
Prince of Kpop

Meet Han Sung-Jun, a kpop fan who was transmigrated into a former kpop trainee in an alternate universe where Kpop is more popular but with groups and songs that are unknown to him. Can Jun fulfill his dream of becoming a global idol in this new life with a system as support? ************ Author's current works: War Online, My Soul card is a Reaper, Weapon Seller in the world of magic Author's other notable works: The Last Slytherin, The Sharingan Hyuga.

Snowstar · Urbano
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114 Chs

The agency is too cruel to JeongYeon

The next day at dorm;

Suga attended the classes at college. Eunwoo and Daniel left for the usual dance practice. Hanbin was called for producers meeting regarding a series of comebacks in the second half of the year.

Jun was still a rookie and also had a debut coming up. So, he was left out of the meeting.

However, none of them knows that Jun was currently busy with producing, not just one song but four of them.

If it is creating an entirely new song from the scratch, it would have taken a lot of time but Jun have the privilege to just buy everything from the system. So, he doesn't need any effort in the creation part. All need to focus on bringing it from his brain to reality.

During his stay at Treasure Campus, he learned producing. That experience made it easier for him to produce one of the songs.

By lunchtime, he was already done with one of them. Now, the only thing that's needed is adding the voice.

For the demo, he needed Yuju for she's the only female trainee he was close with.

Jun planned to sing a part himself and then send the audio file to Yuju, requesting her to sing those exact same lines and send it back to him. He will then, add her tone to the 30 seconds demo he was about to prepare.

But, the main issue is how should he explain it to YG?

Once, he went to the church with her and both of them were scolded by him upon being spotted walking together.

While having lunch, Jun thought of the solution and finally came up with one.

He made a call to YG in the afternoon.

"Jun-ah…" YG lifted the call as if he was in a good mood.

"PD-nim, I wanted to ask about something." Jun slowly opened up the matter.

"Is it about your debut? Don't worry, everything is going well." YG misunderstood the situation and reassured him. He then added, "You might have to start preparations from tomorrow."

"No, it isn't about that." Jun clarified his reason. "I wrote a song. Lyrics, composition, and production, everything has been finished but I need a singer to add the voice so that I can send the demo."

"Oh! It looks like you were using the break nicely." YG was satisfied with how dedicated this upcoming rookie is. But then, he realized something and asked, "But, aren't you the singer yourself? Why do you need someone else?"

Jun answered, "The song's very suitable for a female idol group. I'm confident in it as long as the group doesn't strictly follow a cute concept."

YG heard four of Jun's compositions. In his eyes, all of them are indeed at the professional level. But, if it is for a female idol group, then, he would have to think twice because it isn't easy to pull off. Moreover, Genesis Entertainment has less active girl groups than boys. Naturally, there will be huge competition from the other producers.

Still, he had trust in Jun. So, he felt it was worth a try to at least listen to it once.

"Okay, I understand. I'll arrange a trainee. If you are free now, you can come to the office, right away." YG agreed to his request.

About half an hour later, Jun was seen standing before YG. The female trainee is on the way.

In the production studio, YG listened to his unfinished 30-second demo. After listening to it, he nodded with a smile, "the music was indeed catchy. What's the title name?"

"I'm so hot," Jun replied to him.

"Oh!" YG exclaimed in surprise. If he had heard of the title before the music, he would have thought the song will have sexy vibes but now that he heard the demo, he thought it might be a cheerful one. If that's the case, then, any group can be fit into the concept.

After a while, a girl entered the production studio. At one glance, Jun was taken aback as he recognized her.

She was about 5'6" tall, wore a t-shirt and shorts, had a boy cut hair, and looks a bit on the older side for a trainee.

Jun couldn't help but sigh inwardly, "This agency is too cruel to stall the debut of such a talented vocalist."

The girl greeted YG and then, glanced at Jun before greeting him with a slight bow.

YG introduced each other, "Jun-ah, this is Yoo Jeong-Yeon. And Jeongyeong-ssi, this is Han Sung-Jun."

As they once again greeted each other silently with a slight bow, YG said, "Jeongyeon-ssi, the lyric sheet along with the composition is already inside the recording room."

And then, he looked at Jun, "As the producer, I'm expecting that you guide her. Let's see the finished product. If it's okay, then, I'll put the proposal at the CEO's table."

Jun nodded.

The recording only took about ten minutes, which resulted in angering Jun. He could really see that JeongYeon was talented but why the company didn't debut with her for six years. Now that she's already 21, he was really hoping for her debut very soon.

If that happens, Jun decided to support her, giving her a top hit song. As a former member of 'Once' fandom who followed the girls for nearly 8 years, he would no doubt help these counterparts.

After Jeongyeon left, in YG's presence, Jun added the voice to the demo, giving the finished one to him after playing it twice.

Taking the Pendrive, YG said, "I'm satisfied with the demo. I'm sure the company management will say okay too. The only question is which group will take this song for their comeback. I'll call you once the group is confirmed."

Jun thanked him and left the place.

While he was going downwards, Jun remembered Yeongue and he left for the 33rd floor where all the new trainees were trained.

He went to training room no. 4.

There he found the room empty. It was only then he suddenly realized that those are all middle-school kids. They will probably have classes to attend.

"Ah, that's right. The last time I met them was on Sunday. That's why they attended the lunch." Realizing how foolish he was, Jun hurriedly left from there.

He walked towards the elevator. Just as he was about to pass the last training room, Jun halted his steps as he heard someone singing the "Beautiful" OST track from Goblin. It was a female. There was also a piano as accompaniment.

He peeked inside the room, not because it sounded great or something. In fact, it was full of flaws.

There he saw a single little teenage girl who was trying to sing high notes.

Jun inspected the girl.

Name: Yoon Eungi

Stage name: N/A

Nationality: Korean

Age: 13




Cat/Dog person: Dog

After seeing her age, he decided to intervene.

*Knock* *Knock*

He knocked on the door twice, interrupting her practice. She looked towards the door.

Jun was wearing a mask and cap. So, she doesn't know who the person is but at the very least, she knows that he's older.

As she hurriedly stood up from the seat, Jun said, "sorry for interrupting your practice but your voice is cracking too much while singing high notes. So, I thought of giving a piece of advice. You shouldn't automatically go into falsetto to hit high notes.

It becomes breathy and loses power because the singer is straining or using too much pressure."

Taking off his mask, Jun started to demonstrate, all of a sudden.

"Beautiful life, beautiful day, eeeh heh~"

You should slowly raise your voice like this… No need to follow how the song originally was sung."

Eungi was stunned for a second when she saw Jun's face. It's common. After all, she is a teenager and Jun was too charming. More than that, his voice was so good to hear when singing.

Getting out of it, she nodded, "Yes, thank you."

Jun let out a smile and further said, "Music is enjoyable by the audience as well as the singers when the latter is comfortable. A singer will only be comfortable when he/she is in their comfortable range.

Being uncomfortable will not only give negative results but also mess up your vocals."

As she thanked him again, Jun waved his hand, "it's alright. Sorry for taking your time. You can please continue your practice. I'll be leaving."

"Wait, um, may I know your name?" She asked hesitatingly.

"Han Sung-Jun." He replied and put on the mask once again before leaving the place.

"Han Sung-Jun?" Eungi tilted her head, "Never heard of him. Is he a musical actor, perhaps?"