
Princess Esseria

A princess who fights her enemies with love, but never stands down to a fight.

bigbrandbt · Teen
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3 Chs

Goals In Hoops

Today is Unix (second day of the week) and the Warrior Knights take off for the first round of the tournamnet. They then arrive at the arena and they don't even give The Cobras any attention. While they are waiting, the guards have a protocol to check for dangers on the field before any players get in there. The guards give their signals to tell that everything is safe and all the team's head for their places to start. In the first round, the teams have eight colored hoops that stand high with a pole and there's one big golden hoop that floats above the field. All hoops have balls to match all of them. The eight hoops will separate into two groups. The first two teams to get each ball into their own hoop will have to play a game to settle the score, the first team to get the gold ball into its hoop wins the first round. All teams set at their bases and the seven kings that are in the royal stands blow the horns so the game can start. Warrior Knights take off to get their first color ball, the red ball. Esseria retrieves the ball and runs towards the hoop to get a good shot for throwing the ball. A player from the Champions Of Fire charges at Esseria and knocks her on the ground, but the ball doesn't release her and she doesn't have enough room or space to get up. So she throws the ball to a player on her team, Symis Lymil. He takes off running so fast no other team could catch him. Next he scores the red ball so now they have to attempt three more balls to score so they can win their group-half. On the other hand The Cobras scored two goals already routing teams out of the field. One of the Cobras players Onimere Fordrux fouled another player on Bone Breakers team and the refs saw it but didn't call it off so the Cobras didn't have to sit. The Kings noticed too but couldn't do anything unless something interfered with the tournament. Instead the Bone Breakers had to sit this round out unfairly. King Covan smiled and one of the other King Rysolum, saw him and thought consciously about why he would be smiling while the other kings kept up with the game. One of the players from the Cobras's team Namier gave Stetsia a sour face behind her back and the co-captain Moriana Kudan saw him and tapped Stetsia on the shoulder and told her. Stetsia's heart sank and she got worried about what he was mad about or if that's just him in the game. Even though she gazes on him every second throughout the days she sees Namier she has never seen him make this face before and scowl at her. Meanwhile the Warrior Knights are up two more goals so now all they need is one more to win their half of the hoops and they have to play against The Dragons. Rileel Lefiel, a player on the Warrior Knights teamed up with another player Wema Relixis and they both took on the last sports team and won all half of their hoops. Now all they have to do is wait for the other half of the teams to finish so they can settle the score and win.

The Cobras come down to their last ball and they're playing against the Earth Quakers. This was a hard battle between the two teams with so many skilled players, playing against each other to romp for the gold hoop. But sadly the Earth Quakers did not win half of the hoops so now they're out for this round. Here and now are the last two teams, The Cobras and the Warrior Knights ready to rectify the score to see who will succeed in the first round of the tournament. "Today we are here to settle the score for the Goals In Hoops round!" King Emerial yelled into the arena while the people in the stands screamed for their favorite teams. The Cobras and the Warrior Knights get ready and set in their places for the last hoop. And the game begins, bolting towards the golden ball there bound Lidia Modian Esseria's best friend. Rushing past The Cobras made Stetsia very angry and so Stetsia tries to sabotage the game by giving a signal to her father without anyone noticing her. King Covan notices her signal and warded off the refs to do something to ruin the other team's way of winning. The refs started calling out false foul play and the people in the stands started booing the game and King Covan gave the refs a wink to stop doing what they were doing. Esseria finally gets the ball and begins to run. Stetsia goes over to guard her but couldn't because Esseria was too proficient for her. Esseria crossed Stetsia and made her fall then went up to the hoop and threw the ball and the Warrior Knights won the first round. King Emerial jumped up out of his throne like the proud father he was, he nearly shouted out how proud he was but had to keep it together. The seven kings announce the first round winners and one of the kings, King Ariss Levadian flies down to hand them their trophy. Just when you thought things were finally going well Stetsia became pugnacious towards Esseria and leapt on her pushing her to the ground and a brawl broke out. All the kings rushed down to the arena's field trying to stop all the players and people from fighting. Stetsia kept talking and antagonizing Esseria and spring towards her pushing her to the ground again, Esseria blocked her face so she couldn't hit her. Stetsia kept punching Esseria's arm repeatedly and Esseria just got tired of her. The ground shook and the field cracked open. Esseria burst into colorful flames and emerged into the air. Stetsia grew scared and backed away from Esseria. "What did you do?" Namier said, yelling at Stetsia making her cry to the point where she started apologizing to Esseria. King Emerial also went into his phoenix form and went up there to calm Esseria, but his words weren't enough so he called for Queen Esseti. She appeared through the light and she and King Emerial hugged their daughter transferring her energy into them. Esseria went out of her phoenix state and lowered her back down to the ground. He told everyone to go home and gather their things because the tournament was canceled until further notice.