
13.) Rose

Authors note: hey guys. Had some people complain about the format. This will change when the originals come to town. I just as a writer have no interest in the TVD gang outside of Bonnie.

I'm trying to make the writing as quick as possible while giving some high points for the overall story leading up to the originals.

If you'd rather me time skip it I can. Just Thought showing the steadily building relationships within the town would help make it more believable leading up to the original storyline within tvd.

Will do less of the TVD story if that's what you all want, but the chapters will be incredibly short. Instead of 2,000 plus words I'll be getting 1,000-1,500 and be done with it until I get to NOLA.



I've been following these people forever. It's times like these though I appreciate my wolf form. I'm fast as a human sure, but as a wolf it's completely different. I'd say I'm almost 2-3 times faster as a wolf and that's saying something.

However, in lue of meeting Elijah this is nothing. One of my personal favorite fantasy characters just for the amount he does for his family. The guy literally followed Klaus into death. Sure he wanted to die because he helped kill Hayley, but come on. Who gives up immortality?

I guess I can't talk much. I love being a wolf. No craving blood. It's always seemed parasitic to me. While werewolves don't have the best reputation, that's due to the overwhelmingly large bias that the media has for vampires over wolves.

I love it. I can't say how it is for those who can't control the shift, but I enjoy it a lot. After enough times transforming it doesn't even hurt. I'm able to jump between forms effortlessly.

This long trip as also given me insight into my current situation. I'm no idiot, Bonnie Bennett is different from any of the others in Mystic Falls.

While around The Salvatores, I feel superior. Such a thing is natural I suppose. I could kill them with one bite anytime I wished.

Not only that, but from my little interaction with Damon outside the Grill, I know he's not stronger than me despite being 160 years old.

While I'm not and will never be cocky, it's more of a calm and steadfast confidence.

This also comes from the fact that although I don't know how old the she vampire I killed was, I did it effortlessly. Her chest felt like wet paper. I didn't go through the bottom of the ribs. No. I punched through her chest like an angry teenager punches through drywall.

I know something is different about me. This is why I want to get close to the originals. If Bonnie doesn't work out they gave a sister who's 1,000 years old herself. I need to understand myself. The last incident with Mason kept coming back to my mind. I was just trying something.

My red eyes indicate the status of an alpha. But those didn't exist in this universe to my knowledge. This is why I need a witch who's trustworthy. If something happens to be extraordinary about me I want to be able to trust they'll keep it under wraps.

People who are different are targeted and used in a world like this. Look at the mayhem Hope's birth caused. The damn hollow was interested in her.

With so many real threats out there far superior to the Salvatore's, my need to understand myself becomes ever stronger. I haven't approached Bonnie yet beacuse I don't want to be the person who just comes to her for help.

I also can't be with her. She's so tied into mystic falls rhat the idea of her leaving is ludicrous to me. But such things aren't in my future. I know it. I want excitement. I could've killed Katherine Petrova anytime. One bite.

This is why I'm so interested in the originals. Not only are they my favorite family aside from the starks, but each character represents a different kind of dependency.

Klaus needs elijah to keep him in check.

Elijah needs to keep Klaus and Kol in check.

Rebekah needs love. She chases it like Elijah chases his brothers redemption. Because he believes only then can he find his own.

It's a facinating tale. One that's stretched 1,000 years. That in itself is crazy. To walk the earth for so long must be crazy. To see how much is changed? I don't think I'd want to live in that time, but I'd like to see it.

My thoughts stop as the car pulls into the dirt lane off the side of the highway where Trevor is waiting.

I hang back a bit, the guys 500 years old. While 1 bite will kill him I need things to remain calm until the original arrives to pardon rose and kill Trevor.

The classic scene happens where Trevor eats the guy and begins to drive away. I text Damon.

Hey, just got my phone charged. Elena has been kidnapped. Too many people for me to take alone.

I send my current location with promises to update when we reach our final destination. I put the phone back in my pocket and start to prepare for the first real fight I plan to have in this world.

Damon and stefan play hit and run with Elijah. I won't. They can save elena. I don't really care about her. I only want to feel the strength that 1,000 years produced.

Not only that, but he grew up needing to learn how to fight. It was just simply the way of the times and certainly his father. That's another guy I'll need to be weary of. Mikael.

I receive a text back.

We're already coming. Thank you for getting eyes on though. I know my brother will appreciate the backup.

Putting the phone away I make sure the moonstone is still in my backpack before blurring off as a human in a new set of clothes.



I see the text. Hey, just got my phone charged. Elena has been kidnapped. Too many people for me to take alone. From Zach.

I sigh thinking about the last time I saw Zach. What Jeremy said he could do. He watched Zach take Elena's pain away.

That gets me thinking harder about my wolfie friend. He called himself an alpha after making Mason answer him.

"What are you thinking about?" Stefan asked me.

"I got a text from Zach. He's been following the kidnappers since they left town. His phone has been dead. He finally text me saying there are too many for him alone."

Stefan gets a worried face before taking a few more drinks of blood. "So, that's not anything for you to be thinking so hard about damon."

I sigh. "When I interrogated Mason Lockwood Zach was there. He told me he was so excited to find out what Mason knew. Unfortunately Mason didn't know much."

"How do you know that? He could've been lying." Stefan replied to me.

I shook my head. "No. I know it because I watched Zach compel him."

Stefan went silent before speaking, "compelled him?"

I sigh. "Not like what we do. But it was a forced thing like compulsion is. He roared at him and Mason spoke up instantly. Like he'd been caught in a lie by his father. When I asked Zach about he just said he was an alpha."

Stefan began mulling it over. "I don't know. Maybe after the Katherine mess is completely cleaned up we can have a real conversation with him. From what he and you have told me he's as in the dark as we are. But now, after the stunt with Mason we may need to revisit that. Unknown abilities are not good for An ally or enemy."

I nod. I was thinking the same thing. "There was something else. At the ball, Jeremy said he watched Zach take away Elena's pain. Saw physical matter running up his arm like veins."

Stefan again thought about it, but he didn't get a chance to respond when we arrived in a clearing that Zach had sent the address to.

We step out and begin getting the weapons ready when I hear rustling. I shoot the wooden stake out of the crossbow only to see red eyes become visible in the tree line.

The stake is thrown back into my hand. "Agh" I cry out in pain.

Out walks Zach, "I told you, don't do that shit. Good to see you two. Let's go. There's three of them in there."

I nod. "What's the plan?"

Zach turns on his eyes again, "leave the guy in the suit to me. If I need help I'll call. The two of you grab your girl." He says before blurring away with the stake he'd stabbed into my hand.

"Let's go. You not gonna chicken out?"

"What do you mean?" Stefan asks.

"Well these people have been chasing Katherine. Which puts them at 500 plus years old and strong. We may not make it out."

"I can't think of a better way to die." Stefan replies.

"Enough you two. No more epic teen drama shit. Let's just go kill these people. I'm tired and looking forward to riding in a car on the way back."



I kick the door open and it flies into the wall. I hear Elijah's voice ask, "who else is here?"

"I don't know," said what I assume to be rose given she sounds like she's crying.

Damon and Stefan race past me and begin blurring around. I stand in front of the Open door waiting as the approaching footsteps get closer.

Down walks Elijah with elena in tow. "Hello. And who might you be?" The original asks me.

"Zach. A pleasure Mr. Mikaelson. Unfortunately we find ourselves at odds this time." I say igniting my eyes as I see Stefan take elena quickly while Elijah's attention was on me.

In a second the original is in front of me grabbing my head to snap my neck.

My fangs come flying out as I bite at the hand on my left side. That gets him to let go with that hand. I use this time to slash him with my claws through the rib area of the arm still on my head.

In response he punched me in the face and tossed me through the decaying wall of the abandoned house we were in.

"It's been some time since someone had the courage to stand up to me face to face. That is a trait I admire. Zach, I shall remember your death." Elijah says grabbing my head and bringing me back into the front room.

Just as my neck is about to snap Damon comes in with the big makeshift stake and stabs Elijah Into the wall just like the series.

I cough the drywall out of my lungs and look up thankfully at Damon. "I appreciate the help."

The older Salvatore looks at me, "You kept eyes on elena when you didn't have to." He said trying to act cool. "But I wouldn't want to lose my wolf just yet." He said.

While I'm chuckling I see that Rose has disappeared just like the series. I see elena and Stefan making their way down the stairs.

"Thank you Zach." Stefan says.

I wave him off. "No need. But that dude," I point to the pinned up original, "is strong."

"Was strong." Damon corrected. I decided not to tell them. To many questions are not a good thing. A few mysteries here and there are okay. But nothing like that.

"Can we go home now? I'm fucking tired." I say.

Damon nods and we begin to walk after elena and Stefan.

I'm glad I can relax. I need to think about how to better prepare for the originals next time I meet one. I was close to dying. Need to be more cautious.


Authors note: made this a Zach centric chapter. Let me explain his loss to Elijah, a werewolf is not going to be as strong as a 1,000 year old original. I want him to have some struggle. Some adversity.

If he wins all the time I won't enjoy writing it. Sorry. Have a good night guys. Tomorrow we get back at it.