia notices her crush Namier Vadecus was ogling Esseria's sister Evangeline. The Warrior Knights start walking into the arena's gates where the Cobras are standing and just when they walk by Stetsia tries to trip Evangeline but she ends up tripping Esseria instead and almost spraining her ankle. But thankfully she only just fell. Evangeline realized what she tried to do and tackled Stetsia to the ground and started to punch her repeatedly in the face. Before Evangeline could do anymore damage the guards from the other side of the arena's gates heard what was happening and came to break up the fight. Not only were the guards on the other side their fathers were too. "Look at what your daughter did to my child!" King Covan yelled, to King Emerial. "HM..I wonder why?" King Emerial asked, sarcastically knowing how the Stetlest family is, he knows what had happened before the kids could even explain themselves. While King Covan was complaining to the guards about what happened to Stetsia, King Emerial walked over to Esseria's aid and asked Evangeline what happened and did she win or not. King Covan Noticed that Emerial was laughing with his daughter instead of disciplining her like he thought he should have and tries to rushed towards her and do it himself, but right when he thought of such a thing King Emerial burst into flames and went into his phoenix form and said "I dare you." in the calmest authoritative heart stopping tones you'd never wanna hear from a King especially one from The Kingdom of The Phoenixes. King Covan's ego was too big to back down but before he could take a step toward King Emerial, Stetsia started coughing and calling for him to "help" her. So he stopped and picked his daughter up and portal back to their way back home. "You guys go back to your bases...we'll start the tournament tomorrow." King Emerial said to The Warrior Knights and they did...in shock.